The Sunday Post #313 | November 27, 2022


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.

T H E   W E E K   I N   R E V I E W
For those who celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you had a great day with family or friends. Part of our guest list woke up not feeling well Thursday morning and did not attend (and I was thankful they were considerate/smart enough not to come). So there were just six of us and it was still a wonderful day. Exhausting, but wonderful.

Unfortunately, I woke up Friday morning dealing with a massive allergy attack. All four of the guests on Thursday have pets in their homes (cats and dogs) and I guess the prolonged exposure in close quarters was too much for me. Animal dander is one of my main allergy triggers and it's a very "tacky" allergen (adhering easily to clothes). I think most pet owners are so accustomed to it that they don't even realize their clothes carry it. I had to dose up with Benadryl and was a zombie the rest of the day, but was okay by Saturday.

I headed into the office on Saturday to take care of a project that is needed Monday morning. It only took an hour and I felt better knowing it was done rather than be working against the clock Monday morning. 

Now that Thanksgiving is over, I'm itching to put up my pink Christmas tree? Anyone already have Christmas decorations up? :)

This week's 80's music fix is Kids in America (1981) by Kim Wilde. There are so many remakes of this one but I still love the original the best. 

O N   T H E   B L O G
Not a thing. 
Between work and Thanksgiving I was 100% over-extended
and overwhelmed. I did not post anything or visit a single blog.
Better luck next week!

W H A T   I   R E A D

Kindle:  Branded by Fire by Nalini Singh - â˜…★★★
Kindle:  Winning the Cowboy by Kennedy Fox - â˜…★★★
Audio: Second Shot with #76 by Piper Rayne - â˜…★★.25

C U R R E N T L Y   R E A D I N G

 Well, I plan to start it later tonight (Saturday).

Paperback: The Belle of Belgrave Square - Mimi Matthews

N E W   A D D I T I O N S

I had pre-ordered a physical copy of Before I Let Go from one of the 
indie bookstores on Kennedy Ryan's book tour. It arrived this week signed
and personalized and with the most gorgeous artwork. Love it! 

(I read an ARC several weeks ago and loved it. Review is here.)

T O T A L L Y   R A N D O M



  1. Oh no sorry to hear about the allergy attack. Hope you're feeling much better. No Christmas decorations here yet- we've had company so no chance to get em out yet, but the neighbors have us covered. I went outside tonight and the whole place is lit up- it's like a Christmas movie out there!

    Great song! The video is so 80's too- bonus. :) That song will be in my head all day sunday haha!

  2. Pink Christmas tree??? I gotta see photos haha I love pink. I am glad that Thanksgiving was a good holiday even if you were missing one. I will be putting Christmas stuff up today and very excited for it. Love that random pic, as there is this new social media app everyone on instagram is obsessing over and I am not doing it haha what we have already is more than enough for me. Signed books are the best, so I am happy you got that one, the cover is gorgeous.

  3. Allergy reactions can be nasty, but usually short lived so hope you're feeling better soon! And yes, I spent the last couple days putting up Christmas....almost done and it's "beginning to look a lot like Christmas" around our place! Have a great week and hope you find some bookish time.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  4. Damn sorry you had to deal with allergy! I have these too but much less than when I was a teenager and yes antihistamine had me beat for the rest of the day! Also... the Christmas decorations won't be up before next week ;-)

  5. That Kennedy Ryan illustration card thing has that song stuck in my head. Sorry to hear you were waylaid by some hitchhiking dander. BOO! But at least you still had a nice time. I would be like you. Going in on Saturday so I didn't have to stress about whatever needed to be done on Monday. They told us we could leave/logout an hour early on Wed. I actually ended up staying on a few minutes late because I was waiting for some approvals from our supervision team. I didn't want to let that go until Monday when I returned to work.

  6. I hope you're feeling better! I can't wait to get my Christmas decorations up. Unfortunately, they're in the basement where my sister lives. We have to move all her furniture and junk to reach them. That kills my enthusiasm a little. :) Have a great week!

  7. I also had an allergy attack and had to go on six days of steroids to get rid of it. So annoying, and in the midst of our NYC trip too! Hope all goes well this week.

  8. We don’t put our tree up til pretty late, it’s just a bland green one though.
    Before I Let Go does look stunning.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  9. Oh no! Allergy attacks are horrible! I would have put up my Christmas tree right after Halloween, but with the puppy, that's not gonna happen!

  10. I hope you are feeling better. A shame that people were unwell but at least they stayed away.

    We have got our tree up ready for the Elves on 1 December 😂

    Have a good weekend.

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  11. Allergies are horrible. I'm sorry you had to deal with that after Thanksgiving. We were the ones who called out sick here. My daughter woke up with a fever 2 days before Thanksgiving and it lasted 3 days. She still has a cough. Tested negative for covid the whole time, so that was a plus. We quarantined her to her bedroom for the rest of the week so we didn't get it. We did still get to enjoy having Thanksgiving at home in our pjs.

  12. I totally get the allergy thing. I'm ok with dogs but cats can be a two week reaction for me. The reaction can also be severe. I see on Sunday posts there are lots of trees up. We are slow on decorating. I should get the outdoor lights up before the next temperature drop though.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  13. I'm so sorry you've had an allergy attack. I'm sure I carry animal dander all around with me. I hope you get some rest and time to relax soon. I have not put up any Christmas decorations, and I'm not sure I will.

  14. Our tree is pink, too! I haven't put it up yet though. Not my favorite thing in the world to do.

    I can see how that would be a problem, to be allergic to pet dander and then have people with pets over.

    You were smart to get that project out of the way.

  15. I did some decorating but never put up a tree when we lived in FL but now I put one up the day after Thanksgiving here.

    I'm glad you had a nice dinner - minus the absent guests and allergies.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  16. I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving, and it was considerate of your guests to bow out when they weren't feeling well. But sorry you had to pay for the good day with an allergy attack the next day; that sounds miserable.

    I hope you enjoy The Belle of Belgrave Square. I really liked that one!

    We haven't put up any Christmas decorations yet. Maybe next weekend.

    Have a great week!

  17. Glad to hear you had a nice Thanksgiving! Sorry to hear you had allergy repurcussions later. I don't have animal allergies, but my MIL and DIL are severely allergic so it's always a concern when I visit since we have a cat. I try to wear something freshly laundered and things that haven't been in contact with any hair.

    Hope you love The Belle of Belgrave Square!

    1. Rachel - It's so good of you to be conscious of their allergies and do what you can to mitigate. I'm sure they appreciate it!

      I am loving The Belle of Belgrave Square so much!!

  18. Put up the tree! November barely hit and I had my tree up. Just because it makes me happy. I really want a pink tree at some point.
    Love the video!

    1. Alicia - I love how early you put up your tree! I'd wanted a pink tree for so long... best purchase ever. :)

  19. Glad to hear you had a nice holiday, aside from the allergy issue. I haven't gotten far yet but I did start decorating yesterday so I say put up that gorgeous pink tree! :)

    1. Thanks Suzanne! Good for you for getting a start. Come this weekend I'm doing the same. :)

  20. We got our Christmas tree up over the weekend. Hope you post a pic of your pink tree! And Branded by Fire is one of my favorite Nalini Singh books. Have a great week. :D

    1. Lark - Hooray for getting your tree up! Branded by Fire was such a great entry in the series. I loved Mercy and Riley!

  21. I know I should put up our Christmas decorations but I am just so dang tired!

    1. Angela - Holiday decorating can feel like such an overwhelming job!

  22. Ow no!! I'm sorry about your allergies Tanya. I'm glad you still had fun at Thanksgiving.
    If it was me I would have put the Christmas tree up already. But my husband doesn't really like Christmas, so our compromise is that I can put it up after December 5th.
    Have a great week and happy reading.

    1. Thanks Maureen. How sad that your husband doesn't like Christmas, but it sounds like you have a good compromise! :)

  23. My daughter and I have had fun slowly putting out the Christmas decorations. It took us a while to get all of the Thanksgiving stuff put away. She LOVES pumpkins, so there was pumpkin stuff everywhere. I haven't done much reading or blog hopping this month with the holidays and all of the extra goings on.

  24. I do enjoy smaller celebrations. I rarely put up decorations. It's a lot of work and I am lazy when it comes to things like that. lol. I say if it makes you happy - go for it! Sorry about the allergy issues. I sneeze constantly and hate it.

  25. Pink Christmas tree! How cool!

