The Sunday Post #33

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

It's been a good week... busy at the office, but still good. The Husband and I went to see The Girl on the Train last week. He'd read the book and I hadn't so I didn't sit there and pick it apart while watching it. :) Although he did say it was a pretty faithful adaptation. It was a dark one and definitely kept me guessing. Today we have tickets for a special showing of The Princess Bride. It's one of my favorite comedies ever and it will be so much fun to see it on the big screen again after all these years (how can that movie be 29 years old?!). So what's your favorite line from The Princess Bride? Everyone seems to have a couple they can always quote. Personally, I love the Impressive Clergyman: "Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam..." Love it! :)

Monday, October 31: On Moday I shared the October discussion topic for the #ShelfLove Challenge (I just squeaked it in there while it was still October). October was all about sharing our bookish gift wishlist and I went big. Did you see the pics of reading rooms I shared? Heavenly!

Tuesday, November 1: Renita Pizzitola's Just a Kiss trilogy includes some of my favorite new adult reads so I was excited about the first book in her spin-off series. Addicted to You was... okay, but I definitely had some issues with it. 

Wednesday, November 2: Did you see Wednesday's Best In Books post? I shared all my favorites from October including best surprise, best quote and best laugh. 

Friday, November 4: On Friday I shared my review (aka Gush Fest) of a Court of Mist and Fury. It's super rare that I rate a book 5 stars. I save those 5 stars for truly excellent books that are unforgettable or completely captivate me or bring on all the feels.  ACOMAF was all of that!


A Thousand Boy Kisses - Tillie Cole
Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood (Audio) - Ann Brashares
Welcome Home for Christmas - Annie Rains

Your Inescapable Love - Layla Hagen
Sisterhood Everlasting (Audio) - Ann Brashares


November 28, 2016
Fire in You - Jennifer L. Armentrout
January 31, 2017
By Your Side - Kasie West
April 18, 2017
Fireworks - Katie Cotugo

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
You know I want to hear about it! :)


  1. I haven't read The Girl on the Train either but the movie looks like a great thriller! and The Princess Bride is totally one of my favorite 80's movies! I introduced it to my (now 13 year old) daughter about a year ago. She was less than impressed. Boo! New Sunday Post visitor. Enjoy your week and your new books! Fire In You looks tasty!!

    Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

    1. Oh no, your daughter not "getting" The Princess Bride had to be a heartbreaker. LOL Maybe one day... :) So glad you stopped by, Holly!

  2. I still need to see The Girl on the Train. By Your Side and Fireworks are two I am looking forward to. Hope you enjoy them! Have a great week!!

    1. Thanks Grace! I was actually surprised I was approved for By Your Side and Fireworks. I don't always have the best luck with Edelweiss. I'm excited for them both, especially By Your Side since I enjoyed P.S. I Like You so much recently.

  3. I haven't read the Girl on the Train but I want to read it before I see the movie. I've heard a lot of good things about both of them. I will admit that I'm not a huge fan of The Princess Bride. I know, I know. My husband doesn't understand it either. I do like Robin Hood: Men in Tights though... does that count? I mean, it has the same actor? LoL

    1. I rarely read mystery/thrillers so I wasn't concerned about reading The Girl on the Train before seeing the movie. But that's rare - usually I *have* to read the book first. I think Princess Bride is just one of those movies you either love it or it does nothing for you. I happen to love it but there many others that I just don't get. Like, Animal House, the Blues Brothers, Dumb & Dumber, etc. I've actually never seen Robin Hood: Men in Tights! Maybe I need to give it a try. :)

  4. I love The Princess Bride. "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." Lol

    Hope you have a great week.~Aleen

    1. LOL That's one of my favorite lines, Aleen! Such a classic. :)
      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  5. The Princess Bride! So fun... I think I like the scene where Westley and Inigo have their little duel. Fun repartee. And Fezzik... some of his moments. I haven't seen the Woman on the Train yet but i really want to!

    1. Yes! That's one of my favorite scenes, Greg. Their banter is so great.

  6. Oooh! I need to rewatch the Princess Bride sometime!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  7. I ADORE the Princess Bride. I have a sign in my office that says "Hello. My name is Indigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die". But I also love the rhyming Fezzik does.
    No more rhymes now I mean it.
    Does anybody want a peanut?

    1. Yay, another Princess Bride fan! :) I love that you have that sign up in your office. It was so much fun seeing it on the big screen again. And half the audience was reciting all the favorite lines. LOL

  8. I read The Girl on the Train right before I saw the movie. It wasn't bad - the book or the movie - but I didn't LOVE either of them. That's good you were able to enjoy the film though without picking it apart. :) Have fun seeing The Princess Bride on the big screen. I love when I can see an older film in theaters. It's just fun!


    1. I didn't have a lot of interest in reading The Girl on the Train (just not a genre I love). And I didn't *love* the movie but it was still entertaining. The Princess Bride was loads of fun. :)

  9. OMG.OMG. SO MANY GOOD BOOKS!! You definitely have me anxious to try out Renita Pizzitola's Just a Kiss YAASS! I can't wait to try it and see how it is!!♡♡ Also, I still have to read/ watch The girl on the train ♡ I know it's going to be GOOOODDD

    1. Just a Kiss was okay but Pizzitola's previous three books are so much better! I didn't have much interest in reading The Girl on the Train but the movie was pretty trippy!

  10. Great haul! And the Princess Bride on the big screen?! Awesome! I still need to see Girl on the Train - I read the book but I'm curious about the adaptation!

    1. Princess Bride on the big screen was so awesome - and so much fun to see it with a crowd. I had nothing to compare The Girl on the Train to, but the husband said it was really faithful to the book.

  11. Can't WAIT to see what you think of By Your Side! I haven't picked up a copy yet but I was planning on buying it soon (possibly an e version) so I could start it. West is one of my favorites. I might hold off on buying it until I read your review though, now that I know you are planning on reading it! None of my friends have read it yet.
    Can you believe I've never actually read the book version of the Princess Bride?! The movie is one of my favorites and I even own a copy of the book but i've never gotten around to finishing it! I think it's actually marked as "currently reading" on my goodreads board right now!
    Have a good week Tanya!
    Emily @

    1. If you wait on me for By Your Side you might be waiting longer than you want! LOL I tend to hold my ARC reviews until the week of publication so that one won't be until late January. I've never understood reviewing a book that isn't available for 3 months (or however long). It's like, "Here's this great book! But you can't get it anytime soon. Have fun waiting forever!" LOL

      I've never read the book The Princess Bride either! And what's really bad is that a couple Christmases ago my husband bought me a special edition of the book, knowing how much I love the movie. It was such a thoughtful gift... and yet I still haven't read it. Bad Tanya! :)

  12. I still don't know why I have not read a Court of Mist and Fury, like what is my problem??

  13. Jealous you have Fire in You. Two more weeks to wait... impatiently.
    I was rereading Jax last night because obviously.

    1. I just finished Stay With Me last night. OMG... Jax. Swoon! He doesn't top Cam for me but he sure runs a close second. Love him! I'm trying to get caught up on the series before I start Fire In You but I think I'm going to run out of time.
