The Sunday Post #317 | December 18, 2022


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.


I did it. I made it through the week. I feel like doing a celebratory dance but I'm too exhausted. Instead, just picture me slumped in the corner waving limply. LOL On the plus side, this past week was the end of four weeks of stress and mayhem at the office. It's the same every year - mid-November thru mid-December is insanely busy for me - and I'm always relieved to see it end. This coming week should be an easy one (knocking on wood), and the week between Christmas and New Years (drumroll, please)... I am taking the whole week off. Actually, my PTO will start on Friday the 23rd and I'll return on the 2nd. I am positively giddy at the prospect. 😊

Beyond work, it wasn't a bad week. I got some gift-wrapping done, a few gifts arrived earlier than expected, the Tampa Lightning are on a five-game winning streak, and a serious blast of winter weather is one the way just in time for Christmas. Color me happy!

This week's feel-good moment comes courtesy of a dad who did something extraordinary to make sure his son felt loved and accepted. Break out your tissues.

This week's 80's holiday music fix is one of my favorites. Do They Know It's Christmas (1984) by Band Aid.


Tuesday, December 13

Top Ten Tuesday: Winter TBR

Friday, December 16

Best Reads of 2022: Days 1-5


Audio: Snowfall on Haven Point by RaeAnne Thayne - 3.5★



Kindle: Coen (Pittsburgh Titans #4) - Sawyer Bennett
Audio: A Greene Family Christmas (The Greene Family #9.5) - Piper Rayne


Nothing this week.





  1. I am SO jealous you got to take so much off. I wanted to but my job was restrictive on how much could be taken off even though it will probably be slower unless you requested it off super early. But I am getting Friday through Monday off and then New Years I also get a three day weekend so the next few weeks will feel like shorter weeks with long weekends. It will help me get to my reading goal.

    You will have to tell me how that Piper Rayne is though! I will have to check your goodreads review of that Thayne. I can't remember if I have read that one, but I always love her Christmas ones.

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful CHRISTMAS and enjoy all that time off, you deserve it! XOXO

  2. As you said, this time of the year is insanely busy! It's the same here and I am also limply waving in a corner!

  3. That's awesome that you can get off from Christmas to New Year. I hope you enjoy your down time. Congratulations on making it through year-end. It's crazy times for my line of business as well, then we get a break until tax season. So, what's your blast of winter going to be like? I heard we could get some snow up here (I hope not). It has been in the 20s in the morning which I could do without. Have fun this week!

  4. Yay for PTO!!! I hope you have a totally chill time! Hang in there this week!

  5. I'm glad the rush is done and now you can relax and enjoy your holidays!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  6. I'm glad you survived your stressful work weeks. And how nice that you've got time off coming. Hope you're able to relax and enjoy the rest of your December! :D

  7. I'm taking the week between Christmas and New Years off too and can't wait. Usually time off is saved for trips, but this time I'm just staying home and really looking forward to it. I'm in a serious cocooning mode and may never leave the house! :)
    Happy Holidays!
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  8. That Band Aid song is so good, but always makes me want to cry.

    What is with this past week? It was crazy here too! Part of that for me was my husband being out of town for work and my daughter having a basketball game Tuesday, band concert Wednesday, a basketball team dinner Thursday, a basketball game Friday, and a soccer and a basketball game Saturday. I didn't want to do ANYTHING today! It was a lot of driving and watching. I am not truly complaining, but I am tired. haha. I hope this week goes fast so that you can hurry up and get to your time off!

  9. Break is always nice and there's something so wonderful about being off between Christmas and New Years. Band Aid- wow.

  10. I'm finally home after being down south to help my son and his wife after welcoming their first child. It's been a busy two weeks! I just want to sit and relax after the long car ride home. Yay for the upcoming time off especially after being so busy! Hope you enjoy it, Tanya!

  11. I hope you enjoy your well deserved time off! And I'm glad you got through your tough time of the year. I haven't heard Do They Know It's Christmas in a very long time, thanks for sharing!

  12. I'm glad your big busy season is now over, and yay for lots of time off! I work at a university so I only have two days this week and then BREAK. I am so unbelievably ready. hah

    Lauren @

  13. I sent my last gift out this morning, my husband's gifts are wrapped so I'm DONE.

    Have a wonderful holiday and time off Tanya!

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  14. My hubs is taking that week off, too, and he seems like he's been feeling the same way you described your last few weeks. Hope you have a wonderful week off!!

  15. Your Totally Random is 100% me right now, lol. I'm taking the exact same PTO dates you are and they can't get here fast enough because work has been crazy busy at my office too and I'm so over it.

  16. Enjoy the holidays and getting away from office stress.

  17. It sounds like we have been in the same boat. I can't even blame work though. I am just the one that every expects to plan everything and take care of the details and I am tired. I forgot about that song by Band Aid. I miss George Michael!

  18. We got that blast of winter as well this past week. I'm off till the 3rd, so I can understand how tired you are too and ready for break! Hope you had a good Christmas! Thanks for visiting me last week at Lisa Loves Literature!
