Cover Reveal + Giveaway! Brave by Jennifer L. Armentrout

If you've been around here any time at all you know how much I love Jennifer L. Armentrout. She's one of my favorite authors and one of my *very* few auto-buy authors. I tend to inhale (and love) everything she writes and the Wicked Trilogy is no exception. 

BRAVE, the final book in the trilogy, is set to release this December but we get our first look at the cover today. Take a look at this beauty...

Ivy Morgan hasn't been feeling like herself lately. Not like anyone can blame her. After all, being held captive by a psychotic fae prince hell-bent on permanently opening the gates to the Otherworld is bound to leave some mental scars.

It’s more than that, though. Something dark and insidious is spreading throughout Ivy, more powerful than she could ever imagine... and it’s coming between her and the man she’s fallen deeply in love with, elite Order member Ren Owens.

Ren would do anything to keep Ivy safe. Anything. But when he makes a life altering choice for her, the fallout of his act has far reaching consequences that threaten to tear their lives apart.
If Ivy is going to have any hope of surviving this, she must put aside the hurt and betrayal she feels, and work with not only those she loves, but with an enemy she would rather kill than ever trust. War is coming, and it soon becomes clear that what Ivy and Ren thought they knew about the Order, themselves, and even their enemies, has been nothing but a cluster of dangerous, deadly lies. Ivy knows she must be more than just brave to save those she loves--and, ultimately, to save herself.

Because behind ever evil fae Prince, there’s a Queen…

The Wicked Trilogy, Book #3
Releases December 11, 2017
Available formats: Paperback (U.S./Canada) and E-book

*Amazon is the only retailer with a pre-order link at this time.
To celebrate the upcoming release of BRAVE (book 3 in the Wicked Saga), Jennifer is offering an exclusive virtual signing! Through this virtual signing, you will be able to order SIGNED & PERSONALIZED copies of WICKED, TORN, and BRAVE!
And best of all -- This is OPEN INTERNATIONALLY! 

Virtual Signing opens 9/21/2017 at 11 AM (EST)
Virtual Signing ends 11/17/2017
Open Internationally

Use this link for more information and to submit your order:


# 1 NEW YORK TIMES Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. She spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki.


  1. Fuck yea!
    Can't wait! Although there better be no fallout with their relationship. :/

    1. I know, right. But Tink will be there to kick her butt if she starts making dumb decisions. :)

  2. ok that is probably one of the most beautiful covers I have ever seen! Can you believe I have NEVER read a book about fae??? But you make it sound so good!!! I'm gonna have to check out book 1!

    1. I haven't read too many about fae but this series is so much fun. And the fae in this one are Baaad with a capital B. I definitely recommend the series! :)

  3. This is beautiful! It has been way too long since I read one of her books. I so need to get back to them.

    1. This series (well, the first two books) have been so much fun. Bad Fae, secret organizations, some romance, a hilarious brownie named Tink... I definitely recommend it. :)

  4. think I read one of her books and LOVED it so kind of kicking myself for not picking up others, I'll look this series up

    1. Armentrout is one of my very favorite authors and I recommend practically everything she's written. This trilogy has been a lot of fun so far!

  5. I really need to read this author! I've so much about her and her books.
    This cover is also STUNNING <3 Absolutely love it.

    Great post, Tanya :) And thanks for sharing the giveaway!

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

    1. I looove JLA, Amy! Her Lux series is my favorite YA series ever. Dark Elements was a great trilogy and this Wicked trilogy is lots of fun, too. Hope you'll give her a try sometime!

  6. Okay, firstly I'm not sure why but I'm struggling to view a lot of your images on your blog... Is it just me?

    Secondly, as discussed previously - I need to read a JLA. I was thinking of starting with the Lux series but this one also looks amazing! WHERE SHOULD I BEGIN??

    1. Hey Di - No, not just you. I managed to figure out that it's the photos that I've linked from Google Photos. I've never had an issue with them before but all of a sudden they're not carrying over. I'll have to investigate other photo hosting options. Sorry about that!

      As far JLA, I would definitely start with the Lux series. It's my favorite from her and is just such a fun series. Plus there are 5 books to enjoy - Obsidian, Onyx, Opal, Origin and Opposition. I've reread them a couple times and they never get old. Every now and then I need my Daemon Black fix. LOL
