WWW Wednesday #130 | January 3, 2024


WWW Wednesdays is hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words.
Just share your answers to three questions:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you'll read next?

Is everyone else still writing 2023 or is it just me? 😉 
There's no telling how many times I've had to correct that this week.

What are you currently reading?


eARC: The Women by Kristin Hannah
Audio: From Lukov with Love by Mariana Zapata

Currently readingThe Women has already broken my heart once... when I was
just 25% in. I'm sure there's more to come. This Viet Nam-era novel is gritty and doesn't 
shy away from the horrors of that war.
Current progress: 33%

Currently listening: I've barely started From Lukov with Love but I'm already enjoying 
the set-up that's going on. I'm curious to learn more about Jasmine's past (especially what 
she's not telling Lukov and his coach).
Current progress: 11%

What did you recently finish reading?

Kindle: Broken Dreams by Corinne Michaels - 4★

What do you think you'll read next?

I have a feeling I'm very much going to need something on the lighter
side after I finish The Women. Hopefully Ready or Not will fill that need.

What are you reading today?


  1. The Women looks good...I think I'd like that one. Though I'm not surprised parts are very sad.

    1. Lark - I'm about halfway through The Women and, wow, is it an emotional read!

  2. The women does sound like a tough read. The vietnam era... so tumultuous.

    1. Greg - Exactly. I knew it would be a tough read going into it, but it's overwhelming at times.

  3. Happy New Year! I'm looking forward to the latest by Cara Bastone too :)

    1. Lucy - Hopefully we will both love the new Cara Bastone release!

  4. Ooh, I like the style of Ready or Not's cover! Hope you enjoy it -- it's always nice to have a palate-cleanser lined up.

    1. Nicky - I am hopeful that is exactly what Ready or Not will be for me. I'm going to need a palate cleanser after a very intense, emotional read.

  5. Oh, the cover for Ready or Not is so pretty! So is the Corinne Michaels one. I enjoyed From Lukov With Love, gave me Cutting Edge (that 90s movie) vibes. Still, Wall of Winnipeg and Me and Kulti are my all-time favorites of Mariana Zapata. She has so many good ones!

    1. Rachel - Those are my top two favorites from Mariana Zapata, too! I just can't imagine anything topping The Wall of Winnipeg and Me or Kulti.

  6. You're so brave to take on a Mariana Zapata book! The length of them keep me away.

    1. Alicia - Her books are pretty lengthy, but I figure that's just more to enjoy. :)

  7. Fingers crossed Bastone delivers the lightness you are looking for. I felt she kept it light.

  8. Kristin Hannah's historical fictions always deliver, although they are always heartbreaking!

  9. I'm so excited you are reading that Zapata book! It's one of my favorites of hers. I hope you continue to love it.

    1. Deanna - I'm totally enjoying it so far. I love that in this one they used a male narrator for Ivan. (And even better that it's Teddy Hamilton!)

  10. Nobody breaks my heart the way Kristin Hannah does. I've got The Women coming up on my TBR soon and can't wait to read it.

  11. Please Tanya, DM me to tell me if The women as a HEA or at least is less depressiong than her last book. I loved the Nightingale but some of her books are too sad for me to read.

  12. I love that cover for Ready or Not. i don't even need to know what the book is about to want to read it. It's been ages since I read From Lukov With Love but Mariana Zapata always delivers a good romance and I really liked that one. Also, I'm a sucker for ice skating so I loved reading a romance centred around figure skating.

  13. The Women looks amazing and I'm glad to know you enjoyed it! I'm not sure what book I'm going to read by Kristin Hannah this year but that one is definitely high up on the list. I hope Ready or Not was just the right read after The Women!
