The Sunday Post #251 | June 27, 2021


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books,
 and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead. 
Happy Sunday, friends. I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. It's been a rainy week here, which I've loved. Everyone else is complaining like crazy and I just sit back and quietly clap my hands and hope for more. :)

I had to have some lab work done Thursday morning so I decided to make that a work from home day. And on Friday Boss #1 and Boss #2 both worked from home so it was just me and Boss #3. It made for a quiet day and an easy end to the work week.

The exciting news of the week was that the Tampa Bay Lightning won Game 7 on Friday and they're headed back to the Stanley Cup Finals! They won the Stanley Cup last year and it's been so exciting watching them this season as they advanced through the play-offs. Game 1 of the Finals is tomorrow night (Monday) so I'll be glued to the TV cheering them on.

In other big news, my nephew got engaged this week! It still kind of boggles my mind. I remember being at the hospital the night he was born... and now he's 25 years old, a high school history teacher, and has a fiancée. How did that happen?! :)

This week's 80's music fix is Queen of the Broken Hearts (1983) by Loverboy. For no reason other than it's a cool song and the video was a typical 1980's head-scratcher. 

Friday, June 25







How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share?
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. I am in Cincinnati and I love the rain too. Congratulations on the soon to be family member. My nephew is the same age. When did they become old enough to dress themselves? LOL!

    1. Right? It's like, how did 25 years pass in a flash and what business do you have getting married? LOL

  2. Congratulations with the engagement of your nephew!

    I LOVE watching sports. Currently the Europian Championchips for soccer are going on and The Netherlands is playing tonight.

    We just turn into a weird mass of people are shouting, singing and wearing orange.

    This is a really funny short clip about it:

    And it's actually what my street currently looks like with all the orange flags.

    So I can totally get you glued to your screen cheering!! Hopefully your team will win!!

    1. Oh my goodness, that video was crazy! How awesome that the whole country is so supportive of the team and gets so into it. I'll keep my fingers crossed that they do well tonight! :)

  3. I always like the rain, and rain in the summer usually brings some relief. I just wanted the rain to come before and after my commute, but with work from home, I don't care. Congratulations to your nephew! Where does the time go.

    1. Sometimes the rain cools it off a bit but most often it just makes it feel hotter and steamier. But I still love a good storm.

  4. I love the rain! It is suppose to rain several days here next week and I hope it actually does.

    1. I hope you get that rain! We're in the midst of a downpour right now. I'm loving it! :)

  5. We've had a rainy weekend. I prefer it to the heat wave we had before. And I'm glad the ground will not be really dry for the 4th of July here, that should help with fires from fireworks. But it also makes the grass grow and I have to mow more often. Plus the dogs are a pain about going outside in the rain. So I just take it all with a grain of salt. I hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Definitely a give and take there with the rain... less fire hazard, but also needs more mowing. *sigh*

  6. If you have to go into the office, quiet days are best!

  7. It's been rainy here too with two tornado warnings which I'm not too thrilled about lol.

    1. Yikes, that's scary! I love a good thunderstorm but tornado scares are a bit much.

  8. I'm jealous of your rain. We get tired of rain and cloudy days here in WA, but this weekend we're having a heatwave that is breaking records. It's supposed to reach 107 here today. That is history breaking and it's supposed to be 113 tomorrow. We're not used to that. Luckily, we have AC. The majority in this area doesn't because it doesn't get this hot.
    I hope you enjoy Preppy's books. He's one of my favorite characters in that series.

    1. I've been seeing news reports about the record-setting heat in your area! Thank goodness you have AC. I can't imagine being without it in those kind of temps.
      I'm on Preppy's third book now and don't even want it to end. I love him in all his craziness.

  9. Engaged already??? Wow! And I get what you mean, my daughter has turned 20 yesterday and my son will soon be 22 and I still see myself in the hospital with these small bundles :-) Have a great week Tanya!

  10. We were predicted rain every day and mostly didn't get it. So we have been watering. We did get nice low 80s with low humidity for laying the new sod. We need some rain and I hope we get more. I'm just planning indoor projects for the heat of July and August. I grabbed a lot of contemporary romance this week which is unusual for me. I do read quite a bit but more mystery, fantasy and scifi this spring.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. I hope you get some more rain this week, Anne. Sounds like you need it with the new sod.

  11. The best videos came from the 80s! I miss those days. My 16-year old daughter is very into 80s music and classic rock from the 70s. I love that! Hope you're enjoying your current reads. Have a wonderful week!

    Here’s my •Sunday Post• post this week. — Diana

    1. Yes! How awesome that your daughter has an appreciation for that music. I listen to some current music but my favorite is still the music of my youth - the 70's and 80s. :)

  12. I'm so envious of your rain! It's so hot here in California! And congrats to your nephew! How exciting :)

    1. Wish I could send some your way, Cheryl! Sounds like you could use a break from the heat.

  13. Yay for the good news you had last week. Hope this week is good too. And happy reading.

  14. 😂 😂 😂 About the eggs and batteries. So true!

    Congratulations to your nephew. I do k ow how you feel.. My stepson is 21,has a live in girlfriend and works full time as a paralegal. Blows my mind. Don't worry, they still do immature stuff to remind you they're young lol 😂

    Have a great week!

    1. Isn't it crazy? It's like, how is it possible you are a functioning adult? Aren't you still 7 years old? LOL

  15. Congrats to your nephew and you for your team winning!
    I wish it would rain here more. This heat is becoming unbearable!
    I hope you enjoy your new books and have a good week, Tanya!

    1. Thanks Nick! Wish I could send some rain your way... you definitely need a break from that heat!

  16. I can't believe how fast the kids grow up! I love the rain, too. Especially when I don't have to drive into work. I wish we had more of it, but that's always our story in California. Happy reading, Tanya!

    1. Oh yes, as much as I love a good storm, I don't really want to be driving in it!

  17. Okay, that Totally Random is SO TRUE!

    Congrats to your nephew!!!


  18. Congrats to your nephew and good luck to your hockey team!

  19. That egg meme is funny. So true. I would kill for some rain here. It's never in the right place!

    My nephew just graduated and my niece started pre-med and it's GAHHHHHH. How is this happening? lol

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. Right? It's like, how are they possibly old enough to be graduating and going to med school... and getting engaged? Gah!

  20. Congratulations on your nephews engagement. That's exciting!
    I hope the game went well ;)
    Have a great week and happy reading.

    1. Thanks Maureen! I hope your week is off to a great start!

  21. Your quote at the end of this totally made me laugh!!! It's been raining here all week too. I'm happy except I hope my newly planted plants don't drown! :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I love the rain, but... wow, we're getting drenched down here!

  22. Congrats to your nephew on his engagement! That Loverboy song is great. I agree about the video being a typical 80s head scratcher though, lol.

    1. LOL Seems like most 80's videos were head scratchers, right? :)
