The Sunday Post #105

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

  • Happy Sunday from Past Tanya! I'm actually writing this on Friday because by the time you read this I'll be drinking margaritas by the sea, mamacita. Okay, technically it'll probably be a non-alcoholic daiquiri by the pool, but bonus points if you know what movie that line came from. LOL

  • I doubt there will be any posts from me this coming week - and probably no blog hopping, either. My plan is to be Unplugged while I'm away. Sometimes it's good to step away and recharge. :)  

  • Once last thing before I go... any 80's movies fans? Pretty In Pink was always one of my favorites so when I came across this Drop the Mic clip a couple days ago I was loving it! It's Andie vs Duckie! :)

The One You Can't Forget (The Ones Who Got Away #2) - Roni Loren

 Moonlight Seduction (de Vincent #2) - Jennifer L. Armentrout

About 90% done with this one. My plan to switch to the ebook was foiled since there was a hold for it on Overdrive. At this point I probably won't continue with the series... but I'll see how I feel after I finish it.

Leah on the Offbeat - Becky Albertalli
So excited to dive into this one! I can't wait to be back in the Simon-verse. :)

What If It's Us - Becky Albertalli & Adam Silvera
I might have actually squealed when I got the approval for this one. Don't judge. :)

Someone I Used to Know - Patty Blount

We're headed to our favorite resort for some much needed R&R 
so this will be my view for the next week. Wish you were here! :)

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. I hope you are enjoying your vacation. I will be thinking of you, sitting poolside, while my time off is spent driving to and from NC, and packing the kid up. It's like a twofer of things I don't like to do.

    1. Ugh, hope the drive is an easy one, Sam. I’m with you on the packing...that’s a wretched chore. I want tell you that I’m on enjoying my second day poolside, I’m halfway through my first book, and it’s sunny and almost 80 degrees already (before noon). :)

  2. Omg that view and margaritas by the sea?! I don't like you very much today Tanya, I really don't 😭

  3. Enjoy your vacation, Tanya! ♥ I am so jealous that you'll be chilling at a resort with What If It's Us! SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!

    1. Thanks Aimee! I love that my biggest decision is what to read next. 🤓

  4. Ah, so jealous. I hope you have a great time on vacation though!! Lots of relaxation and book reading. Ooh you got What If It's Us? Lucky duck! :)


    1. Thanks Lauren! The relaxing is just what we needed. No deadlines, no demands. I’m loving it. 😊

  5. I hope you are having so much fun!!!! Enjoy your time off. Yes, unplugging can be the best feeling ever!!!

  6. oh my gosh so jealous over here, I'd love a vacation. Unplug and enjoy :D

    1. Thanks Lily! I could used to this not working thing. LOL

  7. That pool looks amazing! Is it just me, or is everybody going on vacation now? Have fun!

    1. I guess it’s the time for it. We always tend to go right around this time every year because it’s the week of our wedding anniversary. 😊

  8. I hope you have a wonderful time on vacation!

  9. I hope you're having a fabulous time right at this very moment!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  10. Ooh hope you're having a good time! Have a margarita for us (well that would be a lot of margaritas, but you get the idea :) ). and I feel like I should know that quote lol. I love 80's movies so that was fun!

    Love the look of that pool :)

    1. Thanks Greg! This resort and this pool is my happy place. :)
      Oh, and the quote was from Thelma & Louise!

  11. Looks like you're having a much-needed break, Tanya! Hope you're recharging well and proper! Glad to see you're still managing to squeeze in some reading- and wow, congrats on snagging an e-ARC of What If It's Us!!! Hope you have a great time away <3

    1. Thanks Ruzaika! Having a fantastic time... lots of laying by the pool with a book in hand. :)

  12. I hope you enjoy your break! I tend to stay away from blogging on the weekends to allow myself to reset for the week. It's also when everyone is home and I'd rather be spending time with my family. I *might* break that if everyone is napping, or I forgot to schedule something, but I usually stay away for the weekend. :)

    I'm sorry you're not enjoying Burn For Me! It's one of my FAVORITES. But you have What If It's US? and that's AMAZING. <3

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?

    1. That sounds like a good schedule, Lindsi. I often tell myself that I'm going to use weekends as a "catch up" time which means I'm not giving myself time away online/blogging at all. I really need to come up with a better schedule.

    2. I need the weekend to reset! Just try something different every week until you find something that works. :)

  13. Oooh vacation!! I am incredibly jealous, so be sure to pour a daiquiri out for your homie or... something less nerdy :D And seriously, enjoy your break, breaks are so important! So excited that you got What If It's Us!! I hope you love it!

    Also, that Drop the Mic clip is one of the best things I have seen on the internet lately, thanks for sharing it! Too funny! I only saw the movie many, many years later, but I thought she should have gone for Duckie tbh

    1. Let's see, I had two virgin daiquiris... does that count? LOL What can I say, I'm just not a drinker. At least that makes me a cheap date. Ha!
      I've actually read that the original Pretty in Pink ending had Andie and Duckie together. But test audiences didn't like it so they re-shot it with Blaine getting the girl. Methinks they got it wrong.

  14. That's a lovely picture :) I hope you are enjoying (or enjoyed, cause I'm late!) your vacation :)

    1. Thanks! Having a fabulous time... lots of poolside reading. :)
