The Sunday Post #303 | September 18, 2022


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news:  a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.

T H E  W E E K  I N  R E V I E W

It's 5:30 Sunday morning morning as I type this. How's this for a last minute post? 
I swear, those bloggers who schedule posts weeks in advance and have drafts and 
templates ready to go for every post... I cannot relate. I admire you, but I seriously
cannot relate. I wish that was me, but instead I'm scrambling in the wee hours of the 
morning. So typical. So which are you (when it comes to blogging)? The planner 
who schedules in advance, or waiting until the last minute like me? 😉

My mom is doing better and is testing negative for Covid. Thanks to everyone who 
asked about her.

I was on my way home the other evening and caught the most beautiful sunset. It 
was worth pulling over and catching a pic. I wish I would have got it about 5 minutes
sooner (it was fading fast), but still so amazing. 


I had a hair appointment yesterday and the place was almost empty. I've been going to the 
Belk salon for several years but I won't be surprised if they close it soon. My stylist  told 
me they're down to just two stylists - and both of them are just part-time. My stylist 
mentioned that if they do close she might just go ahead and retire. Ack! If that happens 
I'll be embarking on a mission loathed by women everywhere: finding a new stylist. 
My fingers are crossed that won't happen.

Since today is The Day, it seems apropos to share this one for this week's 80's music fix. 
Enjoy Happy Birthday (1981) by Altered Images. 😊

O N  T H E  B L O G

Tuesday, September 13

Thursday, September 15

Friday, September 16

W H A T  I  R E A D

Audio: Overkill by Sandra Brown - ★★★★

C U R R E N T L Y   R E A D I N G


Paperback: Help Me Remember - Corinne Michaels
Audio: Carrie Soto is Back - Taylor Jenkins Reid

N E W  A D D I T I O N S

Kindle: The Baileys Bundle (Books #1-3.5)
by Piper Rayne

T O T A L L Y  R A N D O M



  1. I write all my posts on the weekend because I just have the time during the week. It works for me. I hope mom is feeling better. Good to hear she is on the mend. Belk, like the department store? When I was in Jax, I got my haircut at a place in Sawgrass Village. That was a long time ago though. I hope the salon's days are not numbered and you don't have to try to find someone new. Great picture! I miss all those retention ponds. I hope you have enjoying Carrie Soto. I thought the book was fabulous!

    1. Yep, the Belk dept store salon. I've been going there for the last 7-8 years seeing the same stylist. If she went to another salon I would follow her, but I fear that if they close she'll just retire. *sigh* Sawgrass Village... probably out near the beaches or Ponte Vedra? My sister lives at Atlantic Beach but I'm rarely out that way. It's a haul for me. Loving Carrie Soto so far! I'm 15-20% in and am so surprised at what just happened (regarding her father). She's a bit unlikable right now!

  2. Top Ten Tuesday aside I write all my posts on the weekend! But I am flying by the seat of my pants as far as The Sunday Post is concerned LOL

  3. Because of my classes, I write up all my blog posts on Sunday. Which also explains why I only have around two each week lol

    1. Thanks Carrie! I usually average two posts a week, too. I just don't have time for more.

  4. Oh, boy. I feel you on being worried about finding a new stylist. I have used the same girl for YEARS. If she were to stop, I would be stressed. I would ask your stylist if she does end up retiring who she would recommend. She probably has someone for you.

    1. Deanna - I'm holding out hope that I can stick with my stylist and she won't retire. But yeah, if she does I'll have to get her to recommend someone.

  5. I wish I knew how to do a template! I do start my weekly posts on Monday and just add a little bit throughout the week as I have time. I try to get review posts started when I start a book so that I just can go back and add the review when I'm done. But I'm not always good about that either! Love that sunset picture! Enjoy your new books!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Lisa - You're so smart to add to your post all week. I'm typically scrambling on Saturday trying to remember anything that happened all week. LOL

  6. I'm a mix of blogger - I try to work ahead, but life often gets in the way. I do find that I spend a little time every evening trying to prepare a day or two ahead. The issue is reviews....they take so much darn time. I see a lot of reviewers just write a couple paragraphs - maybe that's my problem....I offer too much info? But it seems once I start typing I keep thinking of things to share. Ah well. While hubby reads the paper, my Sunday mornings are spent skipping around to all these blog posts seeing what's new. Same with my Tuesdays - so many blogs, so little time to visit! We all just do the best we can.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Terri - I admire the way you plan ahead! But I agree that reviews are super time consuming. I sometimes find it hard to rein it in, too. I have a lot to say! LOL

  7. I try to do a lot of blogging ahead of time, although that's gotten harder with Henry. My reviews always feel like they are being written last minute!

    1. Angela - Same here! I always put off reviews and then I'm scrambling.

  8. Little Green balls of death... Well, those are actually veggies both me and my husband enjoy! Does that make as masochistic?

    I MIGHT every now and then plan a post in my diary, but in the two years I've been back on the blog, I have never pre-scheduled a blog post. I just don't have the time at all!

    A lot of businesses got hurt extremely bad during Covid and the prices of things like going to the hair salon, has sky rocketed here in SA. So sad.

    Hope you will have a wonderful week ahead and thanks for visiting us earlier.

    1. Mareli - Glad to know I'm not the only one who never pre-schedules blog posts! I just fly by the seat of my pants. LOL

  9. Happy Birthday!! I do schedule a couple of weeks out, and sometimes 4 or 5 weeks out for Top Ten Tuesday and Can't Wait Wednesday. Your photo is amazing!

    1. Wendy - I'm so impressed that you have blog posts out so far in advance. That's awesome!

  10. Gorgeous sunset photo! And I'm glad your mom is doing better. And I have to admit, I'm more of a planner when it comes to blogging than a last minute poster; I like to have a general idea of the posts I'm going to do that month, and I like to be ahead on my reviews & posts by at least a week. Otherwise I get too stressed about it. :D

    1. Thanks Lark. And good for you for being such a planner! I imagine that's much easier in the long run. :)

  11. Um well I do a lot of blogging ahead at least the shells so I only have to fill in the reviews. Like every time I get a book from Netgalley or a publisher I create the post with the picture, blurb, buy links, etc. So all I have to do after I read it, is fill in the review. I set up my Meme posts in advance by copying an old one and then changing the details. But sometimes I am reading the book until a day or so before the post. Right now I'm a bit ahead. I took a simple route on my hair. Since I learned to french braid it, I rarely get it cut maybe once every 5 years at a Great Clips or something. Beautiful photo. I'm glad your Mom is doing better.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Anne - I actually took a few minutes over the weekend to make shells/templates for Sunday Posts and Top Ten Tuesday posts. So now I can just open those, copy the basics content, open a new post and paste it in before adding that week's content. I'll see how it works for me. :)

  12. I am a last minute girl for sure! 5:30 am on a Sunday would usually be an early Sunday post for me. I love the sunset photo!

  13. That is a nice sunset. Is it your birthday?? If so, hope you are having a nice one!

    Let's see... I used to schedule posts in advance a (a few years back I was MONTHS ahead at one point) but those days are gone! I just wing it now. :)

    1. Greg - So a planner who became a pantser. Interesting. :) I have to say, planning months in advance sounds stressful to me... even more so that waiting until the last minute. Haha!

  14. Happy birthday! :D I hope you have a wonderful day!

    I used to only be a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants blogger, but I've changed to kind of an inbetweener. I sometimes write a post a couple of days, a week, or very rarely months before I need them to post. Most of the time, though, I write the post the night before so it'll post by midnight. I still sometimes forget and write a post in the very wee hours of the morning.

    I don't know if you've heard this before, but authors often say they're either a pantser or a planner when they write their books. Planners produce outlines and pantsers just write whatever comes to find with a small idea of where the books going to go.

    1. Jenni - Oh yes, I'm very familiar with pantsers vs plotters when it comes to writing. And I'm very much much a pantser when it comes to both blogging and writing. :)

  15. I definitely find myself posting at the last minute. If I get media kits I try to have those set to post, so I only have to come back to the post and add my review.

    1. Alicia - I do blog tours with media kits less and less (to where I think I've done maybe two this year) and I do set those up in advance if at all possible. It's tough when they send the kit only a day or two in advance, though. Ugh!

  16. I'm glad that your mom is doing better and testing negative. I'm a mix of the two when it comes to blogging - I try and post ahead and get things scheduled, but I'm still doing half the things at the last minute. LOL

    Lauren @

  17. I always tend to forget to do the Sunday Post until Sunday Morning haha I don't know why, I just always forget to do it. But I do try to get as much reading done before I do it. So sometimes I stay up late Saturday to get more books in if I don't have any plans. I do have a template though for the Sunday Post and just fill in all the information haha But my post takes time so it saves me time to have a template that I just need to copy and paste. I have the same thing with reviews too. That is so sad about your salon. Due to all the shutdowns in the past couple years, small business are closing down everywhere and its sad but not surprising either. Which is why I try to go to small business to purchase over places like Walmart or Amazon.

    1. Renee - I always feel like it's a balancing act. There's reading, there's reviewing, and there's blogging. And I've come to realize that I can manage two out of three, but don't have the time to do all three. So I can read and write reviews, but have no time to create blog posts. Or I can read and blog, but struggle to find time for reviews. It's frustrating but that's how it goes. So I just read and let the rest of the chips fall where they may. haha.

  18. Happy to hear your mom is doing better! Blogging. Well, I like to plan and prepare ahead, but it just doesn't usually work out that way. I'll get ahead, but then something will end up putting me behind.

    1. Alison - I'm the same. In a perfect world I will blog ahead but life definitely gets in the way. :)

  19. I'm totally like you, Tanya. Last minute posts all the way. Sometimes I don't get to the Sunday Post until afternoon on Sunday. I struggle just to keep up with my review books lately, so yeah, nothing is ahead of time, lol. I hope to catch up and dream of being that type of organized blogger, lol!

    That sunset is so gorgeous! Glad to hear your mom is feeling better. Nice to see you enjoyed Overkill. I thought is was fun!

    1. Rachel - Glad I'm not along with the last minute blog posts! But I do manage to pull it together a good 80% of the time and I can live with that. :)

  20. I'm envious of bloggers who schedule ahead too. I've tried it a few times and do love it, but I apparently just don't have my act together enough to do it and usually fly by the seat of my pants. I'm so glad to hear that your mom is doing better now!

    1. Suzanne - I am just the same. I've tried but it's just not me. So I'll stick with my fly by the seat of my pants ways. :)

  21. I wish I was one of those "planned ahead" people. I make a shell post on release days so I don't forget, but I am ALWAYS scrambling the night before.

  22. Post templates and drafts? That's the kind of organised I will never be. It's probably why I'm finding it such a struggle to get back into blogging as well as it's a major time commitment. The most I ever manage is posts a week in advance and instead of keeping up with posts for the next week I'd get lazy and run out of posts and then fall into a slump.

    Such a beautiful sunset, lucky you caught it. I may not love the nights drawing in but it's nice I'm now out sometimes as the sunsets and rises.

    1. Becky - Don't be too impressed. LOL It was just a matter a creating a shell for future posts and took all of 5 minutes.
