Top Ten Tuesday: Well Aren't You Special! (Most Unique Books I've Read)

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme 

This week's Top Ten Tuesday theme is all about unique books. 

Here are my picks for some of the most unique books I've read. 
Bring on the special snowflakes!

1. Stolen | Lucy Christopher - This one is told in second person point of view, via letters from the main character to her captor. 

2. Every Day | David Levithan - The book features a main character without a body and without gender. Simply referred to as A, every day brings a different body and a different life.

3. I Am Princess X | Cherie Priest - Part narrative, part graphic novel/comic, I Am Princess X provided a unique storytelling technique.

4. Confess | Colleen Hoover - The inclusion of original artwork made for such a rich reading experience. Instead of simply having a character that was an artist, Hoover teamed with artist Danny O'Connor to actually create art based on the confessions used in the book.

5. Shatter Me | Tahereh Mafi - Juliette's voice and the way her story was shared was totally unique. Journal entries and her inner dialogue included strikeouts that revealed her inner thoughts.

6. All the Ugly and Wonderful Things | Bryn Greenwood - The multiple POV's used in this book made for a story that was explored from every angle. Some POV's were recurring, some might have appeared only once, but every one of them added a valuable piece of the story. 

7. Everything Everything | Nicola Yoon - Notes from the main character, drawings, health logs, diary entries, IM's and more were perfect additions to this already unique story.

8. Never Never | Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher - Not only featuring two characters who suddenly have no memory of who they are but also told over the span of three novellas, Never Never was definitely different.

9. Saga | Brian K. Vaughn and Fiona Staples - This comic features stunning artwork but the truly unique aspect is that the story is narrated by the main characters' newborn daughter.

10. The Coldest Girl in Coldtown | Holly Black - After countless books featuring vampires who live in the shadows, abhor garlic and fear wooden stakes (or the kinder/gentler type who sparkle), Black's refreshing take on vampires who are out in the open, live in quarantined areas and are featured on live TV was totally unique. 

What's the most unique book you've read?  


  1. wow you have quite the list here. Definitely unique books. Never Never has been on my TBR for a while now and I just added Stolen,. Thanks for the recommendation! Looks good! I'm still on the fence with All the Ugly and Wonderful Things because it includes an inappropriate relationship with a minor with is usually a big no no for me, unless it is portrait as it is: a crime. I tried Every Day and Shatter Me and couldn't get through them :)

    1. Never Never was entertaining but didn't have a big "wow" ending like I was hoping/anticipating.Stolen was such an interesting read. Really thought provoking (I totally found myself empathizing with the kidnapper/abductor) and quite memorable. I think All the Ugly and Wonderful Things is a love it or hate kind of novel. I happened to love it but I know some had a problem with the subject matter. I really loved the Shatter Me trilogy but Every Day... nope. I finished it and was left wondering what the point was.

  2. I really want to read Every Day. I think it sounds so cool. I loved the artwork in Confess and all the tidbits in Everything Everything too. Man All the Ugly and Wonderful Things is such an amazing books and the POVs were a great part of that. Wondnerful list!

    1. Every Day is so popular but I was kind of... meh. I was left wondering what the whole point was. But it was definitely unique. LOL All the Ugly and Wonderful Things. Wow. Amazing is right. Will definitely be one of my favorites of the year.

  3. I've heard a lot about Every Day, and the Shatter Me books too (been very curious to try Tahereh Mafi's work).

    1. Tahereh Mafi definitely has a unique writing style. I really enjoyed the Shatter Me series, even if the world building was a bit lacking.

  4. Whoo hoo! So glad to see Every Day on your list. I tried to do this TTT, and that was the first book I thought of. So many awesome mixed format books. I always find the addition of artwork or changing to email, IM, text, etc makes the book more fun to read. I loved the audiobook for Shatter Me, because I thought the narrator interpreted Juliette's voice perfectly. Great list!
    Sam @ WLABB

    1. I have to say, I wasn't a huge fan of Every Day, but it was definitely unique! And I totally agree about the addition of texts, emails, artwork, etc in a book. I love that! Tell Me Three Things was a recent read that did that.

    2. Tell Me Three Things was one of my top 2016 reads. I went and read all Buxbaum's books after that, and they were all great.

  5. Great list. I need to read all the ugly and wonderful things soon! It keeps popping up!

    1. I'd love to see your thoughts on All the Ugly and Wonderful things, Olivia (if/when you read it). I'm curious as to what you would make of it.

  6. I so need to continue the Shatter Me series. It was such a surprising book for me. I also loved the Holly Black book. I also think you have several books I do have on my wishlist and I need to get to reading them. What a good list.

    1. Thanks Melissa. The Shatter Me series is definitely worth finishing. So many things that seemed to be real got twisted and I loved it. :)

  7. Replies
    1. I only read the first 2-3 volumes so I need to get caught up!

  8. I've only ever read Saga - well, up to Vol 5. I need to get on it! I LOVE unique books though.

    1. I need to get caught upon Saga, too! I think I stopped after Vol. 3.

  9. I still haven't read The Coldest Girl in Cold Town but I definitely want to. I don't know why it's taking me so long to read it!

    1. That one made a lasting impression on me. Not only for the unique take on vampires but also the characters. And that ending. I hope you'll enjoy it if/when you get around to reading it!

  10. I Am Princess X sounds really interesting. I put it on my TBR list. :) ~Aleen

    1. The unique format really caught my eye and it was a fun read! :)

  11. Great list! I really enjoyed The Coldest Girl in Coldtown. Confess and Every Day are both on my TBR list, but I have no clue when I will get to them. I've been working my way through Colleen's books and have really enjoyed them so far.

    1. I usually love stand-alones but The Coldest Girl in Coldtown is one that I've always wished had a sequel. That ending left me wanting more! Colleen Hoover is my favorite author... love her! Confess is so good. I've been watching the TV adaptation this week and have seen the first two episodes so far. Loving it! :)

  12. I should have added The Coldest Girl in Cold Town to my list this week. :)

    1. I loved The Coldest Girl in Coldtown. And I truly need more Gavriel. :)
