The Sunday Post #101

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

  • Happy April! And Happy Easter to those who celebrate. I'll be spending the day hoping I don't encounter any April Fools shenanigans (note to self: avoid Facebook at all costs) and wondering why April Fools is even still a thing.

  • The giveaway for my third blogoversary ended and congrats go to Carol for winning! A copy of The Nightingale is on its way to Carol now. Big thank you's to everyone who entered!

  • The cover of the Becky Albertalli + Adam Silvera collab was revealed this week and I *love* it!♥ I am so ready for this book and October seems so far away. What do you think of the cover?

  • Have y'all seen the new Epic Reads bookmojis?? They've launched a new Epic Reads Emoji Keyboard and they're adorable! Several are based on Veronica Roth's Carve the Mark, which I never read, but the rest are just so cute! Plus they'll be releasing new emoji packs each month. I've already downloaded the initial release and can't wait to see what comes next. :)

Tuesday, March 27
Top Ten Tuesday: Foreign Settings

Wednesday, March 28
WWW Wednesday #2

What Happened - Hillary Rodham Clinton
A fascinating listening experience.

 Alex, Approximately - Jenn Bennett
Still reading this one. I swear it has nothing to do with the book (the fact that I've been reading it a week and am roughly 100 pages in), but work and other issues have kept me from doing much reading this week.


Royally Raised - Emma Chase
So excited for this short story companion to the Royally series! I can't get enough of these characters. :) Note: GoodReads shows this as Royally #2.5 but on Emma's website she considers it #4, which makes more sense considering the time frame.

One Small Thing - Erin Watt
Release date: June 26, 2018
The Fragile Ordinary - Samantha Young
Release date: June 26, 2018

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Oh! I didn't know that Becky and Adam were doing a collaboration with each other! I can't wait to read it!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

  2. I hate April Fools, I just spend the day doubting the news which is the last thing we need right now anyway. The cover looks gorgeous!

    1. OMG it's such an absurd "holiday." And you're so right... as if we need more "fake news" at this point. Ugh!

  3. Those emojis are awesome. I have to find them. That cover was EVERYWHERE, but I do think it's awesome. I am not a Silvera fan, but will probably read it, because I love Albertalli so much. Your eARC haul is so awesome. Those are two books I hope to read. Can't wait to hear what you think.

    1. Aren't those emojis the cutest? I'm pretty sure the email said both the Apple and Google app stores have them. I've actually never read anything from Silvera... but I *love* Becky Albertalli so that's good enough for me. LOL I hope you get those ARCs, too! I'm excited to read both.

  4. I don't understand April fools either... I'm having a quiet Easter trying to avoid falling off the weight loss wagon into a gallon of cadbury's chocolate.
    I really need to read Emma Chase's 'Royally' series! I say it a lot but they need to be high on my book buying list when I finally get the house situation sorted and can be cut loose on the book buying again!

    1. Hope you managed to avoid all the Easter goodies yesterday!
      I totally recommend the Royally series. All three books were so, so good!

  5. Oh the bookmoji's are super cute!!! I will have to check those out! Thanks for sharing!

    1. My poor friends are going to be so tired of seeing those bookmojis... I'm totally going to overuse them. LOL

  6. Happy Easter, Tanya! ♥ Becky's new book cover is SO DARN CUTE!!! I can't wait for the book to come out so I can squeal and rave! And I didn't know about those bookmojis!? WHERE CAN I GET THEM???

    1. Aren’t those Bookmoji the cutest?! I’ll try to include the links that were in the Epic Reads email but if they don’t work you can just search your App Store for Epic Reads Emoji Keyboard. :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Happy Easter to you and your family. Love the emojis! And I certainly love the cover on What If It’s Us too. :)

    1. Hope you had a great Easter, Jenea! (I’m still making my rounds of all the Sunday Posts.) That cover is just too adorable!

  9. Happy Easter!

    I hope the Erin Watt book is good. I've read all of the Royals except the last one and When it's real by them.

    I think you should read Sarina Bowen's Bittersweet next but I'm biased and I LOVED Griffin, the grumpy farmer.

    1. I actually haven’t read the Royals series yet! I need to get on that - especially since I feel like *everyone* has read the books except me. LOL And I can’t wait to start Bittersweet. I love me some Sarina Bowen.

  10. Happy Easter. I tend to hate most April Fool's Day yeah, I'll be happy when today is over. I'm SO excited for Adam and Becky's new book and the cover is adorable!!


    1. Glad I’m not alone with the April Fools thing. Ugh.
      I’ve actually never read anything by Silvera but just knowing that Becky is involved has me excited. :)

  11. Happy Easter!! And yes- why IS April Fools still a thing? Maybe some of these things shoud, like, expire at some point??

    Those emojis look fun. And Clinton's book looks fun, although I'm afraid I'll get mad about the election again if I read it lol.

    Hope your week ahead is a great one! :)

    1. Yes! Can we start an online movement or something? Everyone agree to just let April Fools go? :)

      Clinton’s books was so interesting but yeah... reliving it definitely got me riled up again at certain points.

  12. I’m so excited for the Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera book! I know it’ll be amazing. Those emojis are cute. Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I’m already expecting greatness from the Albertalli/Silvera collaboration. :)

  13. LOVE the cover for the new Becky and Adam book! And those emojis are adorable too---where did you find them? I went to the Epic Reads site, but didn't see them.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. That book cover is so adorable. I’m hoping the inside will be just as cute. :)
      Aren’t those emojis great?! I’ll try to include the links from the Epic Reads email, but if they don’t work you can search your App Store for Epic Reads Emoji Keyboard.

  14. Haven't see the bookmojis! Omg yes, they are so cute :)

    1. I’m loving those bookmojis. My friends are going to get so sick of seeing them in texts. :)

  15. Happy April to you Tanya! I kept forgetting that it was April Fools, luckily most of the pranks I saw were cute (like NetGalley).

    And the bookmojis are cute! I saw the email but didn't have a chance to actually look at them!

    1. I am seriously loving those bookmojis - and I can't wait to see what they release next. :)

  16. The cover of What If It's Us is so, so, so cute and I love it! I can't wait to see how this one turns out) and I should probably read at least one Adam Silvera book before this comes along oops). Happy April to you, Tanya! <3

    1. LOL Same here, Ruzaika! I've never read anything by Silvera, but seeing Becky Albertalli's name on the cover has me sold!

  17. It's been such a crazy Spring for weather! The northeast is still getting slammed with snow and where I'm at it's 80 degrees!

  18. oh oh oh you read what Happened! I CANNOT wait to hear what you though of it! Where you able to avoid April fools? LOL I wasn't! I was fooled by a fellow blogger of all! :)

    Congrats to Carol!

    1. I totally enjoyed What Happened! It too me a looong time to get through it (it's almost 17 hours) but it was so worth it.

      And yes! I avoided all April Fools shenanigans. Was it Nicole's post that got you? LOL

  19. Epic Reads bookmojis are super adorable!! I did not know they came out with some, now I need them

    1. Yep, you obviously need them. LOL I'm already excited to see what they'll release next.

  20. Man, that quote from Hillary is so relevant right now.

    Wow, how did I not even know that Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera were collaborating on a book? That is so exciting!!! Thanks for the head's up!

    1. I am expecting such great things from that collab! And it's coming out in October so you can add that to your list of exciting things happening in your October. LOL

  21. Bennett's book just makes me smile every time I see that cover. Hope you get some reading time in soon :)

    1. Thanks Anna! I've been making notes as I read Alex, Approximately but they all say pretty much the same thing: this book is so cute!, Porter is so adorable! LOL
