WWW Wednesday #132 | February 21, 2024


WWW Wednesdays is hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words.
Just share your answers to three questions:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you'll read next?

How is it the four day work weeks always seem so long?
I'm having a hard time believing it's only Wednesday.
Shouldn't it be Friday by now?? 😣

What are you currently reading?


Audio: Something Like Love by Piper Rayne
Kindle: Heartstopper: Volume 5 by Alice Oseman

Currently listeningI almost finished Something Like Love this morning (and was 
tempted to stay in the car and listen to the last of the audiobook) but I needed to get
into the office. This is the last in the Chicago Grizzlies series and it's been fun. 
Current progress: 94%

Currently reading: I'm not one who gravitates to graphic novels, but I do love
Heartstopper. Oseman has created something special in characters Nick and Charlie 
(and their entire friend group).
Current progress: 5%

What did you recently finish reading?


Kindle/Audio: Ashes of You by Catherine Cowles
eARC: Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle

Recently read: Ashes of You - Wonderful end to the series Much love for the Hartley family. 4.25 stars

Recently read: Expiration Dates - Did not work for me on multiple levels. So many issues
with this one. 2 stars

What do you think you'll read next?

never know what I'm going to read next but Stay With Me, the second book in 
the Sugarland Creek series, is a strong possibility.

What are you reading today?


  1. Is it bad that I was excited to see you probably felt the same way I did about Expiration Dates? I can't believe they tried to market it as the romance of this generation. I can't wait to read your review for it!

    1. Deanna - LOL I read your review on GR and we shared some of the same issues. I just never clicked with Daphne and had issues with how everything was handled.

  2. Heartstopper is so cute. I'm sad it's wrapping up in the next volume, but I bet it'll be lovely.

    1. Nicky - I'll be sad to see Heartstopper end but I agree - it will be wonderful and bittersweet.

  3. Our reading experiences with Serle's book were night and day. Sorry you didn't like it.

    1. Sam - We definitely felt differently about the Serle book but I'm so glad you loved it!!

  4. I had a BLAST with Ashes of You. Its my favorite Cowles so far. I have been seeing Brooke Montgomery and really want to try that one out soon.

    1. Renee - That's so great that Ashes of You became your favorite by Cowles! She has a lot to love. :) My fave from the Lost & Found series is still Roan's story.

      Brooke Montgomery was one half of the Kennedy Fox writing duo (who I loved) and her solo series really grabbed me from the start.

  5. Yes, short weeks always feel long especially when the holiday is Monday! I'm behind on Serle's books but I thought Expiration Dates sounded interesting - now I'm kinda eager to hear your thoughts!

    1. Angela - My review for Expiration Dates will post on Thursday (2/29) but basically I just wasn't a fan of the execution. If you've already enjoyed others by Serle maybe you'd enjoy this one more than I did.

  6. I'm reading Heartstopper now & they are usually such quick reads for me but this one is a slog for some reason. So started rewatching the series for the 4th time instead lol

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. Karen - Sorry that the latest Heartstopper wasn't working for you. But you can't go wrong with a series rewatch! :)

  7. I adore the Heartstopper series. Hate to see you didn't like Expiration Dates. I was considering picking it up for my next arc, but you have me scared!

    1. Alison - Don't let me sway you from Expiration Dates! I know Sam really loved it. Could be it was just a me thing.

  8. I'm behind in Cowles' books, but hoping to catch up on them this summer. And I'm not sure Expiration Dates would work for me either; there's something about the premise that doesn't appeal.

    1. Lark - Catherine Cowles is one that I never tire of. I just love her brand of small town romance.

  9. Oh my goodness! I hate it when I'm so close to the end of a book right before I have to walk into work, lol! It did seem like a long week. You had a winner and loser this week. Expiration Dates sounds like an interesting premise, but not every book is for every reader. Hope you have nothing but wins coming up!

    1. Rachel - Isn't that the worst? It's like, surely if I wandered in late they would understand that I had to sit in the parking lot and finish my audio book, right? lol

  10. Replies
    1. Sophie - It really is! I'm usually great at choosing books that I am sure I will like. But this one really missed the mark for me.

  11. I definitely want to read a Piper Rayne book myself! With every book she publishes I find myself asking the same question.. Why haven't I read a book by her yet?!
    I'm trying to work through my next book club read: The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. So far it's been a challenge!

    1. Maureen - I hope you'll have a chance to read something by Piper Rayne soon! They're such a fun writing duo. Their books are on the lighter side and are perfect after I've read something heavy and emotional. I've read at least 20 from them by now and I'm nowhere near catching up with them. :)

  12. I wasn't the biggest fan of the last Serles' book I read. I want to give this new one a chance because I've seen so many good reviews but now I think I'll be lowering my expectations.

    1. Suzanne - I know Sam loved Expiration Dates so don't let me sway you. But it really wasn't one for me.
