Top 5 Wednesday: Authors I Want to Read More From

Top 5 Wednesday was created by Lainey at GingerReadsLainey.
Click HERE for a complete list of participants and future topics.
I love this week's topic! Because there are several authors that I really want to read more from. I've read one or two books from them, loved what I read, and now want to gobble up their entire backlist. Here are my Top 5 picks.
*Note: The title of this post has me about to break out in hives. It feels all kinds of wrong to end with a preposition (horrors!) but I couldn't think of a better way to phrase it without sounding overly formal. Just know that if it's bugging you, it's bugging me, too.

One True Loves was one of my favorites of 2016. I was hooked from the first page and fell in love with Reid's story telling. Now I'm ready to read everything she's written. Thankfully, I already have several on my shelves just ready and waiting - Maybe in Another Life, After I Do, and Forever Interrupted.
I downloaded the audio book of Rule on a whim and then proceeded to listen to the entire Marked Men series. While I wouldn't necessarily call them favorites, they were truly good entertainment. Enough so that I definitely want to read more from Crownover. I hope to start the Saints of Denver series soon.

From Sand to Ash was my first read of 2017 and my first 5 star read of 2017. Harmon created something truly special with that novel - totally immersive and incredibly emotional. I'll be reading Making Faces from her very soon and I'm expecting all the feels.

Last summer I received an ARC for Swear on This Life by Carlino and loved it. Before the year was up I picked up Before We Were Strangers and my love for Renee Carlino was a done deal. Now I can't wait to inhale everything she's written. Luckily I have a couple on my shelf to dive into. 

When I finally read The Deal last year I remember kicking myself for putting it off as long as I did. And now I'm still kicking myself for not continuing the Off Campus series, or anything else by Elle Kennedy (well, with the exception of her collabs with Sarina Bowen, Him and Us). I'm dying to read the rest of the Off Campus series and anything else Elle Kennedy writes.

What author do you want to read more from?


  1. YES YES YES! I, too, need to read more from Elle Kennedy and Amy Harmon! This is an awesome list!

    1. It always comes back to the same problem, Eva - too many books and too little time.

  2. I am such a super fan of Kennedy and Crownover. Crownover really surprised me with the point series. It was a lot more gritty than my normal reads, but I loved it. I really want to try a Reid book, but when I read the synopses, they seem a little sad. I am not good at sad.
    Sam @ WLABB

    1. The one book I've read by Taylor Jenkins Reid was sad but ultimately it ended well. I don't mind a book ripping my heart out... as long as there's a happier ending. :)

  3. I'm totally looking out for more Amanda Quick stories. :) ~Aleen

  4. LOVE this list! TJR is the best. I have Forever, Interrupted to get to then her new one. AMy Harmon I have loved for years now. She is amazing. Renee Carlino had my top read of 2015 with Before We Were Stragers. Elle Kennedy is awesome. I am almost doen with the Off Campus series and it is so good!!

    1. I can't believe I *still* haven't read any TJR since One True Loves. Did you get an arc of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo? I got denied (*sniff sniff* LOL) so I'll have to hold out until next month for that one.

  5. This is honestly my first time hearing about these authors!

    1. Oh my goodness, they are all so good (in different ways), Amber.

  6. I need to find more time to read! Thank you so much for sharing this list!

  7. Okay, so I'm not familiar with there authors either. Thanks for the tips!
    Jen @ YA Romantics

  8. I really liked Making Faces. I'm saving the review for June when summer stars. You know.. summer.. romance. I hope you enjoy it too!

    1. I'm *hoping* to get to Making Faces this month. Can't wait to read your review of it!

  9. I want to read more by Renee too - I've only read Swear On This Life but I loved it! I also need to read Taylor Jenkins Reed - I haven't read anything by her yet.

