The Sunday Post #325 | February 19, 2023


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.


I'm back after skipping a Sunday Post last week. The previous week was busy and exhausting and I just didn't have it in me to generate a post. This past week was slightly less busy, plus really productive - enough so that I decided to take Friday off and extend the already long weekend. I puttered around the house, ran a few errands, and mostly just enjoyed not being at the office on a workday. 😊 

I got an email from Netgalley a few days ago so I decided to browse the current offerings, something I haven't done in months. I didn't request anything but I did come across a title and cover that stopped me in my tracks: Dino Stud. Yep, you read that right. lol And the tagline: He tamed the thunder lizards... but could any woman tame his outlaw heart? But the final straw that almost had me rolling on the floor was seeing it described as "dinosaur erotica". Bahaha! I can safely say, there truly is something out there for everyone. 😂

BookBub recently shared a post with books readers read in one sitting. Which made me think, I don't think I have ever read a book in one sitting. I mean, maybe a very short novella. But an actual full-length novel? Never. I just don't read that fast. Have you ever read a book in one sitting?

This week's 80's music fix is Something About You (1985) by Level 42. Enjoy!


Tuesday, February 14

Friday, February 17



Audio: Coming Home by Kennedy Ryan - 4★

Kindle: Tru Blue by Melissa Foster - 3.5★



Audio: Whispers of You by Catherine Cowles

Kindle: The Sinner by Emma Scott


Not a thing.




  1. I think the only time I've read a book in one sitting was a shortish book and a long plane flight. I don't have the time to read books in one sitting. (I don't take bathroom breaks into account for something like that.)

    1. Same here, Mark. The amount of time it would take me to read an entire book in one sitting... it just isn't doable.

  2. Damn Tanya? Dino Stud? I saw some dinosaur erotica and I confess that some had me cringing! But hey, to each his own right? LOL

    1. Sophie - I'm with you... dino erotica is not for me, but I love that there truly is something for everyone! lol

  3. I thought I was going to have to skip this week since we are really busy as well, but I wound up getting up super early this morning. I have a quite a few friends that love the monster love books!

    1. Jen - I got a laugh from the dino book but I actually love that there that really is something out there for every reader.

  4. I posted on Monday the last two weeks just so I wouldn't miss. And I also happened to have nothing prepared for those days.

    1. Alicia - I've done that before, too, but last week I just didn't have it in me. lol

  5. haha yeah some bookstagrammers are all over the Dino books, and I am not sure its for me at all. I have read dino shifters but thats the most crazy I get in that aspect. I honestly can't wait to see what you think of that Catherine Cowles. Isn't the narration so good? I loved it! I am sorry you were feeling so exhausted though, hope you are feeling more renewed this week! haha well you know how fast I read so most of the time I read books in one sitting.

    1. Renee - I've seen some monster romances before (orcs and boogeymen, etc) but the dino one was new to me. And struck me as so funny. :) The narration for Whispers to You was so, so good! Andi Arndt and Zachary Webber are some of the best out there, for sure! I am forever in awe of how fast you read! :)

  6. OMG! I laughed so hard because I showed my daughter the Dino Stud book. We are so on the same wavelength, Tanya. I can maybe read one of those books in one day, but not one sitting. I do know my childhood phone number. Back then, our phone numbers were only seven digits which is known in educational theory as the perfect sized chunk.

    1. Sam - That dino book was too funny not to share. :) And I totally remember my childhood phone number. Interesting about seven digits being the right size to remember. I'm not surprised a smarty like you knows such things. :)

  7. Did you see that the author also wrote Triceratops and Bottoms? It sounds funny, yet horrible. I have definitely read a book in a day but maybe not in a single sitting. I mean I need to get up and move around every once in a while. I think that the Totally Random is written about me. Have a great week!

    1. Carole - OMG, no! That title is priceless. I shared it with my husband and I thought he was going to spew his drink. LOL

  8. One time I read 11 books in 11 days!!!! I was here, visiting my Mom, and she was still reading books at that time so we pretty much spent my entire visit just sitting in the livingroom reading together. I just happened to luck out on really good books and whizzed through one every day that I was at her house. Normally it's not that easy. lol

    1. Jinjer - 11 books in 11 days is amazing! I love that you and your mom just hung out and read. :)

  9. Oh I have read a book in one sitting. But, its usually in the summer when I'm off work and have lots of time!

    1. Samantha - I could see that happening on a summer break! :)

  10. Like many other comments, I've occasionally read a shorter book in a day. Never in a sitting. I'm good for less than an hour of just reading - I don't care how good the book is. I need to take a break and move around. More frequently, books take me 2-3 days. And dino love stories??? Who knew that was a thing? Huh. Have a terrific week and hope you find time to put your feet up and enjoy a good book!
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Terrie - I totally agree. Even if I didn't work and was able to read all day long, I still couldn't do it. I'd need a break, or just a change of pace, or get antsy and want to do something else. I usually ready 2 books a week, but that's only because I read one (on Kindle) and listen to one (via audiobook) on my commute.

  11. I saw that Dino Stud book on NetGalley and I had a good chuckle at that too. I think I may have been able to read a book in one sitting when I was younger, but certainly not now.

    1. Wendy - I'm just amazed at those who can read that fast. I've never considered myself a slow reader, but I do like to take my time and truly absorb what I'm reading.

  12. First, how could you let us down and NOT get the dino erotica? That cover and tagline are just too good! haha!
    My husband did the same thing as you and extended his holiday by adding Friday at the last minute. It's nice to have that extra day. We went out to breakfast and then were pretty lazy afterwards -- I may have finished a book in one sitting that day. I do it more than I like admitting. I got Helena Hunting's A Love Catastrophe from NG this week and decided to start it yesterday. If I hadn't been so tired last night, I might have finished it in one sitting, but I didn't. I'm LOVING the book, though. And finally, you are going to be so surprised/proud of me. I listened to my first Catherine Cowles' book last week! I started the Sutter Lake series. I've now finished the first two and have started listening to the third. I will hopefully have the series finished in about a week. I hope you have a great upcoming week! (And I remember my childhood phone number better than those stinking passwords.)

    1. Deanna - I know, right? I should have took one for the team and requested it. lol

      Nice that your husband extended the long weekend, too. I love going out to breakfast. Perfect way to start a day off.

      Yay! You read some Catherine Cowles! I'm so glad. And I am crazy excited to go back and dive into her backlist.

  13. Replies
    1. Greg - I really only know two songs by Level 42 but I love them both. :)

  14. Thank you so much for the laugh, it was soooo needed! Dinosaur Stud, I love it LOL! And Catherine Cowles' books are so pretty, I can't wait to see what you think of this one!

    1. Jen - Dino Stud was too good not to share. lol The Cowles book was so, so good! She has become a real favorite over the last year.

  15. That Dinosaur Stud book sounds hilarious. And I love that last quote about remembering your childhood phone number better than your last password: that's totally me! ;D Thanks for the smiles. And enjoy the rest of your long weekend.

    1. Lark - Oh yes, I can absolutely remember my childhood phone number. Recent passwords? Not a chance. LOL

  16. Dino Stud is not for me. That said there are many books I have read in one sitting, usually they are the 3xx page ones from favorite authors. I do it less often these days but it still happens. Enjoy your long weekend!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Anne - Yeah, Dino Stud isn't something I would pick up but I love that there truly is something out there for everyone, no matter your reading preference. :) I'd love to read a book a day, but being at the office 8-9 hours day means that never happens. lol

  17. Lol Dino Stud had me laughing out loud. Not for me but great for laughs.

    1. I thought the same thing, Hena. Dino Stud isn't something I would pick up, but it sure was funny to see. :)

  18. Dino Stud? LMAO! Oh wow, Level 42. Great song. I saw them in concert years ago when they opened for Madonna during her Who's That Girl tour. They were excellent live.

    1. Suzanne - Level 42 + Madonna? Now that had to be a great show!

  19. I've read a book in a day, but never just one sitting. Not a full-sized book, anyway! Hooray for extra-long weekends, it's nice to have that one day to get errands done or just relax.

  20. Replies
    1. Sorry about that last comment. I wrote it because I came back to add something to my comment yesterday and I don't see if here. Maybe it's in your spam? I'll try to remember what I wrote...
      I'm kind of sad you didn't get that Dino Stu book now. I mean, that cover and then the tag line. Sounds highly entertaining! My husband also took Friday off to extend the weekend. It's a nice way to get a longer break. You'll be proud of me -- I listened to my first two Cowels' books last week and I'm on my third this week. I am listening to Sutter Lake series. I love it so far! Kind of reminds me of old school Devney Perry. Oh, and I have read several books in a day over the years. I even did one this weekend. One sitting is not quite as often. I hope you had a great long weekend!

    2. Deanna - Yep, your comment was there, I just had to release it from spam. :) (That's been happening more lately - no idea why.) I'm so glad you enjoyed the Cowles books!! She totally reminds me of Devney Perry. Like DP's Jamison Valley series.

  21. Dinosaur erotica?! That's a new one! Wishing you a more restful week!

    1. Rachel - Yeah, who knew there was a market for dinosaur erotica?! lol

  22. Dino Stud? That's a first for me. Hope you have a great week.

  23. You really can't beat a day off from work, even if you don't do much of anything producive. We hosted a friend at the house yesterday. It was a day filled with good food (pulled pork on the smoker!), good drinks, and great company. Naturally, I'm exhausted today. As for Dino Stud, is it wrong that I kind of want to read it? hahaha

    1. Ethan - I couldn't agree more! And day off work is a good one. :) I beg you to read Dino Stud and post a review. LOL

  24. The only time I read a book in one sitting was when I was sick and read 84 Charring Cross Road all at once. It's a short one though!


    1. Jill - Short or not, I'm impressed you read the book in one sitting! :)
