The Sunday Post #346 | August 13, 2023


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.


My last Sunday Post was July 30th which feels weird, but last week I just wasn't up to it. As I mentioned in my WWW Wednesday post, I am sick again. It's taken two doctor visits within six days, and three different prescriptions (a Z-pack that didn't work, a stronger antibiotic, and a steroid), but I am hopeful this respiratory infection is finally starting to clear up. Now if I just had any strength or stamina... that would be great, thanks. 😉

It's been hovering between 95-99 degrees every day for a week now. It's Florida and it's summer, so obviously it's hot. But this kind of sustained heat isn't really the norm. I guess we're getting a break later this week when it will drop to a balmy 90 degrees. What's it like where you live?

I came across this America's Got Talent audition and was floored by the story these women shared. Have your Kleenex ready.

This week's throwback song is If You Could Read My Mind (1980) by Viola Willis. Gordon Lightfoot did it first back in the 70's, but this is my favorite version. Enjoy!


Wednesday, August 9



This covers the last two weeks.

Kindle: The Clash of Yesterday by Sawyer Bennett - 4★
Audio: The Issue with Bad Boy Roommates by Piper Rayne - 4.25★
Kindle: Over My Brother's Dead Body, Chase Andrews by Piper Rayne - 4★
Kindle: Tattered by Devney Perry - 4.25★



Trade Paperback: Grace Note by J. Bengtsson
Audio: Timid by Devney Perry 



NetGalley: The Lily of Ludgate Hill by Mimi Matthews
St Marten's Press: The Trail of Lost Hearts by Tracey Garvis Graves




  1. I hope you're feeling better. Wow, that's hot. We were 78 today and with the breeze it was downright nice. I keep saying we're having such a mild summer compared to a lot of places, and even for us normally. It's usually humid in summer in Michigan. Not like Florida, obvs, but still humid.

    Hope you're better soonish!!!

    1. Greg - I am so jealous of your 78 degrees! We won't see that until probably November. lol It sounds divine.

    2. It's 67 right now. But raining !

  2. I'm laughing at your seasons. Sounds very confusing.

    Hope you are feeling better soon.

    1. Mark - There's always some hot weather thrown in no matter what season it is down here. :)

  3. I am so sorry you have been sick again Tanya I hope that now everything is under control and that you'll be able to breathe again! Also you did make me cry with that story of the two moms. I am sniffling while writing this as I don't have kleenex at hand!

    1. Sophie - Oh my goodness, the story those two moms shared was so emotional. It obviously got to the judges, too. So inspiring to turn tragedy into something good.

  4. Hope you are better soon. I had a respiratory problem with a chest cough that took six weeks to go away. No fever, so no antibiotics needed, and no bacterial infection in the chest. Just a nasty viral respiratory problem that takes so long to resolve. Hope you get rid of yours fast this time.

    1. Harvee - Thanks. Wow, six week is a long time to battle with that. I have high hopes that these latest meds will do the trick.

  5. Aw, heck, Tanya - you know I am crying. That was beautiful. Makes me feel good about being an organ donor and my plans to donate my body to science when I die. I am so sorry to hear that your illness is sticking around. I hope you feel better soon. Yeah, don't miss that FL weather in the summer.

    1. Sam - I found their story so moving. And the fact that the both sang the same song to their sons? Incredible.

  6. I hope you are feeling better. Sick in the summer makes the normal miserable summer even worse. No one should have to be sick when its 100 degrees out. I heard about the heat impacting all the people at Disney. Hopefully it breaks soon.

    1. Samantha - Can we make that a law? No one gets sick when it's 100 degrees out? LOL

  7. Ugh, I am not a fan of hot weather! We had one really nice week, and then this week was really humid again. Supposed to be hot the next few days, I think. I hope you're on the mend soon, it can be so frustrating when nothing but time and rest seem to work!

    1. Angela - I think we are all so ready for a break from the heat this summer!

  8. Yikes, your lows aren't low! Even when it's pretty hot here we cool off. Nice that you're getting a bit of relief this week though! Only more month of summer. Yay! I'd happily be done with it now, though. Not a fan of the heat.

    Yes, those respiratory ailments can linger! One year I got sick like 6 times with the same thing. I think they were relapses or it just never went fully away. I finally looked up some natural supplements, after the antibiotics didn't seem to work anymore, and started those and I got better. I don't like to recommend treatments because everyone is different, but maybe look into it if you don't improve. I hope you feel better!

    1. Rachel - Right? It's pitiful when the overnight low doesn't drop below 80. Yuck. I'm so ready to say goodbye to summer.

      I feel the same way... that these aren't isolated illnesses, but more like I'm not fully getting over it between one bout and the next. I'm curious about which supplements you take and will DM privately.

  9. Ugh, chest infections SUCK! Hopefully this latest round of meds does the trick and you start to recover quickly. It's no fun when you can't walk the length of yourself without needing to take a seat! :(

    The weather here is wet and humid which has been the case for most of the summer. If it was just wet, it would be fine but nooooo.... Everything you wear has to be sticking to you and your hair must be frizzy at all times otherwise it's not summer. Grrrr.

    1. Thanks Nicci. Ugh, I can relate to the humidity. That's a staple here in Florida. That and frizzy hair. LOL

  10. I really hope you are on your way to feeling great and will have that this week. Sadly we are your weather twin for the next 3-4 days. Your current reads have such pretty covers!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  11. Oh no! I'm sorry you've been feeling bad for that long! I hope that something they've given you will finally kick in. In the heat like you're having it is miserable to be sick I'm sure! We've been having hot days, but had some rain and a bit cooler temps today. I had to go add a few of your books to my TBR as they look good. I hope you have a better week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Thanks Lisa. I'm still improving so that much is good. And it's "cooled down" to around 90. LOL Hey, it's better than 98! :)

  12. I hope you'll feel better soon. Wishing you a great week :)

  13. I'm so sorry to hear you are sick! There seems to be a respiratory something going around my work too, so I'm being extra cautious. I don't have a ton of sick time banked up after burning a good deal of it when my husband was in the hospital in June.

    The heat/humidity here in Texas has reached the point of being unbearable. 100+ degree days for weeks on end are taking a toll on the plants and everything else. I pretty much have to do any outdoor activities before 7am. Even when the sun goes down we are in the 90s.

    1. Thanks Ethan. I hope you manage to avoid whatever is going around! Covid seems to be on the rise here again. Two co-workers this week are out with it (not coincidentally, both just returned from travel).

      Hope we both gets some cooler weather soon!

  14. I'm sorry you're struggling to get rid of the sickness. That is not fun. I hope it will be gone soon. I am sure the heat doesn't help either. It was 90 here today and will be 95 the next 3 days. YUCK! I think we might also get some wildfire smoke so that will make it even more miserable.

    1. Deanna - It was super smoky when I arrived at work this morning. I'm not aware of any wildfires in the area so I don't know what was going on. Weird.

  15. I hope you feel better soon.
    We've had high 80's to low 90's all week with humidity.

    1. Thanks Alicia. I think we're all ready for some cooler temps!

  16. I'm so sorry to hear you're still sick. I hope you feel better soon!

  17. I’m sorry you are still unwell, it’s been ongoing since for a few months now hasn’t it? Have you been assessed for Long CoVid? Not that the treatment would likely be any different I guess.

    I hope you enjoy your new additions.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Thanks Shelley. Long Covid would actually makes sense, had I ever had Covid, but I've managed to avoid it these last 3+ years. My dr is still convinced this is a respiratory infection (not a virus). I just know I want it gone. :)

  18. Aww, I really hope you get some speedy relief and start feeling better! I also wish I could have your temps. We're 10 degrees hotter here in north Louisiana staying around 105. No relief in sight. We're under a burn ban and they're concerned forest fires will soon become a problem. We need some rain and cooler temps for sure!

    1. Thanks Alison. I hope so, too! And I also hope we both get some relief from this heat!

  19. It's been hot here (Alabama) but the humidity is what really seems ridiculous. The Mimi Matthews book looks really good. I really enjoyed the book I've read by her. Have a great week!

    1. Katherine - I've only read one by Mimi Matthews myself but enjoyed it so much. I have high hopes for this one!

  20. I hope you're feeling better by now! It's horrible being sick and the lethargy is the worst.

    I live in a suburb of Phoenix, so obviously it's HOT here. Ridiculously so. Even our pool doesn't offer any relief because it's so warm! We might need to invest in a water cooler so it doesn't feel like swimming in a bathtub. LOL.

    1. Susan - We are all so ready for some cooler temps! My boss was saying the same about his pool the other day. That it's not even a relief to get in because the water is so warm.

  21. Oh no! I hope that you are feeling better by now. There is nothing worse than being sick. It looks like you have fit some quality reading time in. I hope that you are having a great week!

    1. Thanks Carole. I'm not 100% yet but I'm getting there! :)

  22. I'm sorry to hear you've been sick, hope you're feeling better by now!

    1. Thanks Lindsey! I'm not 100% yet but I'm getting there! :)
