The Sunday Post #48

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

Apparently Mother Nature grew very tired of my moaning about the lack of winter. She gifted me with two days of record-breaking cold this past week. So, Florida winter... check. I do believe that's all we're going to get. So yeah, thanks for that.

Yesterday The Husband and I were at the SEC Gymnastics Championship. I've always loved women's gymnastics and when I heard the Championship was being held here this year I nabbed our tickets immediately. We stayed for both sessions (which meant we were there for 6+ hours) but it was so great to see. Florida was the reigning champ but sadly they came in second this year. The ladies from LSU were killing it on every event - so Geaux Tigers! 

Tuesday, March 14
Top Ten Tuesday:

Wednesday, March 15 
#ShelfLove Quarterly Topic (March):
Oldest Unread Books on My Shelf

Eleanor & Park (Audio Re-Read) - Rainbow Rowell
The Elite (The Selection #2) - Kiera Cass
The Guard (The Selection #2.5) - Kiera Cass

The Upside of Unrequited - Becky Albertalli
Written in Red (AUDIO) - Anne Bishop

I was ridiculously excited to get approved for this one
 since Abbi Glines is a long-time favorite.

After the Game (The Field Party #3) - Abbi Glines


How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
You know I want to hear about it! :)


  1. Well, you can have some of our heat from TX. I'm so annoyed with this weather and I still can't believe Spring starts tomorrow!

    Have fun reading those books, they look good. :) ~Aleen

    1. I've got all the heat I can handle! It's been in the 80's this week and I'm already over it. If it's like this in March, it's going to be a looog summer. *sigh*

  2. It snowed here in South Carolina last week and I just can't seem to get over how it'll be so hot one week and then extremely cold the next lol anyway great post and I definitely want to know what you think of The Upside of Unrequited.

    1. Hasn't this winter been just crazy? Unseasonable warm and then some random crazy cold days. So weird! I just finished The Upside of Unrequited yesterday and loved it! I'll have a review posted closer to the release date but I enjoyed it so, so much.

  3. The gymnastics event sounds fun. I love watching gymnastics! :)

  4. I would love to see a gymnastics meet live. That sounds like so much fun. I loved Eleanor and Park. Hope you did too. Congrats on getting Abbi Glines for review. Have a great week!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

    1. It was so much fun getting to see it live, Sandy! Eleanor & Park is such a favorite. It was my first by Rowell and is still my favorite. I reread (book or audio) it every year. :)

  5. It is cold here. I'm over it and I want all the snow on the ground to melt. Yay for the gymnastics!! That must have been fun. Can't wait to see what You think of The Upside of Unrequited. Happy reading and have a great week!!

    1. Don't we always want what we don't have? LOL It was over 80 degrees here several days this week and I was desperate for colder temps. *sigh* Getting the see the gymnastics event live was awesome! And I loved The Upside of Unrequited! Almost as much as Simon Vs. (which is really saying something). I'll have a review posted closer to the release date but I truly loved it.

  6. My daughter was a gymnast, so we used to go to lots of meets, but they were typically the lower level ones---I've seen a few of the big meets and they're amazing to watch!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I loved getting to see it live! It was also impressive to think that these girls are full time college students, maintain a certain GPA to be eligible, train and compete, and some were even recognized for various community service involvement. Some really remarkable young women!

  7. THANKS FOR THE SNOW TANYA! :p It was so dumb that we had the blizzard seven days ago, today is a high of 52 and thunderstorming. Mother Nature is not to be messed with.

    I do hope you're loving The Upside!

    1. Has this been the craziest winter or what?! A few days ago it was in the 80's. Today it's back into the 60's. I think Mother Nature is drunk. LOL

      I finished The Upside of Unrequited and loved it! Almost as much as Simon Vs. I found it so, so relatable and just loved the main characters. I'll have a review up closer to the release date but suffice it to say that I loved it. :)

  8. I haven't watched gymnastics in a long while but I love gymnastics! :) I'm betting we watched and had some of the same gymnasts. ;) And I'm sorry you only had a few short days of cold...or maybe I'm not? Maybe you're glad "winter" is over?? LOL I'm hoping for more snow and it's in the forecast for later this week. *fingers crossed* I'm envious you're listening to Written in Red...that's a series I've wanted to read for a long time. Hope you're enjoying it! And I hope you're having a great week so far! :D

    1. I bet we did, Brandee! As a kid I was in love with Nadia Comenci. Actually it bordered on obsession. LOL And during the '96 Olympics I was cheering on the Magnificent Seven. (Fun fact: I was at Shannon Miller's wedding!) I hope you're getting your snow this week! It's "only" in the 60's today but it was in the 80's earlier this week. *sigh* I'm headed to NC tomorrow so my fingers are crossed for some cooler temps! I am enjoying Written in Red SO MUCH! It's kinda-sorta been on my radar for a while but I've never even picked it up. Last week I was browsing Overdrive for a new audio book and I happened upon that one. I am so happy I gave it a try because it's so good! I'm loving both the story and the narration. I'll definitely be continuing with the series!
