The Sunday Post #243 | March 21, 2021


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books,
 and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead. 
Was anyone else out of whack for days after the time change or was it just me? I mean, it seems ridiculous because it's only one hour, but still... I felt like I was off my game for days afterward. Side note: And why do we even do this anymore? I mean, seriously, what's the point? 

The weather has been all over the place this week. It was sunny and almost 80 mid-week, and yesterday it was rainy and in the 50's. What's it like where you are? 

The Husband was out of town yesterday for a car show so I used the alone time for a little retail therapy. :) I hit up HomeGoods and found the exact white lantern that I wanted for the foyer. Score.

Does anyone use a white noise machine? Any recs? I typically have the ceiling fan on all night but when it's cooler and the fan isn't on it's like it's too quiet to sleep. Sounds backwards, right? But I miss the hum of the fan. I've ordered a white noise machine from Amazon that actually has settings for fan sounds so I'll see how it goes.     

This week's 80's music fix is Don't You Want Me (1981) from The Human League. It's one of the first videos I remember seeing on MTV and still a favorite.

Tuesday, March 16

Friday, March 19






Nothing this week.

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share?
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. I felt very sluggish all week - hopefully I'm over the time change now!

    1. I'm back in business this week... hope your are, too! :)

  2. The time change threw me off for a bit! But it somehow is working out for my son? At first he was waking up super early but now he's sleeping till like 6-630 am which is nice lol. I don't use a white noise machine for myself but I do have one in my sons room. I just got one on amazon. It's called the Letsfit White Noise Machine. It's a good one with a lot of options and even a little light. It's worked well for us! Happy reading :)

    1. I think that's the same machine I bought, Molly! It's supposed to be delivered today. Fingers crossed that it does the trick. :)

  3. I love that Human League song! Such a great tune! It was in the upper 50's low 60's here, but then a storm came through Thursday and it dropped like 20 degrees. But, today it's suppose to be 60 again.

    1. Wow, sounds like your weather is kind of all over the place, too!

  4. I LOVE that Human League song! I'm with you on Daylight Savings. I AM SO TIRED!

  5. Hi there Tanya! Now I'm going to have Don't you want me baby in my head the rest of the night!

    We don't have daylight savings here in South Africa, we just have load shedding and no electricity for a couple of hours every day...!

    Have a good week!

    1. Okay, now you have me curious about load shedding so I'm off to Google it and learn what it's about. :)

  6. Time changes always throw me off. I didn’t get to bed until 1AM this morning because I wasn’t tired. I don’t use a white noise machine, but I have an app on my phone called Sleep App: The Ultimate Sleep Solution. It has a bunch of different white noise options. I mostly use it when I’m reading and need to drown out the sound of Brooklyn’s cartoons.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I'm going to check out that app, Aj! I like the sound of that (no pun intended).

  7. The time change will be end of next week for us but I always feel tired right after!

    1. I'm finally back on track but it always seems to take days to adjust.

  8. I wish they'd stop with the time changes. Pick one and leave it. :) It always throws me out of whack too. And as for white noise- I like it too. I definitely sleep better if I have a fan or something going on in the background. I should look at machines too...

    Human League!!!

    1. Yes! I can't understand why we still do this twice a year. Ugh.

  9. I do use a white noise machine. It was a Christmas gift. Mine is ok, but I know there are better ones out there.

    1. Mine should be delivered today and I'm really interested to see if it makes a difference.

  10. I really wish we'd get rid of daylight savings. It seems so incredibly useless and almost no one I know likes it!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I totally agree, Nicole! I wish someone would make it happen.

  11. You were definitely not alone. I felt completely out of it all week and ranted on more than one occasion about why the heck we still have daylight savings. Your 80s music fix this week is a favorite of mine too and it just sent me down a delightfully nostalgic YouTube rabbit hole that ended with Spandau Ballet's True, another favorite. :)

  12. The time change was rough for me this week. A lot of that is due to the fact that my husband went to sleep at our regular time without issue (which was really an hour earlier). He snores and if I don't go to sleep first, I don't sleep. So after not sleeping Sunday night, my week was wrecked. Husbands! I really need to read Cake!

    1. I can relate to those sleeping issues, Carole. I almost always need a head start going to bed for that same reason! :)

  13. The time change has had me out of whack, too. I'm constantly feeling tired. And our weather has been crazy, too. We tend to get nasty storms with every major temp change, too, to add to the excitement. Hope you have a good week, and that our bodies finally adjust to this time change!!

    1. Hope the storms aren't too bad... or miss you altogether!

  14. I wish they would stop doing the time change but it makes no difference since our schedule is whatever we want anyway. The weather is improving from 50s now into 60s and 70s by the end of the week. We are prepping the garden beds, getting ready for spring planting. I have an air cleaner which whirs and helps block other noise. I got it originally when we were doing some construction to clean the air but it works for background noise too.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Sounds gorgeous in your area! It's back into the low 70's today and while it feels great the pollen is definitely keeping me inside!

  15. I hate time changes but I love when we go to this one. It's brighter later and then my boys, husband and I can play outside longer. Ohhh my favorite sound machine is from Bed Bath and Beyond, the HoMedics one. We take one with us when we travel and if we have family over we'll put it on in each of our boys rooms so they can fall asleep easier. I love those!
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. Thanks for the tip on the sound machine, Jen! The one I ordered arrived on Monday so I've only used it for two nights but I'm liking it so far. I'll definitely keep the HoMedics one in mind, though.

  16. I hate the clock change! Ours was this weekend and all Sunday (and this morning too) I've felt off. It IS only an hour but it makes a difference. Why can't they just pick one and leave it alone?! The logic for it has long since passed. *sigh*

    Glad you found the lantern you wanted! Retail therapy is awesome. When our shops re-open, I may have to have a little indulge myself. :)

    1. I don't know why we still do the whole time change thing. Couldn't we all just agree on one and stick with it? Ugh!

      Retail therapy has been my friend this past year... especially online. :)
