Series: Kill Devil Hills #2
Genres: New Adult, Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 16, 2015 by CreateSpace
Format: Kindle
Source: Purchased
Find it here: GoodReads | Amazon

Ellie Turner is a lesbian. She has tattoos, short hair, and a ‘don’t-mess-with-me-attitude.’ She knows who she is, loves who she is, and couldn’t care less what the rest of the world thinks of her. And since she has the most kick-ass best friend on the planet, Noah Clark, even when family drama gets in the way, nothing can offset her happy-go-lucky demeanor.
Until television star Nate West comes along. All thick muscle and alpha-male testosterone. When Ellie meets him on an airplane the only thing Nate West should be good for is a brand new profile picture on Facebook. Right? Wrong. Turns out he’s good for so much more.
This man is going to flip everything Ellie thought she knew about herself upside down...
My Thoughts
Changing Tides begins with main character Ellie, taking a trip to California. While her companions view it as a short vacation, Ellie has a specific reason for going there (and oh my goodness did that reason ever take me by surprise). On the flight there she meets Hollywood hottie/TV star Nate West. They share an almost-hook-up on the plane which leaves Ellie, a lesbian, plenty confused since she has never once questioned her sexuality. She reconnects with Nate during her stay and finds herself not only incredibly attracted to him, but also feeling like he could mean more to her than just 'experimentation.'
Sometimes in life - very rarely, I might add - you meet someone and you know instantly they're going to mean something special to you. - Ellie
I enjoyed revisiting the characters from the first book in the series and learning more about Ellie. She is a straight forward, no-nonsense kind of woman who almost always speaks her mind - which is refreshing. Nathaniel (Nate) was sweet and considerate and went above and beyond to prove his feelings for Ellie. However, it was impossible to ignore the insta-love happening here. At one point Nate is considering his interaction with Ellie and "the deepest intimacy I'd ever experienced." After ONE day? Seriously? I can understand instant attraction, or even insta-lust, but it strains believability when a character is claiming deep intimacy after 24 hours. Also the fact that Ellie did not share with her parents the reason behind her trip (it impacted the entire family) for a month or more... just no. That made no sense to me at all.
Kill Devil Hills, which focused on Noah and Georgie, had true depth and emotion and felt completely and utterly realistic. Changing Tides, while overall enjoyable, was just lacking that depth and realism. I'm looking forward to continuing the series with Rhett's story in the third book. (Side note: I truly hope a certain character does NOT get his own story. I am so appalled by his selfishness that I have no desire to read about any justification for his actions. Ugh.)
3.5/5 Stars
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