The Sunday Post #339 | June 18, 2023


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.


This is my first Sunday Post in three weeks and it feels good to be checking in again. Our getaway in early June was botched by sickness (me, not The Husband). I'm still dealing with a nasty cough (I am so tired of sounding like I am hacking up a lung) and fatigue, but overall am doing much better.

My appetite dwindled to almost non-existent while I was sick and my diet for about two weeks was so random. One day I wanted nothing but a banana and animal crackers. Another day it was scrambled eggs and mashed potatoes (not at the same time lol). I've since moved on to small kid meals and The Husband has been bouncing from one restaurant to another getting me take-out kid meals from different places. I am now well versed on who has the best chicken fingers. 😉

The Stanley Cup playoffs are over and I was thrilled to see the Vegas Golden Knights win. I was more than a little disgruntled to see the Florida Panthers make it all the way to the finals. I just wanted someone - anyone - to take them down. Any self-respecting Lightning fan has no love for the Panthers. Big inter-state rivalry. So, way to go, Golden Knights! LOL

This week's throwback song is Do Anything (1991) by Natural Selection. Loved this one when it came out. I remember thinking it was Prince at first. :) Enjoy!


Wednesday, June 14

Friday, June 16



Kindle: Damnable Grace by Tillie Cole - 4.5★

Audio: Beautifully Broken Control by Catherine Cowles - 4★



Kindle: Hendrix by Sawyer Bennett

Audio: Beautifully Broken Redemption by Catherine Cowles


I added several physical copies this week which is not something I do often.
First up was a special edition of Corinne Michael's new release, Forbidden Hearts.
Then a physical copy of Damnable Grace. I am so hooked on that series

Next up was a physical copy of Still Beating. It's sure to be among my favorites of the year.

And finally, a special edition of Pam Godwin's Knotted. This is from the Fabled Co.
book box. It has a dust jacket but the hardcover is just too pretty to cover up. 
The foiling, the painted edges... so gorgeous!




  1. I wondered if you were rooting for the Panthers. :) Well, just as well then.

  2. I have done that. Taken a picture so I could read something. LOL! You stumped me this week with the song. That's new to me. Glad you a feeling better, and there really is nothing wrong with mashed potatoes and scrambled eggs together.

    1. Sam - That's definitely one of the signs... "you know you're getting older when..." LOL My husband has taken to keeping a magnifying glass in the kitchen for food labels/cooking instructions. :)

  3. That rivalry between hockey clubs is what we have here between soccer teams Tanya! I am glad to know that you are feeling better and that kid food could help LOL

    1. Sophie - I don't usually pay much attention to sports rivalries, but when it's another Florida team... well that changes things. LOL

  4. I'm so sorry to hear that you've been under the weather. My husband was diagnosed with a chronic illness at the start of the month, so we've been slowly adjusting to that new reality. I'm glad your changes are proving to be temporary.

    1. Ethan - I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. I so hope it's nothing too serious or life-altering.

  5. Sorry you were sick, Tanya! Happy to see you back! I also miss interacting with everyone when I don't post on Sunday. Kid meals are the best! Sometimes when I can't find anything I like on a menu I'll ask if I can order the kids and tell them to charge me the adult price, lol.

    Bill Foley (the owner of the Vegas Golden Knights) owns the Rock Creek Cattle Company Golf Resort in Montana. The place we stay at when we go since our SIL is a member. The team was there this last week celebrating their win so my daughter, SIL and the grandkids met them and took pics with the team. My grandson was so very excited!

    That special edition is so pretty! That random is so me! Hope you feel better, Tanya!

    1. P.S. I linked that zucchini recipe and here it is if you don't get back over to the blog:

      I substitute heavy cream for the milk and set the oven to air fry at the same temp. :)

    2. Rachel - Kid meals portions are so much more reasonable. But I've found some place will not allow you to order from the kids menu. So annoying. Takeout alleviates that problem since they don't know it's for me. Ha!

      That is so cool that your family got to meet the team and get pics! I was so happy to see them win. They played so well throughout the entire playoff season.

      Thanks for the link! Somehow I totally missed it in your post.

  6. I'm glad you're feeling better and hope you're back to 100% soon! Kids meals are good at any time!

  7. I'm sorry you're still not feeling 100%. Hopefully that changes this week. Those were some interesting meal choices!

    1. Thanks Deanna. I am doing better, it's just a lot slower than I would like. :)

  8. Lingering coughs are the worst! Hope you're back to 100% soon. And I love your song choice for this week. :D

    1. Lark - I agree! If I could just stop coughing I would feel so much better.

  9. I'm so sorry you were sick. Coughs are so frustrating as they often keep one up at night. I hope you will be feeling tip top soon and enjoying all the normal foods!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Thanks Anne. Yes, the coughing is driving me batty, but it's getting better (slowly!).

  10. Sorry you were sick! I think it is hilarious that the hockey finals were between two teams in HOT climates. So funny! Hope you feel better!

  11. So sorry you've been sick. There's been some respiratory virus hitting hard here and it seems like everyone has a hacking cough. It's so frustrating because those lingering coughs just seem to go on forever! Enjoy your chicken fingers and have a wonderful week!

    1. Katherine - Yes! You are so right. The cough takes forever to go away and that always worries me because then I get concerned that I'm not really getting well. So annoying.

  12. Glad you are feeling better!

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  13. Glad you're feeling better! I had the cough/sinus infection in May, was so glad when it finally went away. Of course the air quality right now doesn't help with my asthma either! That song, wow, what a blast from the past! Hope you have a good week!

    1. Lisa - I know so many people who have been sick with sinus infections and respiratory infections. It's crazy. And a little scary when you already have asthma. Hope your week is off to a good start!

  14. So happy to see you back to doing your weekly recaps! I have missed seeing you! Sorry to hear you are under the weather though. Suffering from lack of appetite is the worst for sure. Interesting combinations there haha LOVE Tillie Cole and I really need to return to that series. And Still Beating is such a wonderful book. Hope you are enjoying that Catherine Cowles. Her writing is just the best, I love how she writes small towns.

    1. Aw, thanks Renee! You are the sweetest. :) I was surprised at how hooked I became so quickly on the Tillie Cole series. I'll be so sad to say goodbye to the Hangmen.

  15. Aww, so sorry to hear you've been sick! I just loved Still Beating. And I'm glad you're still loving Cole's series. I can't wait to continue!!

    1. Alison - I was so blown away by Still Beating. I can't wait to read more by Hartmann!
