The Sunday Post #233 | December 20, 2020


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books,
 and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead. 
It's been a fairly uneventful week. I went into the office on Thursday but otherwise I was home (working) all week.

A local news station had shared a list of some of the bigger Christmas light displays around the city so last night The Husband and I went out to check them out. The one we went to had such a huge turnout they had police there directing traffic. The light display was definitely impressive!

For those that celebarte, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. For most of us, it will look a lot different this year, but hopefully a little sacrifice now means a safe and healthy new year for us all.

And because you haven't already heard this one 742 times this month, it just wouldn't be Christmas without Mariah Carey. :) 

Monday, December 14

Tuesday, December 15

Friday, December 18


Not a thing. I was trying to force myself to read a book club pick earlier this month and it put me in quite the reading slump. I did finally DNF the book but now I'm struggling to find anything at all to hold my interest. Boo!



Listening to:

Almost done with my re-listen (my 4th, I think?) of the first book in The Others series. This has been perfect while I'm trying to end this reading slump because it's like visiting with old friends.


On Friday I picked up yet another book (I tried and set aside several others over the last week or so) and I think this one might do the trick. It's an anthology of short stories so maybe my short attention span can handle it.

Not a thing.

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share?
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Wow, those lights! Christmas in the City sounds really fun. Merry Christmas, Tanya!

  2. Those are some incredible light displays. We used to go out in my aunt's neighborhood in Brooklyn (Dyker Heights), where they had their homes professionally decorated. They were pretty amazing. Hope you have a lovely holiday!

    1. Professionally decorated... wow! I bet those were something to see! Merry Christmas to you, Sam!

  3. oh I just love Christmas light displays, they are so fun especially this time of year. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas even if we cant do much for it, but hope its a day of warmth and festive cheer for you and your loved ones.

    1. Christmas lights does wonders in lifting spirits. :) I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, too, Renee!

  4. Christmas in the City is a fun read. Perfect for short attention spans. I'm glad your week was boring. Sometimes that is better than other options. ;) Christmas is going to look a lot different this year, but I'm okay with that.

    1. Same here, Deanna. I'm all for doing what we have to do now to put an end to this thing.

  5. Those Christmas light displays look so great. I wish we had those around here. But there are definitely more lights out there than the previous years. Maybe Covid made people here enjoy decorating outside more. :D
    I'm sorry to read about your reading slump. I hope it gets better soon.
    Have a great week and Merry Christmas.

    1. Maybe everyone had more time at home to decorate this year. :)
      I think this is my only reading slump this year but it's so annoying. Hopefully I can get back into a good book soon!

  6. Oh those Christmas lights are impressive! I can't imagine the time that went into those displays!
    Hope the reading slump ends!

  7. These lights are pretty impressive Tanya! And yes Christmas will be different this year!

  8. Holy cow! Those are impressive lights. :)

    I love the idea of a Christmas anthology. And great pick with Mariah Carey. :)

    Have a wonderful Christmas!!!

    1. That Mariah Carey song has become such a Christmas Staple. :)

  9. Light displays are something we can take in from the car and it's fun to see them. I'm just reading what I want in December which is my usual thing. Merry Christmas Tanya! I wish you a lovely holiday season.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  10. Ooh beautiful lights!! I hope you find a really awesome book to read soon!!! I've been trying to get through some review books, etc. so it'll be nice to read something just random that I pick up. LOL

    Merry Christmas!


    1. I've been enjoying an audio book but so far I still haven't felt led to pick up a book. *sigh*

  11. Those Christmas lights are impressive. Wow! I read that Mariah Carey makes one million on the streaming alone for that song. It's one of my favorite holiday songs.

    It is comforting to return to favorites when you've been disappointed by a book and just can't find anything to wow you again. Hope you have a lovely holiday! I can't believe it's on Friday!

  12. Wow, those are some impressive lights! We walked around the neighborhood and saw some of the lights, but it was too cold for the baby, so we’ll have to drive to see the rest. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. We don't often run into the "too cold to be out" problem down here. LOL

  13. We have several professional displays out here - like the zoo - and you need to get a ticket and schedule a time so we're thinking of going right after Christmas. Kevin's off and hopefully it won't sell out.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  14. Love the Christmas lights! I wish I could find a local listing for best lights. I just downloaded Christmas in the City on my kindle hoping to get to it soon. We'll see, though. I have been in such a weird reading mood. I have about 15 different books going right now.

    1. Whoa, fifteen books at one time! LOL More to enjoy, I guess? :) I hope there are some new favorites in there, Alison!

  15. Wow! That takes home decorating to a whole new level. I've been enjoying looking at the lights people have put out this year more so than in previous years... Maybe it's because there's not much else to do but appreciate them?

    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, Tanya!

    1. I've noticed that, too, Nicci. Maybe more time at home gave people the desire to decorate this year. :)

  16. Those Christmas lights are impressive ! I hope you have a merry Christmas, take care :)

  17. Those Christmas lights look amazing! Oh, I definitely need to continue The Others series, I read the first one this year and loved it. Hope you'll have a lovely Christmas!

    1. I hope you find time to continue The Others series soon. It's my favorite UF series ever. I just love those characters!

  18. I love those lights! There is a house in my subdivision that goes all out every year and it is always fun. Sorry about the slump! I hope that the reread will be just the thing. Have a great week!

  19. I love Mariah Carey's Christmas music. Also Jessica Simpson too, which is strange because I'm not a fan of her other music at all lol! Here's hoping you find some wonderful stories in Christmas in the City, I have that one my tbr too.
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. I didn’t even know that Jessica Simpson had Christmas music. I’ll have to look her up. I’m down to the last two stories in Christmas in the City and really enjoying it. I hope you will, too!
