WWW Wednesday #118 | September 28, 2022


WWW Wednesdays is hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words.
Just share your answers to three questions:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you'll read next?

All eyes here are on Hurricane Ian. It's bearing down on Florida and is expected 
to make landfall around Tampa. I'm in the northeast corner of Florida so hopefully 
our impact will not be severe. Even so, my company will be closed on Thursday and
Friday, and I am working from home today. As a lifelong Floridian, I'm accustomed to hurricane preparation so we're prepared for heavy winds and rain and 
possible flooding. Fingers are crossed that we ride this one out with no issues.



One Last Gift - Emily Stone
A Little Too Late - Sarina Bowen

Currently reading: One Last Gift is starting off slow for me. And I find myself not picking
it up often. Not a good sign. I'm hopeful it will pick up soon and I'll feel more invested.
Current progress: 25%

Currently listening: A Little Too Late is classic Sarina Bowen fare, and I mean that in
the best way. :) I love a second chance romance and I'm enjoying Ava and Reed making 
peace with the past as they rediscover each other.
Current progress: 70%



Carrie Soto is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Help Me Remember by Corinne Michaels - ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Recently read: No surprise here, but Carrie Soto is Back was stellar. It was one of my 
most anticipated releases of the year and it did not disappoint. Carrie was a complicated 
character and I loved her journey. My second 5-star read of the year.

Recently listened to: Help Me Remember has all of Corinne Michaels' trademark romance
and emotion but with an added element of suspense. Spencer was completely swoony and I
loved the way this story unfolded.



I never know what I'm going to read next, but both Give Me Love and Before I Let Go 
are strong possibilities.


Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Typography on Book Covers


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This Week's Top Ten Tuesday Topic:
Favorite Typography on Book Covers
I've always had a thing for fonts and typography. I love the way different styles 
can evoke a specific feel. A heavy, bold font on an intense mystery/thriller, or a 
formal, script font for a historical romance. I pay as much attention to cover 
typography as I do to the graphics. There are a couple basic sans serif fonts below 
(Credence and Trust), but even at a glance it's pretty obvious that my preference
leans heavily to hand-written styles. And typography that is large and takes up a lot 
of space on the cover. 

(Yes, I am sharing 12 covers again this week. I make no apologies.)

Do have preferences when it comes to typography?

The Sunday Post #304 | September 25, 2022


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.

T H E   W E E K   I N   R E V I E W
Last Sunday ended up being a pretty perfect day as far as birthday's go. I had a good breakfast (take-out from Waffle House), I wasn't hungry by lunchtime but I did pick up my free Starbucks drink and grabbed a pumpkin cream cheese muffin (my first pumpkin treat of the season). I puttered around in my library, rearranging books, and I unpacked my order of the Devney Perry Lark Cover special editions (purchased through her Kickstarter campaign). I watched the Jaguars game (my local football team) and they completely shut-out the Colts 24-0, so that was exciting. And, best of all, it rained and stormed almost the entire day which made me incredibly happy. 

Monday seemed to continue the birthday goodness when Starbucks served me a hot chai tea latte instead of iced, so they gave me both. I drank my hot chai in the morning, poured my iced chai in an insulated tumbler, and had it after lunch. Winning!

This clip made my day. Between the ages of about 11-13, roller skating was my world. You'd find me at the skating rink every Saturday, and during the week I was skating up and down my driveway at home. :) These guys are awesome and made me want to lace up some skates again... but since it's been 40 years since I skated, probably not the best idea. 😂
Watch on TikTok

Last Sunday I had asked about blogging ahead/scheduling posts vs. blogging on the fly and I was surprised at the comments! I assumed most of you were uber-organized and had posts scheduled weeks in advance and I was the only one furiously drafting posts at the last minute. Ha! Turns out I am far from alone as it seems many of you fly by the seat of your pants just as I do. Glad to know I'm not the only one who struggles to blog in between work and life!

Since my early 80's roller skating days are still on my mind, this week's 80's music fix is You Dropped a Bomb On Me (1982) by The Gap Band. They played this song every single time I was there. I'd never seen the video before today... and the low-budget cheesiness makes me wish I hadn't now. LOL

O N   T H E   B L O G
Tuesday, September 20

Friday, September 23

W H A T   I   R E A D

Audio: Carrie Soto Is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid - ★★★★
Kindle: Help Me Remember by Corinne Michaels - ★★★★

C U R R E N T L Y   R E A D I N G

Kindle: One Last Gift - Emily Stone
Audio: A Little Too Late - Sarina Bowen

N E W   A D D I T I O N S

I received my order of Devney Perry's Lark Cove special editions a little earlier than
expected. These were only available through her Kickstarter campaign and I totally 
splurged on the hardcover editions with gold foil and sprayed edges. They are sooo 
gorgeous in person and I felt like a kid on Christmas as I unwrapped each one. :)


I received an advance listening copy of A Little Too Late this week and I dove right in. 
I love that Sarina Bowen, Devney Perry, and Rebecca Yarros teamed up again for 
another trilogy. Those three ladies are among my absolute favorites and they never disappoint.

T O T A L L Y   R A N D O M


Short Take Reviews: Help Me Remember | Overkill


Corinne Michaels
Series: Rose Canyon #1
Format: Kindle
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense
Trope(s): Brother's best friend, memory loss

Brielle woke up in a hospital and learned that her beloved older brother, her best friend and protector, had been killed and she was the only witness. Making matters worse, the head injury she suffered left her with no memory of the attack. There was now a three-year gap in her memory. With no idea of why the attack happened, or who did it, Brielle was given a security detail to keep her safe. Her brother’s three best friends also surrounded her and supported her, including Spencer, a world-renowned investigative journalist who worked with Brie to uncover her past and regain her memories. As memories started to resurface, Brie was left with more questions than answers. I don’t want to give anything away, but I will say I was glued to this fast-paced romantic suspense. Michaels did a great job at planting a few red herrings and I had theories galore, only to be surprised. Fans of her earlier books will be thrilled by the appearance of several previous characters. The story is told through two points of view – Brie’s and one other – and I will say that reading the other POV broke my heart again and again and had me tearing up. The heartache was real. This was an entertaining yet emotional story with a great set-up for the next book in the series. 4 STARS

Sandra Brown
Series: NA
Format: Audio
Genre: Suspense, Thriller, Romantic Suspense

Former NFL quarterback Zach Bridger had a brief but tumultuous marriage to Rachel. He’s not seen Rachel in five years so he’s shocked to receive a call that she is on life support and, since he still has medical power-of-attorney, he will have to make the impossible decisions about her care. Unwilling to deal with the scrutiny of the media, and the pressure from Rebecca’s parents, Zach walks away, allowing her parents to call the shots. Four years later, the man responsible for Rebecca’s violent assault is released from prison early. The privileged and spoiled son of a wealthy family, Eban has no remorse and intends to return to his indulgent life of debauchery. That is, until a savvy state prosecutor approaches Zach with surprising news. In the event of Rebecca’s death, Eban could be tried for murder and receive a sentence fitting of the crime. Once again, Zach is faced with an impossible decision. If Rebecca remains in her vegetative state, Eban walks free. In order for Eban to be tried properly for his crimes, Zach will face an unimaginable choice. Meanwhile, Eban is well aware how precarious his freedom is, and is willing to make sure neither Zach nor Kate will live to threaten that. This was my first by Sandra Brown and I thoroughly enjoyed this fast-paced tale. The mix of suspense, the moral and ethical dilemmas Zach faced, and the romantic tension between Zach and Kate all combined for a great ride4 STARS


Top Ten Tuesday: Fall TBR Edition


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This Week's Top Ten Tuesday Topic:
My Fall TBR

When making a list of my most anticipated fall releases, I ended up with twelve picks.
And instead of weeding out two of them, I just included them all. Yeah, I'm a rebel
like that. Also, Piper Rayne's You Had Your Chance, Lee Burrows actually missed the
cut by about six days so technically it's a winter release. But, 1) having eleven covers instead of twelve was really messing with my aesthetic, and 2) well, we've already established that I'm a rebel.

So here are the top twelve most anticipated fall releases on my TBR.

O C T O B E R 
It Starts with Us - Colleen Hoover
Fractured Sky - Catherine Cowles
One Last Gift - Emily Stone
A Little Too Late - Sarina Bowen
A Little Too Close- Rebecca Yarros
A Little Too Wild - Devney Perry

Before I Let Go - Kennedy Ryan
The Joy of Us - Kennedy Fox
The Choice - Nora Roberts

Well Traveled - Jen DeLuca

Are any of these books on your TBR?

The Sunday Post #303 | September 18, 2022


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news:  a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.

T H E  W E E K  I N  R E V I E W

It's 5:30 Sunday morning morning as I type this. How's this for a last minute post? 
I swear, those bloggers who schedule posts weeks in advance and have drafts and 
templates ready to go for every post... I cannot relate. I admire you, but I seriously
cannot relate. I wish that was me, but instead I'm scrambling in the wee hours of the 
morning. So typical. So which are you (when it comes to blogging)? The planner 
who schedules in advance, or waiting until the last minute like me? 😉

My mom is doing better and is testing negative for Covid. Thanks to everyone who 
asked about her.

I was on my way home the other evening and caught the most beautiful sunset. It 
was worth pulling over and catching a pic. I wish I would have got it about 5 minutes
sooner (it was fading fast), but still so amazing. 


I had a hair appointment yesterday and the place was almost empty. I've been going to the 
Belk salon for several years but I won't be surprised if they close it soon. My stylist  told 
me they're down to just two stylists - and both of them are just part-time. My stylist 
mentioned that if they do close she might just go ahead and retire. Ack! If that happens 
I'll be embarking on a mission loathed by women everywhere: finding a new stylist. 
My fingers are crossed that won't happen.

Since today is The Day, it seems apropos to share this one for this week's 80's music fix. 
Enjoy Happy Birthday (1981) by Altered Images. 😊

O N  T H E  B L O G

Tuesday, September 13

Thursday, September 15

Friday, September 16

W H A T  I  R E A D

Audio: Overkill by Sandra Brown - ★★★★

C U R R E N T L Y   R E A D I N G


Paperback: Help Me Remember - Corinne Michaels
Audio: Carrie Soto is Back - Taylor Jenkins Reid

N E W  A D D I T I O N S

Kindle: The Baileys Bundle (Books #1-3.5)
by Piper Rayne

T O T A L L Y  R A N D O M