#Blogmas2019 Day 31: Goodreads Challenge

Welcome to Blogmas 2019! 
Blogmas is the creation of Sophie @ Beware of the Reader. This is her third year (I think) doing Blogmas and my second year participating. Sophie has provided some great prompts for this month and I'm excited to participate as often as possible. I'll probably be combining days fairly often, like today. If you'd like to participate, be sure to use the hashtags #Blogmas2019 and #BestBooksof2019.

It's been a great month of looking at the best books I've read this year. Thanks so much to Sophie for creating/hosting Blogmas! For the final day of the year - and the decade! - I'm turning to Goodreads for an overview of the year. 

I read a total of 99 books in 2019 (did anyone else just start singing "99 bottles of beer on the wall..."?). I purposely set my goal fairly low so I could meet it and then carry on. No struggling to read X number of books or force myself to reach some lofty goal. I read however many I read. :)

My average rating for the year was 3.9.

The most popular book I read was Daisy Jones & The Six, which comes as no surprise. It felt like everyone was reading Daisy Jones this year! Apparently the least popular was Trusting Winter and I've gotta tell you... that kinda breaks my heart. You all know that I adore Lora Richardson and I sing her praises every chance I get. Her books are such a gift and deserve so much more attention.

That being said, I'm not too sad because the highest rated book I read was also by the wonderful Lora Richardson! How's that for perfect symmetry? ♥ An average rating of 4.54 is phenomenal and Awakening Autumn totally deserves it! 

The breakdown by genre is:

And now for all the pretty covers... :)



  1. Pssst: I have never read anything by TJR, so I was not reading Daisy Jones. I always think about reading something by TJR, and then the synopses sound too heartbreaking. I think 99 books is a job well done, and ahhh, look at all the contemporary romance. I get most of mine via audio, but I did still read a lot of contemporary romances. Looks like you had a great year!

    1. TJR does write some heartbreaking stories. But some are less so. And I feel like Daisy Jones and Evelyn Hugo were much less heart wrenching than some of her others.

  2. I did meet my GRs reading goal and then some. I haven't looked at my pie chart breakdown yet, though. That's kind of fun. I need to try Lora Richardson. It's easier for me if there's an audiobook version, so I'll have to look into that. I've loved a lot on your 2019 shelf. Hope you're enjoying the holiday, Tanya! I'm a total homebody/non-party person so I'm just chilling at home. :)

    1. Not sure if Lora Richardson's books are on audio. She self-pubs and I don't think I've ever seen audio options.

      Homebodies unite! :) We went out for an early dinner on NYE and were home by 7:30. And I was probably in bed before 10 PM. LOL

  3. Daisy Jones has been super popular thin year, and well deserved from what I've heard. The one book by her that I've read I really liked, and it was thought provoking, so I'll definitely read more of her stuff. The Unhoneymooners looks like a good one too.

    Happy New Year Tanya!!!

    1. The Unhoneymooners was fun... a lot of laugh out loud moments. Daisy Jones was truly amazing. I can't wait to see what they do with the movie!

  4. Looks like you had a pretty great year. I met my GR goal this year too and set it a little higher for 2020. I might end up regretting that, but we'll see, lol. Happy New Year!

    1. Hopefully 2020 will be a great reading year for both of us.

  5. I ended the year with 83 books read. Definitely not my best but I kept it low key too and had fun reading this year so I consider it a win.

    Happy New Year Tanya!!

    Karen @ For What It's worth

    1. Yeah, my last quarter reading slump through me off but I still consider it a good reading year with some really great books.

      Happy New Year to you, too!

  6. It looks like you had a great reading year! We have similar taste in books so I'm so glad we've found each other's blogs this past year and I can get more recommendations from you!

    1. Ditto from me, Angela! It's so much fun to connect over similar reading tastes. :)

  7. I love this!! I hope you have a wonderful reading year in 2020! :)

  8. I do the same thing that you do, Tanya. I set my Goodreads goal low and then just see where I land at the end of the year. I have enough pressure in my life that I don't need my Goodreads goal causing any more :) You had a fantastic reading year and I do see that we had similar ratings on a few books. It sounds like I need to try Lora Richardson! Have a happy 2020!

    1. Exactly, Carole! I refuse to stress over how many books I read in a year. LOL I have enough real stuff to stress over. Ha! If you enjoy contemporary YA at all, Lora Richardson is really wonderful.

  9. Congratulations on such a productive reading year! I'm very happy to have discovered your blog in 2019 and look forward to more from you this new year!

  10. I am listening to Daisy Jones and the Six right now Tanya! Part of a deal with Daiy @thedgbookblog : I read it and she reads one of my YA fantasy (Six of CRows) LOL

    1. Sounds like a fair trade, Sophie. :) I hope you'll love Daisy Jones!

  11. Congrats, Tanya! 99/60 is such an achievement! This also reminds me how long the Addicted/Calloway Sisters books are lol. Here's to more achievements in 2020!

    1. So true, Chai! Those are big, chunky books... which I love. I'm never ready for those to end. :)

  12. Great job surpassing your goal AND reading a TON of amazing books!

  13. Wow, you rocked 2019!
    I seen some wonderful books listed. I recognized quite a few books - and many that are on my TBR. lol

    1. Thanks Whitney... hopefully 2020 will bring more great reads. :)

  14. Well done, Tanya! You smashed your goal and read quite a few awesome books! Here's to another good reading year!
