Top Ten Tuesday: Had to Have Them, But Haven't Read Them


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This Week's Top Ten Tuesday Topic:
The Books I HAD to Have... But Have Not Read

Was this an easy prompt, or what? I mean, this is the life of every bookworm. 
We see the book, we need the book, we buy the book... and yeah, you know the rest.

  We all know that buying the book does not equate to actually reading the book.   
So here are ten books that I HAD to have - I may have even pre-ordered them or bought them on the day of release - but have yet to read. 

The Highland Fling by Meghan Quinn
Don't Kiss the Bride by Carian Cole
A Stormy and Sultry Sea by Katie McGarry
Whiteout by Adriana Anders
Dane's Storm by Mia Sheridan
A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas
Credence by Penelope Douglas
The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah

Have you read any of these books?


  1. I never pegged you as an SJM reader. I am a fan, and I did read that book. I loved the Quinn book too. The humor was great, as expected, but what surprised me was the emotional element. Loved it!

    1. Sam - Yes to SJM, but with a caveat. It's just the ACOTAR series. I tried the ToG series years ago and couldn't get into it. And I have no interest in the Crescent City books. But ACOTAR... big fan of that series!

  2. I’ve heard good things about The Four Winds!

    My post:

  3. I was disappointed with The Four Winds, and I was glad I'd simply checked it out from the library.

    1. Deb - Hannah is a long-time favorite so hopefully I'll enjoy it.

  4. The Highland Fling was so good, one of my favorites of the year so far!

  5. Haha, that Ariana GIF is actually so perfect because yes. That's pretty much how all of my books have ended up on my shelves 🙈 Whiteout, Benny Lament and Four Winds are all ones that I was also super excited to get and yet they still sit unread! 🥲 I hope you enjoy all of these whenever you get to them.

    1. Dini - Glad to know you can relate! And hopefully we'll both love Whiteout, Benny Lament and The Four Winds!

  6. I have a copy of Whiteout I haven't read yet, too. LOL

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  7. You need to push The Highland Fling and The Song Book of Benny Lament up your TBR.

  8. I've read The Four Winds and it's beautifully written, but oh so emotional too. I hope you get a chance to read all these soon.

    1. Wendy - Kristin Hannah is the master at emotional stories!

  9. I enjoy Hannah's books and THE FOUR WINDS is excellent. It's grim and sad, but also moving and memorable. I definitely recommend reading it ASAP. As for THE SONG BOOK OF BENNY LAMENT, I just returned a copy to the library because I never got around to reading it. I still want to, though! I hope you enjoy all these when you do read them.

    Happy TTT!

    1. That's too bad about the Amy Harmon book. Hers are usually a big hit for me.

  10. Whiteout looks fun. A thriller set in Antarctica? Sold.

  11. I have too many titles that fall into this category to list. When thinking of some of the oldest, I'd have to list Drood, The Tiger's Wife, and The Night Circus!

    1. I know several people who consider The Night Circus their favorite book.

  12. LOL!! Such a relatable problem. I have way to many books like this. I've only read 'Whiteout' from this list, but I'd definitely recommend that one ;)

  13. I haven't read any of these. I used to NEEEEED books and even buy them the day they came out only to forget them but now I'm pretty good at just picking up a book because I'm ready to read it right then. But I'm barely reading so that isn't quite the accomplishment it seems lol

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. For me it's always the classic issue of too many books and too little time.

  14. I LLOOOOOOOVVVEEEE the ACOTAR series SO MUCH and I started reading ACOSF a few days ago, and now I remember why I love it so, it's so good. I highly recommend starting it fast!! Haha <3

  15. I've not read any of these, but I hope you enjoy them all whenever you read them.
    My TTT:

  16. The Four Winds is one that has sat unread on my shelf for quite a while now. And I've been dying to read The Highland Fling, but I haven't gotten to it either.

    1. With so many rave comments about The Highland Fling I think I might need to pick it up soon!

  17. I have 3 of these books on my shelf and haven't read them yet. I do this all the time.

  18. It's funny how we do this, right? I was all over Highland Fling and still haven't read it. I did read Whiteout and loved it. Hope you do, too!

  19. That Meghan Quinn book should definitely be on my list. I think I even did a Can't Wait Wednesday post on it and still haven't read it, haha.

    1. As much as I love Meghan Quinn, I can't believe I haven't read it yet!

  20. Still can't reply to my comments :( Lighthouse Way is a great place to start. I also haven't dipped into her back catalog. I started with her paranormal series Bayou Magic but I really want to read her Seattle series.

  21. Haha, love the Ariana gif and totally have that song stuck in my head now, but that's okay because it totally fits the topic ;)
    I read and loved A Court of Silver Flames and would definitely recommend it. Hope you'll enjoy all of these when you get to them!

  22. I read all of ACOTAR last month, and I really loved A Court of Silver Flames. But yeah, in general, I'm so bad at reading new books. LOL

    Lauren @

    1. I keep putting off ACOSF because Nesta has never been my favorite character. :/

  23. This is me and, well, every book I have ever purchased bwahha. I bought Four Winds the first week it was out, and same, I have not read it either! But genuinely don't think I have read a book I purchased in over a year so I am not doing well AT all. Whoops?

    1. Shannon - I figure there are much worse vices to have so I don't sweat it. :)

  24. I also have a lot of such books that I haven't read. I also don't know any of your collection.

  25. I have read the last five and I must confess that Credence was not for me and that The Four Winds was just too depressing!

    1. Sophie - I've heard that The Four Winds is pretty grim. Hopefully I'll soldier through it.

  26. I've not read A Court of Silver Flames either and I got it on release day lol
