The Sunday Post #241 | March 7, 2021


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books,
 and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead. 
It was a truly uneventful week. I worked, I read, I ate, I watched a ridiculous amount of ASMR on YouTube.  

I did get a couple reviews written and the posts scheduled for upcoming blog tours. So very unlike me. I'm usually scrambling the day before it's due. I also scribbled a couple quick Goodreads-only reviews for a few books that I had no plans to review on the blog. Sometimes a book was perfectly fine but there's just not a lot to say. :)

We had a scheduled HVAC check on Friday and the technician discovered a leak in the system. Someone else has to come out for the repair so I'm prepared for a hefty bill. Cha-ching!   

This week's 80's music fix is She Loves Me (1986) from Stephen Duffy. I love the song and I love the movie it was used in - Some Kind of Wonderful. If you haven't seen it you're missing out. It's an 80's classic. 

Thursday, March 4




How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share?
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. I love ASMR stuff. Youtube has just so much... and yes some books don't require a huge review! I've lately had a few like that myself lolol.

    Some Kind of Wonderful is awesome. I may have had a crush on Mary Stuart Masterson back in the day O.o

    1. I loved Mary Stuart Masterson. She was in so many good movies. Wonder whatever happened to her?

  2. I was so obsessed with the Some Kind of Wonderful soundtrack in my teens. So many good songs! Good luck with the HVAC.

  3. Look at you being all organized! I admire you Tanya as I am so behind on reviews! Now I also understand a book being good but having not a lot to say about it!
    I hope the bill won't be too hard to swallow! Have a great week!

    1. I'm sure this organized phase won't last... it's so unlike me (when it comes to blogging, anyway). LOL

  4. I love ASMR videos, for a while I was watching people eat ice with liquid inside of it. I didn't realize how enjoyable ASMR is.

    Yay for getting some things organized. That is great. I am currently two weeks ahead on posts and I have never been happier. I am hoping to keep it up.

    I hope you have a great week, Tanya! Happy Reading!

    1. Well that's pretty niche... ASMR of eating ice with liquid inside. :) My favorites tend to be tapping, inaudible whispering, lotions sounds.

  5. I had completely forgotten about Some Kind of Wonderful. That was a good movie. I've heard about ASMR but I haven't actually watch any.

    1. I only discovered ASMR a year or two ago. Now I watch it almost daily.

  6. I had a similar week - I read, I ate, I slept lol. I'm sorry about the hvac system - repair bills suck. Hopefully it's not too bad >.< Happy reading!

    1. Yeah, repair bills are the worst. But I'm thankful this was discovered now instead of in July/August when it's 98 degrees!

  7. I think we shared the same week, I ate, I read, I tried to sleep!

  8. Aaahh...I miss listening to 80s music. I really need to start back up again! Hope you have a great week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  9. Uneventful weeks can be good! Reviews are often the hardest posts to write, for my anyway, so yay for getting some of those done!

  10. Uneventful is excellent. I look forward to reading The Intimacy Experiment. I'm getting my upstairs HVAC checked next month since it's old and the downstairs one failed last year. Hopefully we will get vaccinated just before. Have a lovely week!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Hopefully your HVAC check doesn't reveal any problems. And fingers crossed that you can get vaccinated soon!

  11. Loved Some Kind of Wonderful and the song from the kiss! I've had a thing for Eric Stolz ever since then. :)

    Bummer about the HVAC but at least you'll be getting it fixed before it gets too hot. Love that random!

    1. Wonder whatever happened to Eric Stolz?

      Yes, the repair bill is lame but at least it's happening now and not in the middle of the summer!

  12. What kind of ASMR videos do you watch? I'm so bored with my life these days. It's just so repetitive and I want this pandemic just be over.
    Oof, not the leak in the HVAC system! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it won't be too hefty of a bill. I'm excited to see what you think of TIE!

    1. I hear you on the repetition. New day, same old stuff. Ugh!

      My ASMR triggers tend to be tapping, inaudible whispering, lotion and water sounds. I have favorite ASMR creators but sometimes I just do a search for those triggers and see what comes up.

  13. HAH I love the totally random. It's true. And ooh I'm jealous you have Playing the Palace. That's on my wish list!


  14. How are you liking the second Cake book?

    That is no fun about your HVAC. Sorry about that!

    1. I finished The Theory of Second Best last night and it was so, so good. The scenes between Kyle and Jake in the hospital about broke me. Gah!

  15. I've been reading and blogging and I don't know who I am right now lol

    I'm reading Playing the Palace right now too.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Hope you're enjoying Playing the Palace. I'm excited to start that one.

  16. I am glad you were able to get some blog prep work done. That's supposed to be my focus today since I have the day off from work and my daughter's in virtual school. So far I haven't managed much. Ugh. I'm sorry about the HVAC leak. I hope it isn't terribly pricy, although I know fixes like that usually are. I hope you are enjoying your reading!

    I love that meme you shared about the jeans. LOL That is so true.

    Have a great week!

    1. Blogging ahead is definitely *not* my super power. LOL Hopefully you made some headway!

  17. That really sucks about your HVAC. Fingers crossed the bill won't be as bad as you think it will. Your Totally Random this week is so awesome, haha! And that's great you were able to blog ahead a bit. I've only successfully done that once so far in 2021 but hope to get better at it because the week I was ahead, it felt like I had so much more free time to just read and relax.

    1. Yeah, the HVAC repair is making me cringe. The part is covered under the warranty but we have to pay for labor. Ouch.

  18. Oh too bad about the HVAC. No repair in that area is ever cheap. Our upstairs unit is starting to make a funny noise and I'm just dreading that call! I listen to a lot of ambient music on YouTube but I've never tried ASMR videos. I'll have to give them a try. Have a great week!

    1. So true, Katherine. And even though the part is covered by the warranty, I think the labor is going to be steep. I hope your strange noise turns out to be nothing!

  19. I am finally getting back into my review writing groove! I had totally lost it for a while. I know it leaves me feeling accomplished! LOL!

  20. I hope your HVAC fix is easy (and inexpensive). It sounds like you really got a lot of things done. I need to get busy writing a few reviews.

    1. Still waiting on a part to come in for the HVAC unit. I'm sure the labor charge is going to have me clutching my chest. LOL

  21. Sometimes average weeks are the best. I am resding The Intimacy Experiment next. Hope you love it!

    1. The Intimacy Experiment was more than I expected. Hope you enjoy it, too!
