WWW Wednesday #126 | June 14, 2023


WWW Wednesdays is hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words.
Just share your answers to three questions:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you'll read next?

I've been MIA on the blog for the past two weeks. First, I was busy at the office and getting ready for our getaway. Then, the week of vacation turned into a week of being sick. Ugh. We were gone for a whole 9 hours when I realized I'd made a huge mistake (and could no longer deny that I was sick) and we went back home. I kept telling myself that I could be sick anywhere, and why not do it poolside? But the fact is, when you're sick you just need to be in your own bed, in the comfort of your own home. I'm still not quite 100% but doing much better. I hope your week is going well!

What are you currently reading?


Kindle: Damnable Grace by Tillie Cole
Audio: Beautifully Broken Control by Catherine Cowles

Currently readingI'm halfway through Damnable Grace, the fifth book in the series
This one has a slightly different feel, though I can't quite pinpoint why. Totally enjoying
it, though, and eager to see AK and Phebe both find some peace.
Current progress: 52%

Currently listening: I was concerned that I wasn't going to enjoy this one as much as
the previous books in the series because I just wasn't clicking with the main female
character at first. But I'm fully on-board now and Cain is absolutely one of my
favorite male leads in the series.
Current progress: 62%

What did you recently finish reading?


Kindle: Still Beating by Jennifer Hartmann - ★★★★★
Kindle: Come With Me by Brooke Montgomery - ★★★★.5

Recently readNo idea how I will review this one. I have no words.

Recently read: I was so, so sad when Kennedy Fox announcement their split as a writing 
duo earlier this year. This solo release from Brooke Montgomery (one half of Kennedy
Fox) was so good and has me excited for what's to come. Loved it.

What do you think you'll read next?


What I read next is always up in the air, but these two are likely contenders.

What are you reading today?


  1. I'm so sorry your vacation got ruined because you go sick! that's the worst. Poolside would have been nice...but you do need your own bed when you feel awful. Hope you're feeling much better now!

    1. Lark - Yes, it was sad to have to abandon our getaway, but like you said, much better to be at home when sick. Hopefully we can plan another trip soon. :)

  2. NOOOOOO! So sorry you were ill and missed out on your getaway. That's a shame, but I wouldn't want to be away if I was ill either.

    1. Sam - I know! I could have just cried. But I always knew I just wanted to be at home. I think we'll try again next month for a getaway.

  3. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better now but I hate it for you that you got sick and didn't get to take your trip. I hope you'll be able to reschedule soon.

    1. Suzanne - I know, what lousy timing, right? But I'm feeling better and we'll try again soon. :)

  4. Oh, no! I'm sorry you had to miss your trip, but am glad you're feeling better. Ugh, I hope you get to take a make-up trip!

  5. I'm so sorry your vacation got ruined with being sick. That is such a bummer. I was wondering how you were doing since you hadn't been posting. I was just hoping your vacation was going well. :( I hope you continue to feel better and get a trip re-do.

    1. Thanks Deanna. Hopefully we'll plan another getaway soon to make up for the one that didn't happen. :)

  6. Oh no! I hope you're feeling better, Tanya! What a bummer! You are right though, when you're sick you need the comfort of your own home. I hope you're able reschedule your getaway soon!

    1. Thanks Rachel. Yeah, getting sick was a letdown, but I'm glad we went home and didn't try to tough it out.

  7. That sucks! I hope you start to feel better soon.

    1. Alicia - Thanks. I'm feeling better. Hopefully we can plan another trip soon.

  8. Sorry your vacation plans fell apart. Glad you were able to get back home to be comfortable and recover.

    1. Lucy - Thanks, me too. But it was better to be at home that away while sick. That would have been miserable.

  9. Oh no Tanya! And I thought you were silent because you were enjoying yourself on holiday! Damn! I hope you are feeling much better now!

    1. Sophie - I wish that were so! But I'm getting better, and we'll plan another trip soon, I hope.
