Blogoversary Giveaway: Girl Plus Books Turns 2!

Confession time: 
I totally forgot my blogoversary (blogoversary? blogiversery? who knows - it's a made up word so we can spell it any way we want) until I saw it mentioned by Nicole at Feed Your Fiction Addiction. Oops! How did that slip past me? Apparently quite easily because I forgot it last year, too. :)

It's not getting skipped this year, though! I'm proud of the last two years. I love the friends I've made in the book community. I appreciate the comments and the conversations. I love my little corner of the interwebs. So to say thank you - for the followers, for the comments, for the friendships, for the support, for the recommendations, for the shared love of books and reading - I'm having a giveaway!

Before I go, just know that you're appreciated. I appreciate you reading my posts. I appreciate your comments - when you agree with something I've said and when you offer a differing opinion. I appreciate those of you who have answered my questions along the way. And those of you who have become friends that I keep in touch with.

And now for the good stuff!
(Please review my giveaway policy before entering.)


  1. Happy Blogoversary!!!! You are two years like me - hasn't it flow by!! Here is to many more!!

    1. Thanks Grace! And yes the 2 years has definitely flown by!

  2. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU TANYA! I swear these things slip by so unexpectedly!

  3. i forgot put .com on my email sorry

  4. Happy Blogiversary/Blogaversary/Blogeversary!!! LOL ~Aleen

  5. Happy Blogaversary!! I know another blogger that was reminded about theirs by Nicole's posts! haha Congrats on two years. That's so awesome.


    1. Thank goodness for Nicole and her reminders! LOL Thanks Lauren!

  6. Congratulations! Here's to many more years!
    Sam @ WLABB

  7. Happy blogoversary!!! Yay for two years, and here's to many more!

  8. Happy Blogoversary, Tanya! Two years goes by quickly, doesn't it? Here's to many more years in the blogosphere! I'm glad you're here and that we found each other. :D

    1. Thank you, Brandee! And I feel the same way... I'm so happy to have connected with you! :)

  9. Happy Blogoversary, Tanya! Here's to many more years <3
    Thanks for the giveaway :)

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

  10. Happy, happy, happy blogoversary!!! I'm so glad I could remind you. LOL!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  11. Congratulations on two years, Tanya! That's awesome!

  12. Congratulations!!! Amazing. I love your blog. :)

  13. Congrats! Blogging takes a lot of dedication. Keep up the great work.

  14. WooHoo! Happy blogoversary friend! So happy to have met you and become bosom buddies. You the best! <3 <3 <3

    1. Thanks Brittany! One of the best side effects of blogging has been meeting YOU! *smooches*
