Series Review: Tin Gypsy/Clifton Forge Series by Devney Perry


I read my first Devney Perry book two years ago and she quickly became one of my go-to authors. Twelve books later and she is cemented as one of my favorites. Today I'm sharing an entire series review. I tried to keep my thoughts on each book fairly brief, but yeah... there are a lot of feelings here and I had things to say. So get comfy - or resort to skimming. No hard feelings. 😄


The Tin Gyspy motorcycle club is no more. The clubhouse is boarded up, the club disbanded, and its members have chosen to move beyond a life of crime, drugs and violence and operate on the right side of the law. Now they own the Clifton Forge Garage, widely respected for their restorations and customizations. The men are still brothers and they have allowed a select few into their found family. But the past comes back to haunt them and payment is due for past sins.

Pub date: October 29, 2019

Bryce is a journalist who has recently returned to her small hometown of Clifton Forge, Montana. When a grisly murder is committed and the former president of a supposedly defunct motorcycle club is implicated, Bryce is determined to get the story. Her run-in’s with Dash, son of the accused, leave her frustrated as he stonewalls her at every opportunity. Dash is certain that his father is being framed by a rival club and no good can come from Bryce digging into their past. 

I was hooked from the very start. Bryce was smart and feisty and never took no for an answer. Dash found himself in a tricky situation, being completely taken by Bryce while keeping safe the secrets of the past. This was the perfect blend of small town setting, intense chemistry and romance, and a suspenseful plot that tied it all together. I loved that some major plot points were left unresolved since that had me anxious for the next book. 4 STARS

Pub date: January 21, 2020

Isaiah and Genevieve entered into a marriage of convenience to protect them from prosecution for a crime – a crime that Isaiah committed while saving Genevieve’s life. Now living together in the small apartment above the Clifton Forge garage where Isaiah works, the virtual strangers slowly settle into a routine. But the danger from the past is still following the former Tin Gypsies and those in their circle.

Riven Knight is my favorite from the series for many reasons, but the main one is Isaiah. He was such a broken hero. Having spent time in prison for a devastating accident, he lived with crippling guilt, but he had the purest of hearts. Devney Perry really took the time to build the relationship between Isaiah and Genevieve slowly and carefully, while still furthering the plot. I adored this couple and their story. 4.5 STARS

Pub date: May 5, 2020

Presley was a jilted bride – left waiting at the altar by her longtime fiancé – with nothing but a text that he’d forgotten about the wedding. While licking her wounds, Hollywood heart throb Shaw Valance comes to Clifton Forge to film a movie about the grisly murder that took place in the small town. Shaw begins to frequent the garage, hoping to win the trust of Presley and the others. As Presley starts to thaw to Shaw’s advances, there is the ever-present danger from the past that continues to put them all at risk.

I appreciated Shaw’s dogged efforts to make a connection with Dash and the others, but Presley was having none of it. No way was she going to allow her found family be exploited. As their relationship grew, we learned a lot more about Presley’s past and how it tied into the current trouble. My only quibble with this one was when the conflict occurred between Presley and Shaw, Shaw made assumptions and didn’t even give Presley a chance to explain – he just left. It was still a compelling story, a solid romance, and I loved the set-up for the next book. 4 STARS

Pub date: November 10, 2020

Scarlett Marks is under police protection. The information she has on a motorcycle gang means there’s a target on her back. When she escapes from the safe house, police chief Luke Rosen is prepared to keep her safe and alive at any cost, even if that means her living in his own home. As his feelings for Scarlett grow, he’s faced with impossible decisions: keeping Scarlett safe, or honoring his values as a cop.

Luke had played a part in previous books, so I already knew what a good man he was. He took his job to heart and was truly honorable and, yes, noble. Luke struggled with the decisions he was forced to make. He had to balance his love for Scarlett with his duty as an officer of the law. Devney Perry did an amazing job at showcasing Luke’s moral dilemma. While Scarlett wasn’t my favorite character at first (she put herself and others at risk with her decisions), her courage and her willingness to sacrifice for Luke really had me warming to her. Luke was a total alphamellow – super protective but so sweet and tender when it came to Scarlett. Luke was steady throughout, but Scarlett really came into her own and I appreciated seeing those changes in her. 4 STARS

Pub date: May 18, 2021

Confirmed bachelor Leo lived for a good time, so when a one-night stand showed up and announced she was pregnant with his baby, he wasn’t just thrown for a loop… he was rocked to his core. Cassandra took one night off from her structured life and what does she have to show for it? An unplanned pregnancy, the local bad boy as the father, and her academic dreams going down the tubes. When a series of accidents put her at risk, she feels like she’s in the middle of a battle that she doesn’t even understand.

Oh, how I loved Leo. He was something of a scoundrel, but he came around. He did not handle the news of impending fatherhood well. I felt for him as he struggled with a role he never wanted but I also wondered how I was going to respect him as the hero when he kept letting Cassandra down. Trust Devney Perry! Because she had Leo grow and change in such a believable way. It wasn’t like a switch was flipped; it was so gradual, and I loved seeing him become the man he wanted to be. Cassandra was hurt by Leo again and again and she showed such patience, but she was no pushover. There were moments when she stood her ground and set limits with Leo to protect her heart. My own heart practically burst at how Leo loved Cassandra and how he cherished their little family. Leo’s redemption arc helped to make this one of my favorites in the series. 4.5 STARS

Pub date: August 31, 2021

After years of drama following the end of his motorcycle club, Emmett is all for a no-strings fling with the mystery woman he meets at the bar. As they spend more and more time together, Emmett realizes she’s his perfect match: intelligent, sassy, loves riding on the back of his bike, and lazing in his bed. What Emmett doesn’t know is that she’s the daughter of his archenemy – the president of a rival motorcycle club, and the man who murdered his father. Nova has come to Clifton Forge seeking revenge, but if she’s successful it will mean losing the man she has come to love.

Tin Queen provided a satisfying end to the series, but I found myself wishing it wasn’t this particular couple that provided that conclusion. Perry did an amazing job at bringing the story arc full circle and providing redemption for the characters, but in this case, it was a personal preference that kept me from being fully on-board. I’m not a fan of relationships that are based on lies or deception. And because Nova’s ulterior motive was the genesis for the relationship with Emmett, I just wasn’t able to get past that and be fully invested in them as a couple. Nova chose time and time again to deceive and to move forward with her plan for revenge, and I couldn’t get over the betrayal. Despite that, I thoroughly enjoyed being in the Clifton Forge world, surrounded by the characters I love. 4 STARS


In case there was any doubt, I thoroughly enjoyed this series. Devney Perry built the overall story book by book, each installment adding new layers, continuing the arc of the story while still giving each couple their own journey. One of my favorite aspects was the way Perry set up each future book. At the end of each story there were threads of the next story to come, giving just enough to have me anxious to continue on. I already knew that Perry was gifted in great characterization and that was really evident in this series. I got the feeling that she knew these characters inside and out. I felt like I got to know them just as intimately and finishing the final book was like saying goodbye to friends. 


In 2021, the series was rebranded. The series name was changed from the Tin Gypsy series to the Clifton Forge series, and the first book was retitled from Gypsy King to Steel King. In addition, the original skull covers (which I love) were updated. The content remained the same.

While I still think of the series as the Tin Gypsy series and the first book as Gypsy King, I want to recognize the changes.




  1. So interesting that they changed the covers. But, I think I can see why. When I see those skulls I immediately think horror and I don't read horror, but when I read the blurbs and your review, I think I would really enjoy the series.

    1. Wendy - I think Devney has explained in the past the reasoning for the rebranding (had to do with the use of the word "gypsy") but I still much prefer the original covers. They're what I think of when I think of the series. If you like small town romance with a bit of suspense added, you would probably enjoy the series.

  2. It was so fun to read your reviews for this series. It brought back memories. My favorite was Fallen Jester. I really wish she hadn't redone the covers and rebranded the series. I feel like it took away some of the originality.

    1. Deanna - Thanks. I'm not a fan of the new(ish) covers, either. They seem much more generic. The original covers were so distinctive.

      Fallen Jester is probably tied for my favorite - or at least a really close second. I just loved Leo's character arc.

  3. I can see why she changed the name but those original covers were so cool. Glad you found a series to binge. That's the best.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. Yes, the original covers really stood out. I'm glad I have those instead of the new ones.

  4. The original covers were fantastic. I am not a fan of the new ones. I read the first book, but I still need to read Riven Knight.

  5. All of these books sound awesome! I'm going to have to give them a try. Though I don't love the new covers as much as the old ones. Those original covers are cool!

  6. I have never been a big MC fan, but it's wonderful that you have had such great luck with Perry's books. I am a fan of the Runaway books

    1. I don't typically read MC romance but this series was different in that the MC was defunct. They didn't engage in the same activities or lifestyle really. But the strong sense of brotherhood and family was still there. I loved that.

  7. I haven't read this series, but I know my sister has read at least a couple of them and she's a big fan of the author. It's always nice when an author can well-plot out an entire series.

    1. Angela - I agree. Seeing how much went into tying the story together over the span of six books is impressive.

  8. I can understand why the names were changed as some consider the G word to be a slur but man.... those rebranded covers suck! The ones with the skulls were just so freaking awesome! I want to read this series.

    1. LOL So how do you really feel about those covers? :) Seriously though, they're just so generic. The original covers are so awesome. I definitely recommend the series!

  9. Great reviews! I stopped reading her books after some nasty move she made on some reviewers/bloggers ;-)

    1. Sophie - That's a shame. I've never heard anything like that about her.

  10. I'm not familiar with the series but those original covers are fabulous. Kind of a bummer the redesign is so blah in comparison.

    1. Susanne - I totally agree. I'm glad I grabbed all the original covers when I still could.
