The Sunday Post #74

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

  • For someone who typically has no sweet tooth, I've certainly had my fair share of desserts this week. Monday night at Bonefish The Husband and I shared a crème brûlée. (If I had to pick a favorite dessert, crème brûlée is it.) And last night when I saw that Dairy Queen had pumpkin pie Blizzards... yep, I indulged in that, too. I think I'm good for the next several months. LOL
  • I had another TJ Maxx shopping spree. I swear, that store is like my kryptonite. It's totally their fault for having awesome stuff at ridiculous prices.  


  • Lastly, for anyone who is into skin care, allow me to sing the praises of this facial mask by Origins. It left my skin feeling fantastic - soft and smooth and refreshed. I already know I'll be re-purchasing this one.

Monday, September 18
Release Day:
Dear Bridget, I Want You by Penelope Ward & Vi Keeland

Wednesday, September 20
Cover Reveal + Giveaway:
Brave by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Friday, September 22
Breathe by Abbi Glines


We Now Return to Regular Life - Martin Wilson
Bossman (AUDIO) - Vi Keeland
A Messy, Beautiful Life - Sara Jade Alan

Top Ten - Katie Cotugno

If There's No Tomorrow - Jennifer L. Armentrout
Gifted from my sister - thank you, Terri-san!

The Hating Game - Sally Thorne
Gifted from Brittany at This is the Story of My (Reading) Life. Thank you, Brittany!

Elliott Redeemed - Scarlett Cole
Dark Heart of the Sun - S.K. Ryder
Unforgettable - Shannon Richard

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
You know I want to hear about it! :)


  1. I'm looking forward to reading The Hating Game myself. I've heard such great things about it. It looks like you have lots of great reading ahead of you. Enjoy!

    1. I swear, I haven't seen a single bad review for The Hating Game. Everyone seems to love it so I'm definitely excited to read it.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful week - desserts, shopping and books! Pumpkin pie Blizzards sound particularly good but I have to admit I'm not a huge brûlée fan - often they are too eggy for my tastes!

    I really need to read a JLA book and I just love that random pic!

    Hope you have another fabulous week ahead!

    1. I mean, seriously, what more could you want? Books, shopping and desserts - sounds like a perfect week to me! :) And you totally need to read some JLA!

  3. Oh my I need to head to DQ good that blizzard. LOVE me some pumpkin spice. That is why I love your random. Have a great week!

    1. My husband loathes pumpkin so he was practically gagging while I ate that Blizzard. LOL But it was so worth it. :)

  4. I hope you liked We Now Return to Regular Life. I loved that one!!


  5. Ah you're so lucky! I wish I didn't have a sweet tooth, makes me fat.

    Have a great week!

    1. Everyone thinks I'm lucky to have no sweet tooth but that just means that I overindulge on pasta and potatoes and chips instead of sweets. I'm not much better off!

  6. I hoard my pumpkin spice K-cups so I can enjoy them all year. If I was a Spice Girl, I would be Pumpkin Spice, you know what I'm saying. I remember Cracker Barrel having pumpkin spice creme brûlée. I delighted in it that ONE time, and then, POOF! It was gone forever. *sad* The Hating Game was really good. It was different than I expected, based on reviews I read. I had expected slapstick, but it actually had a lot of depth. Really good.

    1. Good idea on the hoarding! And I'm howling at you being the 5th Spice Girl... Pumpkin Spice. LOL I'm not a coffee drinker but I love me some chai tea latte. And I just saw that Starbucks has pumpkin chai tea lattes. Oh yeah, it's on!

      I'm glad to hear that about The Hating Game. I was kind of expecting a lot of slapstick silliness (not always my fave) but hearing that there's so depth there makes me feel a lot better.

  7. Ooooh desserts!! I am a huge crème brulée fan, I absolutely love it. AND yay for a shopping spree! It doesn't get better than desserts, shopping, and books ;)

    My skin is awful, so thanks for mentioning that cream. I must look into it :)

    Looking forward to your thoughts on If There's No Tomorrow! I've heard a lot about it and I love the cover.

    Hope you have a lovely week, Tanya :)

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

    1. It's a good thing I don't have much of a sweet tooth or I would be scarfing down creme brûlée all the time! LOL Hope the Origins stuff works for you if you try it. Their line can be a little pricey but it works. And I'm definitely excited for If There's No Tomorrow!

  8. I have a weakness for TJ MAx and crème brûlée too! I've heard lotsa good things about the Origins brand. Since you recommend it, I should try it !

    1. Oh my gosh, I could get into serious trouble at TJ Max. I lose all restraint.
      I am so sold on Origins! I think my Christmas wish list for my husband will be full of Origins goodies. :)

  9. I haven't gone into a TJ Maxx for a long time now. It is pretty close to a Ross and I can usually find more there. You still have me curious as to what I'm missing! :) Hm... I think I want dessert now. :D

    1. Ha! Just the opposite for me, Melissa. :) We have a Ross but TJ Max is much more convenient and I just seem to have good luck there. Hope you got that dessert! LOL

  10. Oh, I wish I didn't have a sweet tooth, I have it a little bit too much :) have a great week!

  11. Pumpkin spice blizzards? Sounds delicious! I've got way too much of a sweet tooth, and really need to learn to curb it.

    A Messy, Beautiful Life has a pretty cover! Enjoy all your new books, and have a great week.

    P.S. I don't know why, but a lot of your pictures didn't show up for me. I just see a minus sign in a circle. I don't know if the problem is on your end or mine, but I'm guessing they are photos you linked to. Just thought you'd want to know, in case there were problems with your links or something.

    1. I'm a goner for anything pumpkin spice flavored.

      Thanks for mentioning the issue with the pictures, Lark! I see them fine on my end but when I logged on from my husband's pc I could see what you were talking about. I've fixed the links so all the pics should appear now. Looks like I may need to find a different option for photo hosting! Thank you again for letting me know!

  12. heh TJ Maxx is a fun place to shop, like some of target stuff is cool. Oh I have heard a lot of good about Original Skin, awesome that you loved their mask.

    Great new titles in books. enjoy them

    Btw those booties are cute!!

    1. Oh my goodness, between TJ MAxx and Target I could do some serious damage. LOL

  13. I love me some crème brûlée! And shopping at TJ Maxx? You and I are kindred souls there. :)

    BTW I love S.K. Ryder's books. Hope you enjoy it!

    Hope you have a great week! ~Aleen

    1. Too bad we don't live closer... we could have an epic TJ Maxx shopping trip. :)
      So glad to see your comment about S.K. Ryder! I've not read anything by her before but I'm really excited to read some paranormal romance soon.
