Love, Simon: Movie Review

It's no secret that I adore Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda. Love it. LOVE. IT. I talk about it all the time, I recommend it, I use it in half my Top Ten Tuesday lists... it's one of those books for me. So naturally I have been slightly hyped (aka counting the days) until the movie released. The Husband and I saw the movie last night and I'm still so jazzed about the experience that I decided I needed to talk about it. 

Disclaimer: This is not a thoughtful, critical review. This is me gushing about a movie I loved based on a book I adored. You've been warned. :)

Spoiler alert: I loved this movie!

I first read Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda in 2016. And it became an instant favorite. One of my exceedingly rare 5 star reads. (Seriously y'all, me giving a book 5 stars is akin to seeing a leprechaun riding a rainbow-colored unicorn on February 31st.) Since then I've read the book multiple times (and I am not a re-reader) and I've lost track of how many times I've listened to the audio version. And yet, I've never written a review for the book. Simply put, I love it too much to review it. (But that's a discussion for another day.) Naturally, I was equal parts ecstatic and nervous when I heard about the movie. My mantra became: please don't screw it up, please don't screw it up. Well guess what: they didn't screw it up!

To try and keep this somewhat focused and avoid a flailing word vomit of emotion, I'm going to break this down .

Casting. In a word: perfection. Going in, I really only knew two of the actors - Nick Robinson (Simon) and Jennifer Garner (Simon's mom), both of whom I liked so it was a good start. But it was obvious from the start that all of the casting was spot-on. Katherine Langford (less cynical and moody than Book Leah), Jorge Lendeborg (fun-loving Nick) and Alexandra Shipp (the bubbly and exuberant Abby) totally embodied Simon's crew of best friends. Other stand-outs were Natasha Rothwell as drama teacher Ms. Albright (loved her!), Keiynan Lonsdale as Bram (what a cutie!), Logan Miller as Martin (exactly how I pictured Marty), and Josh Duhamel as Simon's dad. 

Plot/Faithfulness to Book. This is how to adapt a book to the big screen (I'm looking at you, Divergent series.) The powers that be managed to translate 303 pages of narrative into 1 hour and 49 minutes of screen time and still retain the charm and magic of the book. Yes, there were changes but most of them were minor (example: movie Simon has only one sister instead of two). A couple changes were a little more substantial (one concerning Leah that I'm not sure really needed to be changed) but none that altered the overall story line. I loved the progression of Simon's character as he dealt with his growing feelings for online crush Blue, his forced outing, coming out to his family, and the ensuing fall-out at school. Nick Robinson's performance was the perfect blend of humor and heart. I was totally invested as he ogled cute boys, laughed with his friends, laid his soul bare to Blue, faced bigotry and bullying head on, and showed courage with his willingness to be honest about who he was.

Music. I guess I'm showing my age and my total lack of knowledge of current music but I wasn't familiar with any of the songs/artists used in the film. (Well, except for the two "older" tunes from Whitney Houston and the Jackson 5. LOL)  But even so, the music added so much to the experience. A group called Bleachers was used heavily and several of the songs felt custom-made for Simon's story, my favorites being Wild Heart and Rollercoaster. Also included was music from The 1975, Troye Sivan, Kahlid, Haerts, and Amy Shark.

Favorite Moments. 
- The talk between Simon and his mom
- Both scenes with Ms. Albright
- The Simon/Martin confrontation in the parking lot
- Simon meeting Blue on the ferris wheel
- The Whitney Houston dance number (priceless!!)

Final Thoughts. Obviously, I loved this movie. I loved the casting and thought the actors brought the characters to life. There were laugh out loud moments and there were a couple times when I got teary. Most of all, I'm so just so happy that one of my favorite books was turned into a movie that kept the spirit of the book, all the sweetness and humor and emotion. And I already want to go see it again. 



  1. I’m so excited for this movie! I haven’t seen it, but I’m already fangirling.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I hope you'll love it, too, AJ! And maybe even share your thoughts. :)

  2. I haven't had the chance to see it yet (it only premiers on the 21st of JUNE here, and I cannot with the wait), BUT I'M ÃœBER-EXCITED FOR IT OMG. I'm soooo happy to see all the positive reviews, and, my god, it seems like a fantastic movie. Glad you loved it, Tanya.

    1. Oh no, not until June?! My goodness, what a wait. You'll be good and ready for it by then! And I'll be excited to hear what you think of it when the time comes!

  3. I am glad you liked the movie and it kept the essence of the book for you. The other 3 WLABBers went to see it. One of them read the book yesterday morning to prepare for the movie (I love that she can do such things).

    1. Oh my goodness, she read the entire book one morning before she saw the movie? I realize it's not exactly a hefty tome but still... is reading her superpower? LOL

  4. AHHHH I'M SO JEALOUS THAT YOU GOT TO WATCH THIS ALREADY!!! Curse my local movie theaters for taking a bajillion years to show this. T_T

    Anyway, I'm so happy that the casting and plot were spot-on! I'm really excited to see Simon's mom on the big screen, and yes, of course, THE FERRIS WHEEL SCENE!!! *screams* So glad you loved this, Tanya! <3

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

    1. I hope you don't have too long a wait, Aimee!!
      Jennifer Garner was so lovely as Simon's mom. Just so GOOD. Their talk got me all teary. And the ferris wheel scene when Blue is revealed... ahhhh!!!!! All the feels! :)

  5. I didn't read all of this because I want to watch the movie without being spoiler and I haven't even read the book but I'm so glad you loved it! The trailer looks amazing and my hopes are way high for it so fingers crossed.

    1. I was so nervous about the movie because of how much I adore the book, but the trailer was so promising and then it totally lived up to my expectations. Can't wait to hear what you think of it!

  6. Replies
    1. I hope you'll enjoy it, Erica! I plan on going back to see it next weekend (something I never do). :)

  7. Gah, I loved it SO MUCH!! I wanted to re-read it before seeing the movie but ran out of time, but that's all good. I still plan on reading it again before Leah on the Offbeat comes out. But from what I remember of the book - little details always escape me - they really did a great job adapting it and the actors were amazing. The dance number was hilarious and fantastic. And omg, Martin and Simon's confrontation was so emotional, but so well done. Loved it! And Simon and Blue. Just all the love. ALL THE LOVE!


    1. YAY!!!! I'm so glad you loved it, too! I agree, they did a totally great job of adapting the book. Obviously some things were left out since they can't put everything in a 2 hour movie (like Leah and Nora being in the talent show, or Simon, Abby and Nick going into the city). The dance number... I was dying. LOL and the Simon-Martin confrontation... oh my gosh, I was crying. I plan on going to see it again this weekend. LOL

  8. "a flailing word vomit of emotion" bwahaha ::snort:: Glad you enjoyed yourself!

  9. Simon was one of my rare five-star reads too and the movie did it soo much justice! I LOVED EVERY PIECE OF IT. The casting was on point and I loved the relationships. I was SWOONING at the end.

    I loved all of the adults in the movie, especially the VP and Natasha Rothwell!

    1. Yes, yes, yes! Same here - loved every minute of it! :) The VP was great and Ms. Albright stole every scene she was in. Loved her. And that ending... gah!!!! ♥

  10. oh noooooo I gotta go get the kids a school! KIDS!!! UGH! Ok I'll be back with a proper comment ASAP!

    1. LOL Okay, okay, go get the kidlets. I'll wait... *taps toes impatiently*

  11. ok I AM BACK!!!! The little spawn are FINALLY sleeping and I WILL NOT LET ANYONE INTERRUPT ME AGAIN! HUMPH!

    So first.. who needs a thoughtful, critical review when we can get this shameless fangirling and wonderful display of emotions [vomiting and all] and you gushing about something you totally ADORE?? YES!

    Second: I think it is super cool that you were this hyped! It's kinda cute and all :)

    Third: HAHAHA I love your reviews are so funny! "Spoiler alert: I loved this movie!" "please don't screw it up, please don't screw it up. Well guess what: they didn't screw it up!" LOL LOL LOL

    Forth: Wait. Did you like Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda??? [HA I can be funny too see? :) ] I totally know what you mean by "I love it too much to review it." I have a handful of reviews that start with "how can I put in words how I feel right now" :)

    Fifth: wow Jennifer Garner is the mom??? where does time go??? [I feel like crying now!] Happy to hear the cast and the plot were JUST as you have pictured it!

    Sixth: that's what happens when you read books like divergent [lol sorry I HAD to say it xoxo]

    Seventh: I AM TOTALLY MAD AT THE SISTERCIDE! I wanted two sister JUST like the book! HUMPH!

    Eighth: I refuse to talk about the music ;-P

    Ninth: AWESOME REVIEW!!! Man! ARE YOU GONNA MAKE ME GO TO THE THEATER! I have a "only special effects blockbuster" policy for the movie theater!

    1. OMG, this comment is everything! LOL

      I'm so pleased I can entertain. Ha! I mean, seriously, isn't there enough doom and gloom and negativity around already? Why add to it? I choose to be happy, thank you very much. :)

      I'm mulling over a discussion post about books I like/love too much to review. It's semi-ridiculous but with some... I just can't. Gah!

      Oooh, a Divergent jab! Someone's feeling a little salty! Bahahaha!

      I know, I know! I totally missed Simon's older sister. I mean, I get they had to shave some stuff off, but she was such a cool character.

      Um, are we not talking about the music because I am hopelessly clueless and should hang my head in shame over my lack of knowledge? Or because you're just as clueless? ;-)

      Okay, I could continue this all day because #1 it's Simon and #2 it's YOU, but duty calls and I must go get ready for work. *sigh* But be consoled by the fact that you're in the running for Best Comment Ever! LOL

  12. I still need to read the book and watch the movie but I'm so looking forward to it! I think I'll need to take myself out on a movie date very soon, once my semester is wrapped up

    1. I hope you’ll enjoy both the book and the movie! I’ve actually gone back and seen the movie a second time - something I never do. It’s just that good. :)

  13. This has only *just* come out here (like, I think it's out today or tomorrow...) but I so wanna see it! XD

    1. Oh, I hope you get to see it soon, Cee! And that you love it just as much as I did!

    2. OMG, I just saw it yesterday! And argh!!!! The feels!!!!! My li'l Queer heart is happy! Lol <3

    3. Yay!!! I’m so glad you loved it, too!!! :)

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