Review: Lake Silence by Anne Bishop

Lake Silence by Anne Bishop

Series: The Others #6

Genres: Urban Fantasy

Release Date: March 6, 2018

Format: eARC

Source: NetGalley & Berkley Publishing

Find it here: GoodReads | Amazon

Human laws do not apply in the territory controlled by the Others–vampires, shapeshifters, and paranormal beings even more deadly. And this is a fact that humans should never, ever forget . . .

After her divorce, Vicki DeVine took over a rustic resort near Lake Silence, in a human town that is not human controlled. Towns like Vicki’s have no distance from the Others, the dominant predators that rule most of the land and all of the water throughout the world. And when a place has no boundaries, you never really know what’s out there watching you.

Vicki was hoping to find a new career and a new life. But when her lodger, Aggie Crowe–one of the shapeshifting Others–discovers a dead body, Vicki finds trouble instead. The detectives want to pin the man’s death on her, despite the evidence that nothing human could have killed the victim. As Vicki and her friends search for answers, things get dangerous–and it’ll take everything they have to stay alive.

I have been eagerly awaiting this latest installment in The Others series and I'm happy to say that it did not disappoint!

In Lake Silence, Bishop leaves the Lakeside Courtyard and the residents I've come to know and love and sets this latest tale in the small village of Sproing. Human inhabited... but not human controlled. Surrounded by the Wild Country, where The Others have free rein, Sproing is now home to Vicki DeVine. Hoping to turn the property she received in her divorce settlement into a successful business, things take a turn when her lodger finds a dead body. And things certainly take off from there.

There's all new cast of characters in Lake Silence and Bishop spun her magic and made each one unique, quirky and full of personality. From Vicki, still struggling after years in an emotionally abusive marriage, to Wayne Grimshaw, the cop called in from a neighboring town who is quickly embroiled in the apparent murder, to Julian Farrow, a former cop now running a small bookshop and who has an uncanny sense about the area around him. There's the charming and almost childlike Aggie Crowgard, Vicki's lodger who quickly becomes an important part of the story and whose constant search for "shiny" was always amusing. 

And let's not forget The Others. Those seen - like Aggie, and like Ilya Sanguinati, Vicki's vampire attorney - and those unseen. Those that live in the wild, those that are heard or felt or even sensed. Bishop has a way of imparting just how lethal The Others truly are without ever making them the "bad guys." In fact, with their strong sense of right and wrong, their swift justice, and their loyalty to those who deserve it, it is most often the humans who show a lack of humanity and are doing the most harm.

I was thoroughly invested in Lake Silence. From the characters, to the mystery, to the world building, Bishop totally captured my imagination and kept me glued to my Kindle as the story unfolded. While Lake Silence can easily be read as a stand-alone, I highly recommend grabbing the previous books and immersing yourself fully in the world of The Others. Meanwhile, I'll be ready and waiting for the next book in this addictive series!


Do you enjoy urban fantasy?


  1. I'm so happy that you enjoyed this installment, Tanya. It made me a bit nervous that this book introduces a whole new set of characters since I'm just now falling for all the ones I've met so far in Lakeside but it seems Bishop has a talent for creating characters that are lovable. I'm now excited to meet Vicki and the Others. ;)

    1. Same here, Brandee. I grew *so* attached to the characters in the first five books. And I was really unsure about this new book. But I had nothing to worry about. This is a great new cast. :)

  2. I do like Urban Fantasy but I need to read more of it. I also need to read The Others series. I'm glad to hear you liked this first addition of the spin-off.


    1. I don't think I'd ever read UF before discovering this series last year. But seeing as I loved it so much, I should probably try to find more!

  3. I like the sound of this, and I hope I get to dive into this series this year, hopefully! I swear I need more time between books.

    1. This series totally surprised me. Urban fantasy isn't exactly my genre but I practically inhaled the first five books. And this newest one is a great continuation.

  4. I really need to get to The Others series. It has been on my TBR FOREVER. Glad you enjoyed this one!

    1. I picked up the first book on a whim last year and was HOOKED! I pretty much binge read the series (all on audio) and have been anxiously awaiting this latest one. It didn't disappoint!

  5. I love the cover of this one, it always makes me wonder what's going on in this book! Plus I've heard so many good things about the Others series. I'm actually tempted to just get it and read it, even though I know I should probably start at the beginning of the series for the full effect. IDK...

    1. This one can definitely stand alone, but obviously I recommend stating at the very beginning. :)

  6. I really want to read this one, but I have not read the first 5 and I feel like I really should :( maybe I'll start the next book after I finish one of my other TBR pile books.

    1. This one can stand on its own but I’ve loved the whole series so naturally I’d say start with Written in Red. :)

  7. I've got the first two in the original series to read so I'm glad to see that it is still going strong here and you're loving it.

    1. I love that there hasn’t been a weak book in the series. I hope you’ll enjoy the books if you decide to read them!

  8. I completely forgot to mention the Crowguard in my review, and they are my favorite part of the entire series! I really liked Aggie's character, too. Wayne and Julian weren't standouts for me, but I did enjoy their friendship.

    1. I love the Crowgard! Jenny from the earlier books was just priceless. :)

  9. I loved the first few The Others books but the series sort of sputtered out int he end for me so I'm not sure if I will read this one.

    It might be more of a mood thing though and when I'm in the right frame of mind again I'll try it.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Sorry to hear you didn’t enjoy the last books as much as the earlier ones. :( Hopefully this one will turn things around if you decide to read it.

  10. This one sounds really good! I haven't tried this series yet but you make me want to ahahaha. Hope the next book is even better! <33

    1. I was so surprised at how hooked I got on this series! I’ve never read urban fantasy before picking up the first book last year but I love it!

  11. I actually listened to the previous 5 books on audio so it felt weird reading this one. LOL I also ordered the audio version and started listening to it last night. :) Hope you’ll love it, Heidi!

  12. Wonderful review. I am excited to spend more time with these characters.

    1. Thanks Kim. I’m already looking forward to the next book. :)

  13. ohhh [she sighs] another awesome review for the Others! I need to stop being afraid of this series and get to read it! I guess I'm worried I wouldn't live to my expectations or that it is too long! SMH!
