The Sunday Post #164

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

  • It was a hectic week at the office and I was wiped out by the end of the week. I purposely made no plans for the weekend and just craved two days to chill and recharge.
  • And because I want to spend as much time as possible chilling and recharging, I'm keeping this post short and sweet this week. :) Hope you're staying cool!
  • Are you doing anything special this weekend? Is it unbearably hot where you are like it is here in Florida? What are you reading this weekend?

Tuesday, July 16
Top Ten Tuesday: Auto-Buy Authors

Wednesday, July 17
WWW Wednesday #55

Friday, July 19
Review: Raze by Roan Parrish


Includes: The Upside of Falling, The Downside of Love, 
The Left Side of Perfect, The Right Side of Forever


How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Wait, you live in Florida?!
    Also, I can't wait to pick up KA Tucker's novel! I'm so excited!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. Yep, I've lived in Florida all my life. I'm in the northeast corner of the state. If you've ever driven down I-95 I could wave at you. LOL

      I hope you'll love Say You Still Love Me when you get to it!

  2. It's unbearably hot and humid in NJ too. Good thing I am not a big outdoorsy type. Some rain is supposed to come in and get the temps to the 80s. That's something to look forward too. I am biting my nails over here, hope you are enjoying H&OPL.

    1. LOL That's my only saving grace, Sam. It's not like I want to be outside anyway so it's no hardship to hibernate inside. :) I stated feeling slumpy right when I picked up H&OPL (nothing to do with it - it had been coming on) so I set it aside and just picked it back up Monday. I'm about 100 pages in and I'm enjoying it so much. So many aspects are making me really stop and think. I'm certain it's going to make me cry.

  3. The heat is awful here in VA too. I think it's finally supposed to cool down a little tomorrow thankfully and I can't wait. I'm getting ready to start K.A. Tucker's book this week so I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it.

    1. I hope you'll love Say You Still Love Me, Suzanne! I started writing my review yesterday but got side-tracked. I need to finish that up later.

  4. Hurray for recharge days! I think I need one of those soon too. And yes, it is HOT in Central Florida and it won't stop storming! Enjoy your new books and have a great week!

    1. We've got stormy weather for the next three days but at least it's cooling it off some. 80's instead of 90's. Hope you get a day of R&R soon!

  5. Its miserable in SW Ohio. We have been under a heat warning until tonight. Next week is suppose to be better. Enjoy your chill weekend!

    1. Oh my gosh, it serious when they start issuing warnings. They do that sometimes here for the elderly, cautioning them to stay inside during the extreme heat. Hope we both get a break soon!

  6. Oh a nice chilled weekend sounds awesome! I can't wait for some chill... This weekend, my challenge has been not losing my shizzle every 15 minutes with the argumentative nowhere-near-his-teens offspring that has suddenly decided it's the business to talk back and whine about EVERYTHING.

    I hope your chilled weekend helps recharge the batteries for the coming week!

    1. Oh my goodness, I do NOT envy you that, Nicci! Whining and back-talking and absolutely *everything* has to be an argument. I'd be ready to run screaming from the house. Gah!

  7. It’s mid-winter here, so pretty chilly, I hope it cools down for you soon.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  8. It's hot here but nothing like what you guys have, I'm sure. Florida would probably kill me in the summer lol.

    I love weekends like that- you need those every once in a while!

    Love those Nutritional Facts :)

    1. LOL I would say you get used to it, Greg, but after 50 years... I still whiny about the heat every single summer. LOL

  9. Our weather here has basically two modes lately: pouring or sweltering. At least we didn't get the big storms they got a bit north of us, though.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Sounds like we're now taking a page from your book, Nicole. We've moved on from sweltering to pouring. LOL

  10. I hope you had a nice, relaxing weekend. Mine was a mix of relaxing and busy but it worked. Definitely tried to stay inside most of the time though as it's HOT.


    1. That seems to be the order of the day all around... stay inside and stay cool! Is it Fall yet???

  11. Hope you're enjoying the weekend and Hope & Other Punchlines! It's hotter than heck for us, too, so I'm inside enjoying air conditioning! I had some pool time as well. :)

    1. Pool time sure sounds nice. I considered hitting the pool on Sunday but honestly it felt too hot to even bother. I considered laying on the tile floor with the refrigerator door open. LOL

  12. This is my first summer in over 20 years outside FL and IT IS GLORIOUS. lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I think I actually heard your laughter as you typed that. LOL
      Yeah, yeah... rub it in!

  13. It seems that my previous comment was eaten so here I go again! I also bought the Duets for a penny ;-) and we are under a heat wave in Europe too! So stay cool, hydrate and I hope your week at work is going better Tanya!

    1. Ugh, I hate when that happens. And naturally it only seems to happen when I leave a long, chatty comment filled with brilliant insights. LOL Hope you're staying cool, too!

  14. Lol! I love your totally random pic 😅 I hope you don't melt in the heat; great excuse to conserve energy, read and drink something chilled. X

    1. Exactly, Flora! Hot weather means stay inside where it's cool, drink some iced tea, and read. :)

  15. I badly wanna read K.A. Tucker's book. Second-chance romance is one of the things that made me feel all soft and sad and hopeful. And this is two days late but I hope you gave yourself some me-time! Hot weather sucks. I don't wanna do anything when it's hot because I get tired too easily and quickly lose my energy lol.

    1. Oh yes, I absolutely got my me-time. :) I'm the same way in hot weather... it totally drains all my energy. Which begs the question: why do I live in a place where it's hot 9 months out of the year? LOL I hope you get to read Say You Still Love Me soon! If you like second chance romance it is a really good one!
