Top Ten Tuesday: Most Read Authors

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic: 
Most Read Authors

When I started checking Goodreads for my most read authors I had a pretty good idea of who they would be. I mean, I know who I read. And for the most part I was right, but there were a few surprises!

It's been 15 years or more since I read anything by Danielle Steel but she was a mainstay throughout the 80's and 90's.

No surprise here. I've read loads from her... but still haven't read them all.

Between the Rosemary Beach series, the Sea Breeze, and others... it added up.

Back in the 90's I went through a serious Dean Koontz phase.

There's not much she's written that I haven't read.

That time I went through a historical romance period and read several series from Small.

The lady who brought me #Wesmie has also brought many other favorites.

After several duds I finally gave up on Green, but back in the day she wrote some that I really loved.

With 15 books in the Morganville Vampire series, she was bound to make this list.

From her early days of chick lit and women's fiction to her more recent mysteries and domestic dramas, I've almost read them all.

Who is your most read author?


  1. Danielle Steele is a great choice!

    My TTT.

  2. Most of these didn't surprise me, since you still read a lot of books by them. Steele is HUGE, but I have yet to read a book from her.

    1. Back 20+ years ago Steel was one of my go-to's. Her books are formulaic but sometimes you just want something easy even when it's predictable.

  3. I read tons of Danielle Steel back in the day. Bertrice Small too!

  4. I was surprised to find how many Jane Green books I have read. I read the most Dr. Seuss, Mo Willems, Anne Tyler, and Janet Evanovich books.

  5. I completely forgot to add Sarina to my list! And OMG I used to read Daniel Steele so much back in the day since those were the only books our libraries would have.

    1. I swear, Danielle Steel has been around forever. And her books are everywhere. :)

  6. I went through a Koontz phase in the 90s, too, but when I looked at his list of books I couldn't remember which I've read and which I haven't! Too bad Goodreads didn't exist back then.

    Happy TTT!

  7. If I had done not just the year, I have a feeling several of these would have made my list with Nora Robert/JD Robb at the top followed by Shalvis. You have some great authors on this list...There's no doubt why they made this list.

    1. Nora Roberts is a writing machine! Her back list is pretty impressive.

  8. Great list! I should read more books by Colleen Hoover. I think I enjoyed It Ends With Us... My TTT list!

  9. I've really liked everything I've read by Lisa Jewell. And Rachel Caine too although I've only read a few of hers so far...

    1. I've only read Caine's Morganville series but I've her others are great.

  10. Wow, those are some big numbers! I didn't realize Colleen Hoover had so many books!

    1. She publishes pretty consistently so I guess it adds up. :)

  11. Wow -- 15 years and Steel still can't be topped?? Impressive.

    Also, I had no idea some of those other authors were so prolific. (and I haven't read a single one except Dean Koontz' book about his dog, A Big Little Life). Looks like when you get into a groove, you really get nice and comfortable.

  12. I wish I'd started using Goodreads earlier than I did, because there are TONS of books I've read that I just didn't log. There are definitely authors I've read a lot from but haven't read in years though, like Jodi Picoult. I used to read all her books.


    1. I think I started using Goodreads in 2007 but even before then I kept track of what I read in a spreadsheet. I'm a list junkie. :)

  13. ooh I just love all of these here. And wow I had no idea you read Bertrice Small, I read her ages ago, a classic author for sure. I just love Jennifer Armentrout, her style is so addicting. I need to read more of her adult books, I am behind on them.

    1. I never really got hooked on the historical romance genre, but for some reason Bertrice Small was an exception. I was hooked on her Skye O'Malley series!

  14. I've read quite a few Abbi Glines and JLA. Didn't know you read The Morganville Vamp series! I still need to finish it. I think I had 2 or 3 books left. Love the vampire bunny slippers!

    1. It's been so many years since I read the Morganville Vampire series but I was seriously hooked on it! My husband even read the series, too, and bought me vampire bunny slippers one Christmas. LOL

  15. Fun list of authors. I have read some of these authors. But not all of them

  16. I have read a ton of Steele, too, but that was back before I was recording my reads on Goodreads. I have added some over the years that I've read, but I know there are several that I just couldn't remember if I'd read or not. 50 is impressive! JLA and CoHo made my list, too.

  17. Armentrout and Glines make my list too. :)
    I only read book one of the Morganville Vamps series but I own up to book nine! I'll read them eventually, lol.

    Steele is one I don't see kicking around people's reading lists nowadays! Not an author I've read but she's pretty prolific.

    1. I inhaled that Morganville series back in the day and waiting for the last could books was torture. But it was so much fun. :)

  18. I don’t think I’ve read any of these authors, but I love that kitty GIF. I bet that’s how I look while trying to finish the massive book I’m reading right now.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  19. Wow, 50 books from one author. That is impressive! And I had completely forgotten that Lisa Jewell wrote anything other than thrillers. I need to go back and check out some of her older stuff.

    1. I love how Jewell's writing has evolved. From romance/chick lit to women's fiction to mysteries... she's amazing.

  20. Oh I loved the Him series and definitely need to check out more Sarina Bowen! I only read one Jennifer L. Armentrout book so far, but I enjoyed that one.

    1. Sarina Bowen is such a favorite of mine! The Him duet was such a joy. Jamie and Wes were the best! :)
