The Sunday Post #99

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

  • For those that missed yesterday's review post, I saw Love, Simon on Friday and LOVED it.♥ If you've read the book, go see the movie. If you haven't read the book, go see the movie. Do you see a trend here? :)

  • Speaking of movies, anyone love 10 Things I Hate About You like I do? Remember Kat Stratford's gorgeous house on that big corner lot? Well, it's for sale and can be yours - for the bargain price of $1.6 million (USD). Brother, can you spare a dime?  
  • This recipe from Laura Vitale had me practically drooling this week. I love stuffed mushrooms and these, filled with Italian sausage and cheese (swoon), look sooo delicious. I would totally make these my dinner.

Tuesday, March 13
Top Ten Tuesday:
Books That Surprised Me

Friday, March 16
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Saturday, March 17
Movie Review:
Love, Simon


Half-Blood (Covenant #1) - Jennifer L. Armentrout
A re-read so I can continue with the series.

 Then She Was Gone - Lisa Jewell
Not very far into it but enjoying it.


Lots of fun but just took a surprisingly emotional turn.


Alphas Like Us (Like Us #3) - Krista & Becca Ritchie
The Return (Titan #1) - Jennifer L. Armentrout

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. I've read Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda but I'm pretty sure the movie isn't going to come my way, sadly :( I'll have to wait until the DVD comes out. Have a great week!

    1. That's too bad the movie won't show in your area, Maree. But hopefully you enjoyed the book. :)

  2. Love Simon does look good. I'd like to see it. I wouldn't mind seeing those mushrooms either lol- I agree, they look delicious! I'm really curious about Then She Was Gone, I've read a few Lisa Jewell books now and enjoyed them I may need to get that one too!

    1. Hope you'll enjoy Simon if you get around to seeing it, Greg. Oh my gosh, those mushrooms. I kept thinking I would make them this weekend but it never happened. Better luck next weekend. I'm enjoying Then She Was Gone so far. My theories are so ridiculous at this point. LOL

  3. I loved 10 Things and that house is epic. Your love for Simon is so precious. I have yet to see the film, but I second your recommendation that people read the book.

    1. LOL Thanks Sam. Simon was one of those rare books that just got to me. And as soon as I read it, it was an instant favorite.

  4. Yay glad you liked Simon!! I want to go next weekend. I am reading Then She Was Gone and am liking it so far too. Have a great week!

    1. Hope you get to see Simon next weekend, Grace.
      I'm only 25-30% into Then She Was Gone and my current theory is so off the wall it's ridiculous. LOL

  5. I ordered a copy of The Chalk Man. I had already read it, but I was so excited to own a copy! Unfortunately it showed up damaged because there was a screw in the box... Gr!

    1. That is so frustrating! Are you going to try and send it back for an exchange or just keep it. A brand new book that is damaged would drive me crazy.

  6. Ooh, those mushrooms do look great! But this weekend, we are having lasagna :) have a great week!

    1. I'd take lasagna over mushrooms any day! LOL I actually had lasagna last night, too, but mine was a pre-made version I picked up at Trader Joe's. I'm betting yours was much better. :)

  7. Holy Moly 1.6 million...Geez that's seems extreme. Lovely home tho. I hope you have a great week. Happy Reading!

    Mary #SundayRoundup #10

    1. Oh yeah, lovely home... but still, 1.6 million?! I'll just be admiring it from afar, thank you very much. :)

  8. I loved 10 Things I Hate About You! Wouldn't pay that for the house though...
    Enjoy the Covenant series! It's my JLA favourite series. Aiden and Alex rock and I love Seth, even though he is a very naughty boy. ;)

    1. LOL Same here, Nicola. Great movie... but I'll just admire the house that way.

      I'm so happy to hear you say that about the Covenant series! I feel like I don't see it mentioned a lot. (I know it's an older one, but still... ) I had to take a break to read an ARC but then I'm going to pick up Pure. Can't wait!

  9. Now I know what to buy if I hit the lottery! Then She Was Gone has a gorgeous cover. I look forward to your thoughts. I hope the upcoming week treats you well.

    1. You and me both, Kim! :) I'm enjoying Then She Was Gone. I keep coming up with all kinds of off the wall theories. Ha.

  10. I want to go and see Love Simon so badly! And that house is gorgeous, maybe I should start playing the lotto. Lol...

    1. LOL Yep, the lottery is what it would take for that house. I hope you get a chance to go see Love, Simon!

  11. Glad the movie was good! I saw that the 10 things house was up for sale and I have never wanted anything so much!! Sadly, it would be a bitch of a commute to work and well, I don't have 1.6 million dollars. Sigh. Oh well.

    1. The commute, the money... it's always something, isn't it? LOL

  12. I'm going to see Love, Simon Tuesday and then I'll come back and read your thoughts.

    I can't wait! And I rarely see book to movie adaptations.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Can't wait to hear what you think of it, Karen. I hope you'll love it!

  13. SIMON!! I love that quote at the end. I still need to read the Like Us series.


    1. That was one of my favorite quotes from the book. I made that graphic about 2 years ago when I first read the book. :)

  14. The stuffed mushroom made me drool. I'm gonna have to try that sometime!

    1. You and me both, Michelle! My dinner tonight was a bust so now I'm hungry and totally wishing I had those mushrooms. LOL

  15. Lisa Jewell is someone who I've been wanting to try forever but haven't gotten around to it yet. Where should I start with her in your opinion? Happy reading!

    1. I used to read Lisa Jewell years ago (10+ years) back when she wrote lighter fare. Back when British "chick lit" was a thing. :) Then she wrote some women's fiction and she's switched to mystery-suspense novels. This one I'm reading now - Then She Was Gone - is the first of her mystery novels I've read and so far so good. But previous favorites are: The Truth About Melody Browne, The Making of Us, and Vince and Joy. I hope you'll enjoy them if you decide to try one of her books!

  16. Gah, still super jealous that you already watched Love, Simon. T_T Annnd that you read so fast that you can even re-read books. I vaguely remember reading Half-Blood years ago but never got around to continuing the series?!

    1. I almost *never* reread. Like ever. But I make very rare exceptions and Simon is one of those. :)

  17. I LOVED LOVE, SIMON. I can't even tell you how many times I cried. And also, how did you come across that house? Haha.

    I need to continue the Royally series!

    1. Yes! I got teary and/or cried so many times. It was either tears or a big, goofy grin. LOL

      Ha! I saw The 10 Things I Hate About You house mentioned in an email form Entangled Publishing. If only I had a spare million. And wanted to move 3,000 miles away. :)

  18. If you hadn't read the book (Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda) you probably haven't paid a bit of attention to the movie. But it's still worth seeing. :)

  19. Replies
    1. Same here, Aleen! The movie just happened to be on TV last weekend and I caught a few minutes of it. :)

  20. Oh wow. That's really not TOO bad for the house seeing it was in the movies. I did love that one :)

    1. 10 Things is one of those movies that I can start watching at any point. If I see it's on, I plop right down and watch. So good.

  21. OI was writing this comment and [chimes] comes in your comment on my Sunday Post! and then I panic because I can't remember if I finish commenting on Simon! I loved that review but.. KIDS! [aka little creatures we bring to this world so they can interrupt our blogging with unimportant nuances like "mom! when are we gonna have dinner is midnight pffff]

    Those mushrooms! man! They look scrumptious!

    I AM IN AWE THAT YOU HAVE THE TIME TO REREAD! man you are awesome!

    1. Kids! Wanting stuff like food and shelter... pffft! How dare they?!

      Ha! My rereading skills are NOT awesome. Because me rereading is about as frequent as a total solar eclipse. But I make exception for a couple books - one being Simon and the others being the Him/Us duology. And those rereads are usually on audio. So don't be too impressed. LOL

  22. So glad to hear you loved Love, Simon, I've heard nothing but good things! And that quote is so cute! And how cool that a house from a movie is on sale. I'm not a fan of mushrooms though, so I don't think that recipe would be for me lol.

    1. I was so relieved that they did such a great job with the book to movie adaptation. Usually those are pretty big disappointments.

      No, I guess you wouldn't be a fan of the stuffed mushrooms. LOL
