The Sunday Post #184

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

  • This past week has gone in the blink of an eye and it's hard to believe it's already time for another Sunday Post. It's been crazy busy, stressful at times, but also filled with a lot of family time and good memories.
  • For those that celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you had a fantastic day. No kitchen disasters, no family drama, and no political discussions turned bad. LOL
  • We host Thanksgiving at our house now and that meant a lot of preparing. Last Sunday afternoon we put up our Christmas tree and got it decorated. Typically we don't put it up until well into December, but with everyone coming over it made sense to do it early. We had 15 people for Thanksgiving so it was a full house and I think everyone had a great day. And after everyone left that evening, The Husband and I shuffled around like zombies, setting things right, and collapsed before 9 PM. LOL
  • Shout out to Amazon for same-day delivery yesterday. And to Walmart for grocery pick-up today. Totally making my life easier this weekend.
  • And now for this week's 80's music fix: Since it's officially December and Christmas is now just around the corner, what better time to dust off the cobwebs from this oldie but goodie. Enjoy the song and enjoy this cheesefest of a video. :)

Tuesday, November 26
Top Ten Tuesday: Thankful Edition

Wednesday, November 27
WWW Wednesday #70

Friday, November 29
Black Friday Book Bonanza Giveaway



Coming Home for Christmas really hit the spot. Definitely more on the sweet side of romance that I'm used to reading, but that also meant it was lighter and easier and basically just what I needed after a spate of reads that were either super heavy and angsty or had characters that did stupid things (or both). Grip kind of fell into both those categories - heavy and angsty plus the main character gave me fits at times - but Kennedy Ryan still has a way of making it work and keeping me invested. I'll definitely read the follow-up to Grip, just not in the immediate future.


I decided to stick with the whole sweet-holiday-romance theme and pick up Cowboy Christmas Redemption. I've never read a holiday romance (up until Coming Home for Christmas a few days ago), I've never read a cowboy romance, and I've never read anything by Maisey Yates - so plenty of firsts. But the synopsis caught my eye and it keeps in-line with my current reading mood of light and easy. I also started re-listening to Him yesterday for the simple fact that it makes me happy. This is probably 10th(ish) listen and I never grow tired of #Wesmie. ♥

The Bookworm Box had an awesome 50%-off sale a week or so ago and I couldn't resist nabbing a few book. What's extra-awesome is that while I only ordered three, they gifted me with three additional books! 
Letters to Molly - Devney Perry | In Harmony - Emma Scott | All In - Emma Scott

What Tomorrow Brings-Page Mason | Truly Madly Whiskey-Melissa Foster 
The One You Fight For-Roni Loren


How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Your Christmas tree is beautiful Tanya!!! But you forgot to tell us that your husband has his car back! Have a wonderful week!

    1. Thanks Sophie! And yes, car is back and Husband is happy. :)

  2. I had to work Thanksgiving this year. It was weird but okay. Looks like you had a wonderful time. And I hope you enjoy all of those new reads:)

    1. Ugh, sorry you had to work, Laura. Hope you had some family time before or after.

  3. Your tree is beautiful! So elegant. I spy multiple Emma Scott books, so I guess you plan on shedding some tears. The Full Tilt books both broke me. So. Many. Tears. In Harmony was wonderful too.

    1. Thanks Sam. :) We don't put up a tree every year but I always enjoy it when we do.

      Emma Scott never fails to make me sob.

  4. I love Last Christmas! Its one of my favorite Christmas songs! Hope you have a great week!

    1. Same here, Samantha! I mean, it's kind of sad but still so catchy. LOL

  5. I can't believe it's December. It sounds like a good but exhausting holiday. I haven't started Christmas books but will be reading them this week now. Have a great week!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. I hope you've started to enjoy some of those holiday reads, Anne. :)

  6. 15 people- wow that's a pretty good gathering! Glad it went well. Ours was nice too- I love all the food lol. It is a lot of work though...

    Love that song by Wham! :)

    Have an awesome week!

  7. It looks like you had a great Thanksgiving! Your tree is so cute! And awesome haul from Bookworm Box. Hope you enjoy your current reads!

  8. Last Christmas is one of my favorite Christmas songs!
    I just re-listened to Him a couple weeks ago. After reading their novella in Christmas in the City, I want to listen to it again,too!

  9. I'm starting to get some of my Christmas decor out now, slowing making things a little holiday-like.
    I'm glad you had a good, though busy, holiday. We spent it pretty quietly, just my mom, brother, sister-in-law & me.

    1. I hope it was a good day with your family. Those "firsts" are always the hardest.

  10. I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving - 15 people, wow! I was exhausted and we only had 3 guests!

    1. Oh my goodness, I was ready to drop by the end of the day! But is was still a good time. :)

  11. Glad to hear you had a really nice holiday. Love the family pics and your purple-themed tree is gorgeous!

    1. Thanks Suzanne... I seriously love my purple-themed tree. :)

  12. I’m glad you had such a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    I’m busy playing Last Christmas to my children’s horror now :)

    Wishing you a great reading week

  13. Wow, 15 people came over for Thanksgiving? I don’t think I know that many people. Your tree is very pretty. I hope you have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. LOL Yeah, it kind of grew. My step-daughter and her family came down from Atlanta... then my sister's mother-in-law came... by that point it was like, the more the merrier!

  14. I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving! I love your tree - very pretty. And I love the song "Last Christmas." :)


  15. Sounds like a nice Thanksgiving! LOL on your shout outs - Amazon Prime and Walmart grocery pickup pretty much keep my life functioning :P

    HOpe you have a great, restful week!

    1. Right? Those convenience services and pick-up options make life so much easier!

  16. I am loving your purple tree!! Also, Walmart and Kroger having pick-up options is a HUGE HELP. Especially with three small children. No one wants them running up and down the aisles, haha. I'm also a frequent Amazon shopper. ;)

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. Thanks Lindsi. :) That tree makes me so happy every year. ♥

  17. Hosting Thanksgiving isn't an easy feat! I'm glad everything turned out great!
    Beautiful tree! I have yet to decorate but seeing everyone's trees is really putting me in the spirit.
    Looks like you scored some awesome books. I am currently reading my first book by Emma Scott and loving it.
    I hope you have a great week!

    1. We've never put our tree up this early before but since we were hosting Thanksgiving we decided to go ahead and do it early and make the house more festive. :)

      Emma Scott is one of my favorites but her books always make me cry.

  18. I don't blame you for being in bed by 9pm! I'd have been dead on my feet after hosting that many people too! Glad it was a good day though.

    Our tree isn't going up until this weekend. If we buy it too early it dies before Christmas as the mister always insists on a 'real' one... Man, I hate the needles! But I love Christmas trees.

    My reading radar perked up at Coming Home For Christmas. It sounds like a hug wrapped in a book. I want. But I already have a bunch of festive reads I need to finish. Booooo. :(

    1. Live Christmas trees are so pretty and smell so nice... but constantly cleaning up needles drives me insane! It's like, oh yes, I need one more daily task at this time of year. LOL

  19. I'm so happy you had such a wonderful Thanksgiving! And your Christmas tree is absolutely gorgeous! Ohhh I also picked up All Wrapped Up for the Holidays - Anthology & Christmas in the City - Anthology. Here's hoping we have fun discovering the stories inside!
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. Thanks Jen! I just love our tree. I sit and stare at it every evening. :)
      I haven't started either of the anthologies yet... I hope we'll both love them!

  20. It looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    I’m on the lookout for good Christmas/holiday books. I’ll be interested in seeing what you think of these you have.

    Have a good week.

    1. I can definitely recommend Coming Home for Christmas... it was lovely.

  21. Hosting Thanksgiving is a lot of work but it looks like you and your husband handled it like a pro! Beautiful tree! I just listened to Him for the first time earlier this year. I can definitely see myself having to listen again at some point in the future. Have a great week!

    1. I never tire of re-listening to both Him and Us. The audio versions are perfection! :)
