The Sunday Post #187

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

  • I survived! I made it through that dreaded, heinous 4-week period at the office that knocks me down every year and makes me shift into survival mode. And now I'm off for the next week so I can put all thoughts of work aside and just concentrate on all the happy stuff: family, gift-wrapping, Christmas music, no schedules, our beautiful Christmas tree, good food, driving around and admiring all the decorations and lights. I'm here for all of it.
  • How's everyone doing with their Christmas shopping? I think I'm done... unless I'm forgetting something, wake up horrified in the middle of the night, and end up rushing out on Christmas Eve Day to find whatever I've forgotten. But I think I'm good. :)
  • The Husband did the grocery shopping yesterday so I could stay at home and do other things. (I swear, the man is going for sainthood.) That gave me a chance to run out and pick up an item I'd ordered online and had shipped to the store. Traffic was insane and I'm sure it will only get worse so I'm going to try hard to stick close to home today.
  • We stopped by my mom's house last night to check on her (she hadn't been feeling well earlier in the day) and we stayed longer than anticipated which meant I had to come straight home and take some Benadryl. Because she has a cat, she always comes to our house instead of me going over there. I am highly allergic to animal dander - and cats are the worst. Now I have a Benadryl hangover and I definitely see a nap in my future today. (It's supposed to rain all day so it's perfect nap weather.)
  • And now for this week's 80's music fix: I know it's not exactly cheery and uplifting, but I love this one and it's so nostalgic for me. I remember all the excitement when it released (in 1984), buying the little 45 record and the 12" remix version. I watched MTV constantly for the video and named all the singers as they performed. It's been 35 years, but I still love this song.


Reading? What is reading?    


I don't think I picked this one up even once during the past week. Between work and home and Christmas preparations, I didn't read at all. Either no time or I was too exhausted. Hopefully that will change this week while I'm off! 

Not a thing.

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. I remember when Bob Geldof did the original Band Aid. That was huge! I hope you have a wonderful week off and an amazing holiday. It's not the worst week to work, for me, because it's slow.

    1. Who knew that song would change his life so much? From Band Aid to Live Aid... and now he's Sir Geldolf!

  2. While the reason for the song was depressing, the coming together of all those celebrities was heartwarming.

    Wishing you a great reading week, and a joyful holiday season!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 'm also extremely allergic to cats. And I'm having the same issue with reading , thank goodness for audio I can listen while cooking, cleaning, etc.

    I wish you a very Merry Christmas with family, relaxation, great reading and yummy food! Have a happy holiday season!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Reading has fallen by the wayside for the past couple weeks but I agree... thank goodness for audio books!

      Hope you had a wonderful holiday, Anne!

  5. Yay for getting all your shopping done! Your husband sounds like a keeper! I love it that my husband grocery shops too! Hope you and your family enjoy the Holiday! :)

    1. My husband is retiring in about 4 months and then I imagine he'll take over the grocery shopping completely. I'm looking forward to that! :) Awesome that your husband does the shopping, too!

  6. Yay for being on break! I hope you and your family have an awesome Christmas!! I love going around and seeing all the lights too- it's so festive.

    "Reading? What is reading?" So true haha!!

    Hope your mom is feeling better.

    Band-Aid- awesome!! :)

    1. Thanks Greg! It's been a wonderful Christmas. (And Mom is much better, thank you.) I hope you and your family had a fantastic holiday.

  7. Yay for your much needed rest Tanya!!! And I think I am done with the Christmas shopping. I'd better be as I work tomorrow and after tomorrow!!! Now that song sent me right to my teenage years, thanks for reminding me that I am that olde! LOL Merry Christmas my friend!

    1. That song really does take you back, doesn't it? I remember thinking it was the greatest song ever made. LOL

  8. Yay for making it through the four week nightmare. I hope you enjoy your week off and that you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!

  9. Yay for vacation! And naps! I'm thinking a nap may be in my future today as well!

    1. This week has been awesome so far... and yes I had a nap today. LOL

  10. I’m glad you survived work. Enjoy your time off. Merry Christmas!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  11. I have a terrible cat allergy as well so I know how miserable it it!! Hope you got your nap in!

    1. I dosed up on Benadryl before going to my mom's house Christmas Eve and it seemed to do the trick. And I absolutely got that nap! :)

  12. I remember how big of a deal the Band Aid song was. I do miss the days when MTV was fun to watch. Enjoy your week off work! I hope you have a great week and maybe find a moment to pick up a book :)

    1. I don't think MTV even plays music anymore! Maybe the M now stands for something other than music. LOL Seems like it's 100% reality shows these days.

  13. oh my goodness, long week! I'm glad youre through the messy part of work, hopefully you can now just enjoy your holidays <3

    1. Exactly my thoughts! It was great to put the stress behind me and just enjoy the holiday.

  14. Congrats on surviving work! I hope you have a good holiday week. :)
    Krystianna @ Volumes and Voyages

  15. I love love love that Band Aid song and trying to identify all the singers when I hear it on the radio! My husband is very allergic to cats, too, so we basically never go to the his parents' house, where they have 3 cats - they always come to us.

    1. Three cats... yikes. Yep, I'd have to steer clear, too. One is enough to do me in. I'll be over there tomorrow night for Christmas Eve for a couple hours so I'll be dosing up on my Allegra and Benadryl!

  16. Band Aid/Do They Know It's Christmas is a classic! :) It's been on a fair amount in our house this month.

    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! I finished up the shop related activities today so I don't plan on leaving the house now until pretty much the weekend, lol.

    1. I never get tired of that one. I've heard there's been a remake (or two?) but I've never listened to them.

      Hooray for finishing up and now being able to stay home and relax! :)

  17. Living in a small town has been different this year. On one hand - it's a struggle to find things with the limited shopping but the traffic and crowds are next to zero.

    The locals think it's crowded when there are only 3 people in line lol But I'm like WHEEEE this is awesome. I'm in & out of here!

    Karen @ For What It's worth

    1. Less traffic and crowds is sounding pretty awesome about now. Traffic here is insane at this point and every outing takes double the time it should. Ugh. Those locals don't know how good they have it. LOL

  18. I really never started anything Christmas-y at home until work finished up. It's a different (and wonderful) time now that I'm retired.

    Merry Christmas, Tanya!

  19. What a great 80's Christmas song pick! I love that song, too. I am so happy you made it through that dreaded 4 week period unscathed. I hope you have the happiest of holidays!

    1. Thanks Deanna! Merry Christmas to you... I hope you have a fantastic day with family.

  20. I still have to do Christmas shopping...and yes, I know it's after Christmas. LOL I got the gifts for my family finished and they opened them already, but I still have some friends near and far that I want to send something to!


    1. At least shopping after Christmas means you’ll probably get some awesome deals! :)

  21. I am so, so ready for January. This holiday season was BRUTAL because we were actually in town to celebrate with family, haha. Normally, we're STATES away, so we just mail presents and text on the actual day. I love being around family, but it's exhausting!

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? ☃💬

    1. Um yeah, family can be exhausting. I love them... but I’m also thrilled when they all go home. LOL
