The Sunday Post #250 | June 13, 2021


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books,
 and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead. 
Last Sunday we took off for a few days (hence no Sunday Post last week) and The Husband, The Mom, and me had a good time exploring Greenville, SC. Why Greenville, you ask? Why not? :) It was actually a pretty random choice. I was watching Korrie's IG Stories and she was in... you guessed it, Greenville. I don't know if she lives there or was just visiting, but the views she was sharing really caught my eye. So off we went, and we had a great time. Downtown Greenville is just gorgeous, with the Reedy River running through it, the stunning Falls Park, and a main street that was bustling with shopping and dining any time of the day or night. We stayed in the heart of downtown, right on the river, and easy walking distance to all kinds of sights. (We also managed to hit up four - yes, FOUR - bookstores while in Greenville so that was a big bonus.)

From left: water feature outside our hotel, M. Judson bookstore on Main Street, me with wings in Falls Park, me + Mom at the park entrance

As good as it is to travel, it's always just as satisfying to return home. My own bed, my own creature comforts... heavenly. I don't think I even left the house the day after we got home. That evening I settled in to watch Kennedy Ryan and Colleen Hoover on their IG Live show and it was so much fun! It was for Kennedy's release week for Reel, but they talked about anything and everything. I adore Colleen and Kennedy is just a ray of sunshine. No wonder they're my favorites. :) If you're interested, I think Colleen posted the full video on her page so you can find it here.

A couple of the bridges in my city are lit up for Pride Month and they look gorgeous. On the downside, our governor just signed a bill (on the first day of Pride Month, no less) banning transgender girls from competing on female sports teams. But if a transgender boy wants to play on a boys' team, he can. Then on Thursday he upped the ante on his asshattery by pushing the Board of Education to ban the teaching of critical race theory in schools. His reasoning: it would "denigrate the Founding Fathers" and "teach kids to hate their country." So basically, forcing schools to continue to whitewash American history. It's beyond frustrating. So I'll just go back to the pretty bridges.

Acosta Bridge - Jacksonville, FL

Main Street Bridge - Jacksonville, FL

This week's 80's music fix is Magic (1984) by The Cars. This is one of those songs that takes me back to a very specific time and place - summer of '84. It just screams summer to me, and goodness knows it feels like summer here in Florida right now!

Thursday, June 10




How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share?
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Greenville sounds nice. and bookstores! Can't go wrong with that! Nice trip sounds like.

    I saw that news and I just don't understand why people are so worried about kids hating their country just because they'll know more. I mean, don't we WANT kids to be educated? There's so much pushback seems like with anything changing, good grief. Ah well... the bridges are beautiful! :)

    The cars! Love that one.

    1. Right? Heaven forbid we actually teach the truth! How is that making kids hate their country. That's just a bogus excuse that doesn't hold water. And this idiot (FL governor) says his is running for president in 2024. God help us.

    2. PArt of me thinks people like deSantis would lose easily because of their buffoonery- but then I wonder! :)

    3. Yeah, I'd like to think that... but then how do you explain Trump being president? LOL

  2. I have only been to SC once (for YallFest), but it looks like there are lots of lovely things to see in the state. The pictures are great. Looks like the weather cooperated.

    1. YallFest might have been the last time I actually stayed in SC (other than just driving thru on our way to NC). I wonder if we were there the same year? :)

  3. Sounds like you had a great trip. And such beautiful bridge. But that is so wrong to cut something so important off the syllabus. I guess USA is as bad as Indian government then.

    1. I agree! Isn't it better to teach the truth? To inform about history so kids will know to do better? It's so frustrating.

  4. Oh, your trip sounds so fun! What a great place to explore!

  5. It sounds like you had a fun adventure! And, you got Malibu Rising. I really want to read that book. I hope you have a great week.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  6. I'm glad you had such a nice trip! I haven't been to Greenville since I was in HS but I always loved it. I pretty much loved all of SC though.

    As a teacher, it is super annoying to have non teachers like a governor or a politician make decisions on what to teach. Also, in most countries, nationalism isn't a huge thing like it is here. They teach the holocaust in Germany to show students what can happen. Why can't we be more honest with our students about our own past? Sigh.

    1. It's interesting to get a teacher's perspective - and to see that other countries aren't as nationalist-centric. If Germany can teach about the Holocaust, why in the world can't we teach about a history of racial inequality? It's maddening.

  7. Thanks for sharing your trip to Greenville, SC. It's so messed up to legislate against teaching history. I like the cover of Malibu Rising.

    1. I so agree, Victoria. Why not teach the truth? I'm really excited for Malibu Rising!

  8. Oooh look, you have wings! LOL And if I adore Kennedy Ryan as a person I have mixed feelings for CoHo since she attacked an author some years ago. Now history is indeed a difficult and sensitive topic!

    1. I'm convinced I could be best friends with Kennedy Ryan. :)

  9. Those bridge pictures look lovely! And ooh, One Last Stop -- I really enjoyed McQuiston's previous book, so I have my eyes out for that.

    My weekly roundup post.

    1. Red, White & Royal Blue was a lot of fun... and I'm definitely enjoying One Last Stop.

  10. I'm glad you had a nice trip. I didn't know if I was ready when we went for the wedding. It's appealing but I do love to be at home. Um, I am NOT a fan of DeSantis.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. You and me both, Anne. He is the WORST. When Trump was in office it seemed to bring out the worst in DeSantis. Then again, Trump seemed to bring out the worst in a lot of people.

  11. I love the sound of Greenville! It looks really pretty, and yay for 3 bookstores! The bridges to look pretty. Yeah, not a fan of DeSantis either. He bullied Rebekah Jones when she wanted to tell the truth about Covid. What a jerk.

    I need to give Kennedy Ryan a try. I've been watching more live author interviews lately and enjoying them. One bonus result of the pandemic.

    1. Yep, that would be my governor. I swear, he just gets more and more blatant with his hate and discrimination. It's mind-boggling.

  12. What BEAUTIFUL bridges! I can't stop looking at them. And what a beautiful message it sends! (Sorry if this message gets sent a few times. I kept getting an error message.)

    1. I feel like this is the first year the city has lit up the bridges for pride month. It looks great! And you're right, it's also a great message.

  13. Thats awesome you had a little getaway! It sounds like you had fun - those pictures are great! I love that totally random quote because I feel like thats me sometimes hahah I get so sidetracked and will forget what I originally wanted to do. I hope you have a great week!

    1. After the last year+. I was so ready for a change of scenery! :)
      And I was definitely relating to that quote - I am so easily distracted!

  14. Well, goodness, your governor sounds awful. Thanks for sharing the pretty rainbow bridges though!! And what a fun trip. I love that you hit up four different bookstores. That's my kind of trip! hah I'm sure it was nice for your mom to get away too.


    1. Oh yeah, the FL governor is a real piece of work. And the bookstores were a highlight of the trip. LOL

  15. It sounds like you had a fun little vacation! I haven't been to a bookstore in so long! I should make a trip soon. Maybe I'll take my daughter to pick out a summer read this week or next. That's a good excuse. ;)

    1. I couldn't remember the last time I went to a bookstore, but I made up for it on this trip. :)

  16. Sounds like you had a great trip. I can't wait to go on a trip myself. But I totally agree with you about how great things feel when you do come home after a trip.
    Have a great week and happy reading.

    1. No matter much I love to travel, I'm always happy to be back at home. :)

  17. That's such a fun way to choose a vacation spot!

    1. Can't say I've ever done that before but it worked out well! :)

  18. How funny that you found a vacation spot on Instagram!

    I'm really frustrated about all the new laws against transgender people. If I lived in certain states, it would have been illegal for me to have allowed my daughter to take hormones when she was transitioning. That's insane to me!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. It's hard to understand the reasoning (probably because their reasoning is crap). Laws like that are so hurtful and unnecessary.

  19. Greenville sounds like such a lovely place. I'm glad you had a nice trip. Those bridges look so beautiful. Your governor sounds like a real piece of work.

    1. Oh yeah, DeSantis is basically just a Trump puppet, so he's a real barrel barrel of laughs. Ugh.

  20. Looks like a fun trip - especially all the book stores!! LOL!

    1. The bookstores were definitely a highlight of the trip. LOL

  21. I believe that you can have a great vacation in just about any city that is not your own. In a couple of weeks my daughter has a conference in Columbus, GA. I didn't want her to make the drive alone so we are going to make a vacation out of it. I am sure that my husband and I will find things to keep us occupied during the day. It looks like you had a great time and what a cool and I love the pics! The bridge looks awesome but I don't even know what to say about some of the things going on in FL right now.

    1. I so agree, Carole! Any place new to you will have sites to see and new places to enjoy. I hope y'all have a great time in Columbus! Yeah, I don't have words for what's going on here, either, some days. It'd seem downright absurd if it wasn't so disturbing.
