The Sunday Post #366 | July 14, 2024


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.


I seem to managing a Sunday Post every three weeks these days. I pop in when I have time and feel like I have something to share. Otherwise... 🤷

It was a four day work week for me since I had planned to take Monday off. My husband had an appointment that I wanted to go to with him. All positive news so that made for a great day. There was a major storm on the way home from the appointment (it was about 30-40 minutes away) - thunder, lightning, torrential downpour. On the drive there the temperature was 99℉ (37℃), but once the storm hit the temperature dropped twenty degrees! It didn't last, of course. Once the storm passed the temp climbed right back up almost 100, but it was crazy to see it drop so quickly.

My younger sister had Covid two weeks ago and is still feeling pretty lousy. Yesterday morning I did a quick grocery run, came home and cooked two dinners for her (and her family), packaged it all up and dropped it at her front door. I'd been offering for over a week to bring dinner but she kept saying no. I finally decided to do it anyway and she called me later to say it was just what she needed. Sometimes people need a helping hand no matter how much they protest. 

I was sad to see that Richard Simmons passed away yesterday. I always liked him. He was so upbeat and positive and genuinely wanted to help others. Such a sweet man.

This week's throwback song is Let's Groove (1981) by Earth, Wind & Fire. Makes me want to put on my roller skates again (except I haven't skated in 40+ years and would probably break or sprain my entire body LOL). Enjoy!


Wednesday, July 10

Thursday, July 11




This covers the last three weeks.

Kindle: Forgotten Desires by Corinne Michaels - 4.25★
Audio: Home is Where the Bodies Are by Jeneva Rose - 3.5★
Audio: The Never King by Nikki St. Crowe - 3.75★
Audio: The Dark One by Nikki St. Crowe - 3.5★
Kindle: The Outlaw Noble Salt by Amy Harmon - 5★
Audio: Practice Makes Perfect by Sarah Adams - 3.5★
eARC: Slow Dance by Rainbow Rowell - 4.25★



Kindle/Audio: The Feud by Sawyer Bennett
eARC: Five Brothers by Penelope Douglas


Loving this special edition of Obsidian! Hardcover, sprayed edges, and bonus content. 😍




  1. The weather has definitely been inhospitable. Looking at average temps for NJ, it's not usual other than the number of days in a row of 90+. Twenty degree drop is amazing even if it only lasted a short while. I didn't know Richard Simmons passed. I just saw that Dr. Ruth did. Losing all those old icons.

    1. Sam - So many icons lost last week! Shelley Duvall, Richard Simmons, Dr. Ruth, Shannen Doherty... a lot of loss.

  2. Glad your husband's appointment went well! I was so sad to hear of Richard Simmons passing-his energy and attitude were delightful. Hopefully the heat isn't too oppressive for you this week.

    1. Samantha - Hopefully we can both fin some relief from the heat this week!

  3. I've now got that song in my head, lol. Glad to hear the news from your husband's doctor appointment was good. We had some crazy storms last night actually. That was nice of you to make the food for your sister. Like you say sometimes we have to just go ahead and help even when they say they don't want/need it. Hope you have a good week and your heat isn't as bad again, although I know it's July so that's a small possibility.

    1. Lisa - You speak the truth. lol July and August in FL are going to miserable. There's no escape from the heat.

  4. That is sad about Richard Simmons. Yay for positive news! That's great your sister has you. I have heard of a LOT more people getting COVID right now and the epidemiologists I follow say this version will be more severe. July / August are always hot so we just have to hang in there. This year is the worst though. Stay cool!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Anne - Covid cases are definitely on the rise again. But it's not something that is going to go away completely so I just do the best I can. I'm so looking forward to cooler weather in the fall!

  5. That's great that you cooked for your sister! And yes, sometimes people don't want to bother us. Also I am glad that your husband had great news for his health. What a relief that must be! Have a great week Tanya.

    1. Sophie - So many of us find it so hard to ask for help. Sometimes we just have to go ahead and give it.

  6. I hope your sister starts feeling better soon! Having just come back from a long break, I think it's great you are only posting when you have the need.

    1. Thanks Jen! I refuse to stress over blogging or make it a chore. I post when I can and when I feel like it - that's good enough for me. :)

  7. Those temperatures are brutal! And what a contrast to suddenly have the 20 degree drop like that... I hope the coming week is cooler. So sorry to hear that your sister is still struggling. And go you for making her some food. That's sisterpower in action:)). I hope the coming week is a good one, Tanya:)).

    1. Thanks Sarah! My sister's reaction to something as simple as having a few meals dropped off made me wish I'd done it sooner. Gotta look out for my sisters. :)

  8. I'm glad you got good news at your husband's appointment. Sorry to hear your younger sister is still dealing with COVID. I was sad to hear about Richard Simmons as well. I watched the episode of WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY with him as a memorial and it made me laugh remember that he loved making people smile.

    I hope you have a great week!

    My Sunday Post

    1. Thanks Jenni. Richard Simmons was such a character. Always so positive. And you're right, he made a lot of people smile.

  9. It was so nice of you to help out your sister even though she said she didn't need it. It's crazy how hard it can be to ask for help (or even accept it when offered)!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Thanks Nicole! Why is it so hard to ask our friends (or family) for help I wonder??

  10. I hope your sister feels better soon! I'm sad about Richard Simmons. My mom did his workouts when I was a kid. He was hilarious.

    1. Thanks Aj! My sister is slowly improving. I just think it's going to take a while to get any strength or stamina back.

  11. Glad that your husband is doing well.

  12. That last quote is so funny...I definitely need a summer 'mister' following me around. I really don't like 100+ days. I hope your sister is feeling better soon and that you have a good week. :D

    1. Lark - Yes! A personal mister would be so helpful on those super hot days. LOL

  13. We've had quite the crazy week with Hurricane Beryl sweeping right through our town. Thankfully our damage was pretty minimal, but I feel for my neighbors who weren't as lucky. The worst part...we had no power for almost a week!

    1. Ethan - Glad the damage wasn't too bad, but no power for a week sounds miserable!

  14. Love that meme! LOL! I was sad to see that Richard Simmons passed. Hope your sister is feeling better. My daughter just got it a couple weeks ago, but fortunately it was a mild case. Yay for good news for your hubby!!

    1. Alison - Glad your daughter wasn't hit too hard with it!

  15. It has been a couple of months since I got a Sunday Post up. My timing hasn't been great lately. That's so sweet of you for helping out your sister. I'm not great at accepting help because usually I CAN take care of whatever it is but sometimes it is nice to not have to. I hope she starts feeling better soon. Hope you're having a great week and fantastic reading!

    1. Katherine - I figure at some point we all need a helping hand. But most of us refuse to ask for it, for some reason.
