Blogoversary Giveaway: Girl Plus Books Turns 6

I'm not even going to pretend that I remembered the blogoversary this year. As with years past, I only noticed it when I saw it mentioned at Nicole's Feed Your Fiction Addiction. So all thanks go to Nicole, not me! 
And also as with years past, I refuse to bore you with a bunch of stats. "Oh, I've had blah-blah number of posts! And blah-blah number of reviews!" Because, (1) is there anything more boring than someone else's blog stats?, and (2) honestly, I don't even care so why should you? Girl Plus Books isn't about numbers and stats to me. It's the place where I can talk about my love of books and reading and fictional people and you all get it. You're my people. :) It's the place where I've made friends. And the place where I've learned of new books and authors that have become favorites. 

So, thanks for being here. Thanks for reading my ramblings. Thanks for commenting and interacting. Thanks for being my people.

To say thanks, I'm celebrating with a giveaway. The winner can choose any book (up to $20 USD) from Book Depository. The giveaway is open internationally as long as Book Depository delivers to your country. Note: if the winner is in the U.S., chances are the book will come from Amazon for faster shipping.


  1. Happy blogoversary, Tanya! I am so glad that I stumbled upon your blog sometime during your 6 years here. Thanks for the giveaway! I have no idea what book I would pick if I win :)

  2. Happy blogoversary! So happy we've become blogging buddies!

    Oh, I'm not sure what book I'd pick, but anything would be lovely!

  3. YAYYYY! Happy blogoversary Tanya - 6yrs is amazing :) If I was lucky enough to win, I think I'd pick King of Scars :)
    Megan S.

  4. Happy 6 years, Tanya! Thank you for the giveaway! :)

  5. 6 years! That's amazing! I love your blog, so I hope there are at least 6 more to go! ;)

    If I won the giveaway... Hm... I think I might get at least the first book in one of Lex Martin's series. I've been planning on reading more of her books. Thanks for the opportunity!

  6. Cheers to 6 years! Isn't it great that Nicole reminds us of these things? Not sure what book I would get. Maybe The Rules for Disappearing.

  7. Congratulations! I might choose Five Ways to Fall Out of Love.

  8. Congrats on 6 years, Tanya!! And thanks for the giveaway, too! What book??? Hmm....I would probably pick Six of Crows because I've been wanting a physical copy for years now.

  9. Hm, so many to choose from! Maybe Ashes of the Sun By Django Wexler

  10. Happy blogoversary!!!! Congrats *showers confetti*

    I'm not sure which book I'd pick, maybe the new Becky Chambers. :)

  11. Cheers to 6 years and Happy Blogiversary! I love Nicole's reminders too lol! And I don't even know ummm maybe a Sarina Bowen book since I always see you loving her books and I still haven't read one by her yet *covers face*.
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

  12. Congratulations on 6 years!! What a great milestone! I'm starting back over from scratch.

    As far as what book I would get if I won... there are so many great books to choose from! I guess I would have to say Awakening by Nora Roberts or Skyhunter by Marie Lu.

  13. Happy blogiversary! Not sure yet

  14. Congratulations, Tanya! I'm so bad about remembering my blogoversary too! Same here about stats. I don't follow mine. Sometimes I give it a peek, but most of the time it all escapes me. I just like having somewhere to connect with other passionate book lovers, and I'm happy to have connected with you! Here's to many more years of fun! Lovely giveaway!

  15. Happy Blogoversary! I had forgotten about mine until I saw Nicole's post today too, lol. I'm not sure what book I would get. Depending on price, I'd probably go with either Malibu Rising or maybe Isn't It Bromantic. Thanks for hosting such a wonderful giveaway! :)

  16. Happy Blogoversary!! Congrats on 6 years, and what a great giveaway! Hmmm, if I won, I might pick Namesake by Adrienne Young. It's one of my most anticipated books this year. :)

  17. LOL Kudos to Nicole being so well organized. Happy blogoversary to you love!

  18. Happy Blogoversary! I'm really not sure what I would choose, I'm very indecisive when it comes to book shopping, there's always so many of interest to me.

  19. Happy Blogoversary! 6 years is quite an achievement. :)

  20. Happy blogoversary and wishing you many more amazing to come!
    I would love a copy of Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo.

  21. Happy Blogoversary !!!
    Choice: The Theory of Second Best.

  22. Congratulations!! Six years is quite an accomplishment! (Also I am laughing so hard because often Nicole is the only reason I remember mine as well- and I won't lie, she reminded me of my own birthday a time or two 😂)
