Top Ten Tuesday: Books to Ban the Slump

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic: 
Books to Pull You Out of a Reading Slump
Sooner or later it happens to all of us: the dreaded reading slump. Whether it's because of a recent read or just one of those things, no one likes a reading slump. Sometimes you just have to let it run its course, but sometimes the right book at the right time can help you bounce right back. Here are my picks for the books that help me ban the slump.

Re-read an all-time favorite.
I very rarely re-read but I make an exception for the Lux series. I've re-read the first few books in series several times and it's my go-to for when I'm in a slump (or just need a Daemon Black fix).

Laugh a little.
Sometimes you just don't have it in you to concentrate on silly things like plot and characters. Why not grab a lighthearted memoir or some humorous essays? Have a few laughs with little brain power required.

Cute contemporary for the win.
No matter what genre you typically enjoy, if you're feeling slumpy you probably don't want to delve into anything too heavy or complex. A light contemporary might just do the trick.

Grab some middle grade.
If, like me, you never read middle grade books, and you're mired in a reading slump, consider giving it a try. The shift in POV to that of a child might do you wonders.
Example: Wonder by R.J. Palacio (see what I did there?)

Try a different genre.
If you read from one (or two) genres almost exclusively, try switching it up the next time a slump hits. The times I've branched out to mystery/thrillers have usually been a big hit!

Short stories, anyone?
My last reading slump lasted months and I rarely felt like reading at all. And even when I did I found my attention span was short. Short stories to the rescue! 

Novellas are your friend.
Along the same line as short stories, novellas are also a great option. If a favorite book or series offers up a novella, chances are you'll enjoy revisiting those characters or that world again.

More cute contemporary FTW.
It bears repeating - a cute contemporary will always, always do the trick for me. Contemporary romance is already my genre of choice so when I'm feeling slumpy I usually still go the contemporary route. I just make sure I go for something cute and light instead of dark and angsty.

Same book... different format.
This is possibly my favorite tip/trick/hack for breaking out of the dreaded slump. I pick a favorite book, a plot I loved, characters I adore, but instead of trying to re-read it I go the audio route. There are several books that I listen to again and again on audio and they never get old... even during a reading slump. 

Explore a new world.
Sometimes losing yourself in a totally new setting can re-energize your reading. Grab a fantasy, a sci-fi, or even a contemporary that's set in a faraway place, and be transported.

Do you experience reading slumps?
What's your best trick to get past it?


  1. I love your list! I'm so scared to finish ACOMAF! haha I think it's because I like it so much.

    1. Must. Finish. ACOMAF! It's so, so worth it! Now go read it... I'll be waiting. LOL

  2. Are you excited for The Darkest Star?? I'm going to her event in November! I really loved the Lux series and desperately need to re-read them. I'm happy I know someone that shares my love of Armentrout. I'm going to be starting Unchained soon! <3

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?

    1. Oh my gosh, I am practically jumping out of my skin for The Darkest Star. LOL Awesome that you get to see her in November! I manage to see her about once a year - she's the author that I've met the most times. Love her. :) I've yet to read Unchained - can't wait to see what you think of it!

    2. I'm addicted to the Lux series and cannot wait for The Darkest Star! I've lost count of how many giveaways I've entered, or requests I've sent. I've met JLA at BEA and I think ALA (but it could have been an event in Texas). She's always so sweet and kind!

      I have a few books I need to read before Unchained, but it's going to be devoured by me as soon as humanly possible. <3

  3. Oh I like your take on this one!! I like all of these suggestions but your first three always work for me. Also sometimes I just binge nextflix :)

    1. LOL That's a good one... just skip trying to read altogether. That's actually what I usually go with during a slump. Taking a break.

  4. A cute contemporary is my winning formula. Wonder owns me and KWest is always best.

    1. No matter the question, contemporaries are the answer. LOL

  5. Great tips here and I love your choice of books, especially Scrappy Little Nobody. That was a fun read.

    1. The audio version of Scrappy Little Nobody was such a great experience. Love Anna's acerbic humor. :)

  6. Cute contemporary is my go to for reading slumps!

  7. Great ideas! I do love Wonder and there are some really good MG books coming out these days. I still need to read Scrappy Little Nobody! And I LOVE Him. I could definitely re-read that someday.


    1. I have read and listened to Him (and Us) sooo many times. I love Wes and Jamie and just never seem to get enough of them. :)

  8. Wonderful list!! I tend to read short things like short stories, novellas, comics, graphic novels, etc when I feel a slump coming on.

    1. I agree those are the perfect fixes (usually) for reading slumps.

  9. Loved Him but I haven't read the others.

    I just take time off from reading now. Or read a few HEA novellas. I've tried all the other things and it's better for me to not try to push through and accept that I need a break.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I just fell in in love with Him. It became an instant favorite and it's one of the (very) few books that I reread. Have you read the follow-up, Us?
