The Sunday Post #98

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

  • Vacation has been booked and is 49 days away (not that I'm counting). A week of total R&R and poolside reading sure sounds good right now.

  • I was feeling a bit low this week (dealing with another health issue, though nothing serious) but then this happened. I truly love Winnie the Pooh (I even used one of his quotes for this week's Top Ten Tuesday) and having this to look forward to really lifted my spirits. :) 

Monday, March 5
Lake Silence by Anne Bishop

Tuesday, March 6
Top Ten Tuesday:
Favorite Book Quotes

Love and Other Words - Christina Lauren
Loved this one!!

 Half-Blood (Covenant #1) - Jennifer L. Armentrout
Re-reading so I can continue with the series.

The Great Alone - Kristin Hannah
So excited for this one - Kristin Hannah is a favorite!

The Smallest Part - Amy Harmon

I listened to all the previous books on audio so, even though I read the ARC of this one, I really want to experience it on audio as well.
Lovers Like Us (Like Us #2) - Krista & Becca Ritchie

Before and Again - Barbara Delinsky
It's been years since I read anything from Barbara Delinsky, 
but the synopsis of this one really captured my interest.

Where I would like to be right now... anyone care to join me?

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Three cheers for vacation! I get another yearly vacation of moving my kid from state to state. I am hoping 2019 will be the year I go on a real vacation again. I have been hearing about this Pooh movie. I never got to the movies, but it looks wonderful. Can't wait to hear what you think about the Amy Harmon book. I have my eye on that one.

    1. Hm, that doesn't sound like much of a vacation... but at least you'll be with your girl. :) I very rarely go to the theater (maybe twice a year) but I'll definitely be going to see Pooh. I'm excited for the new Amy Harmon. Her stories always make such an impact on me.

  2. Yay for a vacation. I LOVED Love and Other Words too. So good!! I need to get the new Amy Harmon book. Love that random. I would love to be there. Have a great week!

    1. Wasn't Love and Other Words wonderful?! Oh my goodness, those two kept breaking my heart - especially when I learned what happened on both sides.

  3. Oh my goodness!! That trailer for Christopher Robin!! I got a bit teary-eyed!

    1. Isn’t it just precious? Can’t wait to see the movie! :)

  4. Your vacation sounds wonderful. I would love to be pool side with a good book. :) Enjoy the new books and you week too.

  5. I can't wait to read Lake Silence myself. I hope it's as good as I hope it is. Lots of lovely books. I hope you have a good week in reading. I just got back in my home after a week of no power so I am behind in things. Have a good week. =)

    Mary #SundayRoundup #9

    1. Oh, I hope you’ll enjoy Lake Silence! I was worried when I learned it would be about all new characters but I ended up loving it. A week without power? Ack! Hope you’re able to get caught up this week!

  6. We just cancelled our fun in the sun. It was to celebrate 30 years of marriage, but two of our kiddos needed aid and well parents first right? I am hoping we manage a trip to Jersey to stay with family and get a chance to go to the beach. I loved Lake Silence. Pooh is a favorite. I had a Pooh Bear that was well loved. I will take Sophia to see the movie.

    1. Aw, sorry to hear you had to cancel your trip, KIm. I hope you’re about to make that beach trip happen. I’ve always loved Pooh. I don’t often go to the theater but I’ll definitely go for the Pooh movie. :)

  7. Oh my gosh that Random pic- does such a place exist lol? Looks very relaxing! And yay for vacation! Hope it's a great one! I think the Christopher Robin movie looks awesome, can't wait to see that one.

    LAke Silence is one I think I'm going to take the plunge. Even though it is set in a universe where there are previous books I'm just going to jump in and hope for the best I think. :) I keep seeing all the good reviews...

    1. I wish I actually knew where that pic was taken because that’s where I want to go! :) I hope you’ll enjoy Lake Silence, Greg! You really don’t need to read the other books first. Bishop does a great job of introducing the world so you’re not lost.

  8. Yay for being so close to vacation. Hang in there-it will be here before you know it! Enjoy your books!

    1. After dealing with one sickness after another (plus family health issues) I am so ready to get away! :)

  9. Oh my word I am also so excited for that Christopher Robin movie!!! It looks so cute and amazing and GAH I'm excited.

    Yay for the upcoming vacation! Nice you've got that to look forward to :)

    Oooh I'm joining you in that Random pic place ;) That looks incredible.

    Hope it's a good week, Tanya!

    1. I actually don’t go see a lot of movies (not like you! :) but I’ll definitely be seeing Christopher Robin. And I’m totally counting the days till vacation! LOL

  10. Oooh, I hope you're going somewhere nice on holiday? I'm so jealous, lol. I don't think (with the house buying) I'll get away anywhere this year. :(

    1. We’re staying here in Florida but heading down to one of our favorite resorts. A week of poolside reading is my idea of heaven! :) Sorry there won’t be a vacation this year, but home ownership isn’t a bad trade-off! :)

  11. Oh that random pic looks awesome. Yay for having a vacation coming up so soon. I'm jealous! LOL I LOVE Winnie the Pooh as well. :)


    1. I’m not counting down the days yet... but soon! LOL
      Pooh bear is the best! :)

  12. Woo hoo! Have fun on your vacation! (And, yes, I want to join you in that picture.) :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Thanks Nicole! I wish I knew where that pic was taken because I want to go there! :)

  13. Sorry you are not feeling your best. And YES I am there at the virutal pool with you. I have a stack of books all ready!
    Jen Ryland Reviews

    1. LOL Sounds like a plan, Jen! I’ll meet you poolside in Orlando next month. :)

  14. 48 days, 12 hours, 34 minutes, 2 seconds put.. who is counting right? ;-P IS THAT A PIC OF WHERE YOU ARE GOIN G??? I AM IN! I AM IN! I AM IN! I AM IN! ME take MEEEEE :)

    1. I WISH that was a pic of where I’m going! LOL If I knew where that was I’d be booking my flight now. And I’d pick you up on the way. :)

  15. I'm hoping to go away the end of April. Once we get the details I'll be counting down too lol

    Have a great week!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I think the planning is half the fun. :) And it sounds like we’ll both be away around the same time. What will the blog-verse do without us?! LOL

  16. I'm looking forward to seeing Christopher Robing too. :)

    That pool looks awesome of course I'll join you! LOL.

    Sorry for the health issue, but glad it wasn't bad. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Christopher Robin looks so adorably cute - I can’t wait!
      And that pool! I sure wish I knew where it was... I’d be making plans to go there! :)

  17. I seriously loved Love and Other Words. Hope you will, too! I had actually listened to all the previous books in The Others series on audio so it was kind of weird reading this latest one. LOL I totally enjoyed in but now I’m also listening to the audio. I’m just used to experiencing the series that way. :)

  18. Waiitttt where are you going for your vacation?!!

    1. This one is just our annual R&R trip. I didn't actually mention where we were going but it's Orlando. We don't do the theme parks - just a week at a resort, lounging by the pool, reading. *sigh* LOL

  19. YAYA FOR THE VACATION OMG!!! These 40-something days would sure fly and then you can relax and recharge and I hope it does you a world of good! Thanks for sharing that trailer- I somehow missed it and it just made my day! <33

    1. I just love having a vacation to look forward to! I think the anticipation is half the fun. :) And that trailer for Christopher Robin! I keep watching it over and over. LOL
