The Sunday Post #85

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

  • The past week has been insanely busy and I feel like I've been holding on by my fingertips and wanting off the wild ride. This is always a busy time of year at the office and add in the holidays... it can be a struggle to find the time to stop and enjoy the season. Does anyone feel the same way?

  • I barely got around to visiting any blogs and commenting all week (or even responding to comments here) but hopefully I can get caught up (at least a little) today.

  • My mom had quite a health scare this week which had the whole family worried. Thankfully she is going to be okay but it was a scary few days. I'm so glad she is retiring in a couple weeks. It's time.

  • We're having a blast of winter weather here and I am LOVING IT. Everyone else is bemoaning the cold and complaining. Meanwhile, I'm standing there with a big grin on my face like, "Isn't this the greatest?!" LOL

Tuesday, December 5
Top Ten Tuesday:
Bookish Settings I'd Love to Visit

Wednesday, December 6
Top 5 Wednesday:
Bookish Things That Make Me a Grinch

Thursday, December 7
Book Blitz + Giveaway:
Over Us, Over You by Whitney G.

Unfortunately the reading slump continues and I haven't cracked open a book in about 10 days now. I keep staring at my bookshelves and flipping through my Kindle but nothing grabs my interest. *Sigh* Be gone with you, reading slump!


Nothing... 😢  

Nothing... 😢

The Coppersmith Farmhouse - Devney Perry   

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
You know I want to hear about it! :)


  1. Glad somebody's excited about the cold weather---you can enjoy it for the rest of us! :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your mother, but I'm glad she's going to be fine - and enjoy the retirement she deserves. I hope you have some free time this week. I know how it's to have such a busy schedule and not being able to relax for a second.

    Hate reading slumps! Hope you get over yours soon.

    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. Thank you so much, Tania. I appreciate that.
      And, yes, I am so ready for this reading slump to be over!

  3. My husband hates the cold and the snow and I am loving it! I am sorry to hear about your mother, I do hope everything it better now. And I understand with everything going on and everything being so busy, it makes it hard to enjoy the holiday coming up. Sometimes I feel that I am just going through the motions of it, which it awful. I normally love this time of year. Hope you have wonderful week and enjoy that blast of winter. :)

    1. Same here! Totally going through the motions and just living from one to-do list to the next. Sad that it's become that way. Sure was more fun as a kid. LOL Here's hoping we both find time to slow down and enjoy.

  4. Yes, health scares with our parents freak me out because all the ifs and possible things it could be. Glad things are better! I use to be like you and loved the cold, now I rarely venture outside in the winter months it hurts too much. Hope this week is stress free and blissful!

    1. So true, Kim. I'm so lucky so be almost 50 and still have both my parents, but it's hard to watch them age and all that comes with that.

  5. I too love the cold and snow. I am the only one who feels that way around here though. Oh well! I enjoy it enough for everyone!
    Glad your mom is going to be okay. As my parents get older I am terrified something will happen. My mom is 70 and still working 60 hours a week. My dad has been medically retired for over 15 years and his health is poor. Its terrifying!!
    I hope your reading slump ends! Those are the worst!

    1. Sounds so similar, Samantha. My mom is 72 and still works full-time - most days on her feet. Thankfully, she's retiring at the end of the year. My dad is 78 and seems to be slowing down more and more. It really is frightening to come to terms with the fact that our parents won't always be here. :(

  6. I'm glad that your mom is doing okay. It can be scary to have something happen to your mom or dad.

    Here’s my Sunday Post !

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  7. I am sorry to hear your mom had a heath scare, but I am really glad she is ok. ((HUGS)) to you. You know you're busy, when you don't get to do any reading. I hope things settle down for you soon.

    1. Thanks so much, Sam. Definitely scary but so relieved that she will be okay. And I'm certain that's the main reason for the reading slump - just plain busy. So much going on that I'm just not finding the time for reading. And when I do have some down time, I don't feel like concentrating on anything. I just want to zone out.

  8. I swear looking at all these sunday posts, EVERYONE is busying out of their wits this month. Have a great week!

    And please remember to be careful with your health! Everyone is getting sick lately.

    1. So true, Anne! It's definitely a crazy busy time of year. Between work and home and the holidays... I am tired!

  9. Yes! The holidays are crazy. There’s never enough time to get everything done. I’m glad your mom is okay. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Never enough time seems to be my mantra right now. I'll be so happy when things settle back into a normal routine.

  10. Oh, I'm so glad that your mom is okay! Health scares are awful!!
    Boo to reading slumps! Hopefully when things calm down a bit at work (and i hope they will), the reading bug will hit again.


    1. Thanks Lauren. I'm feeling so relieved and so thankful!
      I'll definitely be happy when things calm down at the office. And they should in the next two weeks or so. So there is an end in sight! :)

  11. I'm so happy you're mom is alright, I know the added stress to that can be a killer! I'm sending positive vibes your way <3

    Reading slumps can be a killer. Have you checked out any of the audiobooks on audible? They've got a half off sale for hte entire site. Audiobooks help me get out of slumps because they do the heavy lifting.

    1. Thanks Amber. I appreciate that so much.
      I've been listening to a favorite audiobook off and on but even that doesn't seem to be doing it for me. I think I just have too much going on right now, I'll be so happy when things settle down!

  12. So many people have been moaning about the cold weather lately, it's good to see someone's excited ahaha. We don't get proper winter here- it's Sri Lanka after all, but I've been living vicariously through all the snow pics :D I'm sorry about your mom's health scare, Tanya! I hope she's okay <33
    You'll get out of that reading slump in good time- don't force yourself, that only makes things worse. Here's hoping this week is much better than the last! xx

    1. I definitely enjoy the cold! Probably because I get so little of it. LOL
      Thanks for the good wishes, Ruzaika. My mom seems to be doing much better.
      I so agree... you cannot force yourself out of a reading slump. It'll pass eventually. And then I'll be ready to read nonstop again. :)

  13. Sorry to hear about your Mom Tanya! but And glad to hear she'll be fine!

    haha you sound like my husband about the weather! :)

    I know what you mean about the Holidays! I never seem to manage to just slow down and enjoy the season. That's why every year I try harder to at least get all the shopping and wrapping done in November. BUT even though I'm doing it I still find it hard to relax! LOl smh!

    Good luck getting caught up with everything (life, blogging etc) this week! :)

    1. Thanks D. It was a scary couple of days.
      It's disheartening how the holidays become stressful because it seems like one long to-do list. Running here, running there, buying this, ordering that. And before you know it, it's over and you never even got to slow down and enjoy it. :( I really want to change that.

    2. I JUST read and then watched The Perks of being a Wallflower what in the movie they talk about where term cliffhanger came from and I remember I had read on your Sunday post that you were "holding on by my fingertips" AND had to ask you... I wonder if you heard of it? :)

    3. Yeah! I think I remember that from the movie! Wasn't it from a book series and one of the stories ended with a character literally hanging off a cliff? I'd totally forgotten that. :)

  14. Glad your mom is ok after the scare. I was just down in Florida and it was ok for the first few days then it got super chilly! We came home to snow so I can't complain being away for that part. Sorry you are in a slump :( Hope you pull out of it!

    1. Thanks Grace. Yeah, the weather here has been totally back and forth for the last two weeks or so. Warm then cold, warm then cold... even a tiny bit of snow last week in certain areas! :)

  15. I agree with you on the winter weather, we got some too and I'm loving it. The cold crisp air. I mean I may get tired of it very soon ha ha, but for now I'm good! And best wishes and prayers for your mom, I hope all is well and she is fine. Sending positive thoughts.

    It is crazy how fast December is flying by, you're not alone. It does feel like a crazy ride sometimes! Hope you are having a good week. :)

    1. I tend to not get tired of it... but then again I doubt I'm getting the kind of cold weather you're getting. LOL Thanks so much for the good wishes and kind words, Greg. I so appreciate it.

  16. I feel ya with the busy-ness of this time of year, Tanya, and I don't work outside my home. It seems like it gets crazier and crazier. We'll see if that holds true for holiday season 2019 when I have no kids at home. *sniff* I'm happy to hear your Mom is going to be okay. I'm sending posivibes your way. {{{hugs}}} As for winter weather...I'm sure you're enjoying it. I am as well. We got a little snow last week and even though it's been sunny here since, it hasn't gotten warm enough to melt it yet. AND I get to enjoy a warm fire. *sigh* Hope you're having a less stressful week so far!

    1. Can I just say that I always get a smile when I see a comment from you? :)

      Yeah, it's always such a busy time and I hate that it impacts my enjoyment of the holidays. You may not work outside the home but you have kids, so... If I added kids and their needs and their schedules to the mix I'd probably be in a corner rocking. LOL

      Snow and a fireplace sound so heavenly right now! Add a chai tea latte and a good book? Perfection! :)

  17. So sorry about your mother but glad to hear she is doing better. I hear you on blog hopping, I have the best of intentions but somehow always forget or never have enough time to hit all the blogs. Will try to do better <3

    1. Thanks Jessica. It's scary when something happens to our parents... no matter how old we get.
