Top Ten Tuesday: Reader Hall of Shame (aka The Books I Still Have Not Read)


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This Week's Top Ten Tuesday Topic:
Books I (Still) Have Not Read
As a reader, my TBR is long and plentiful. Obviously. And I want to read All The Books.
But there are those that I am extra excited about - the ones I am certain that I will read
right away. But... yeah. We know how that goes. Despite my excitement, these keep 
getting pushed aside time and time again. These are the books that I was desperate to 
read, but still haven't. The ones that I very much want to read sooner rather than later.

Ravensong - TJ Klune
On my shelf since April 2023

No Tomorrow - Carian Cole
On my shelf since August 2021

The Great Alone - Kristin Hannah
On my shelf since October 2017

The Story of Us - Tara Sivec
On my shelf since May 2017

What the Wind Knows - Amy Harmon
On my shelf since August 2018

I Found You - Lisa Jewell
On my shelf since June 2016

On my shelf since March 2021

A Court of Silver Flames - Sarah J. Maas
On my shelf since October 2020

Mile High - Liz Tomforde
On my shelf since April 2023

Full Tilt - Emma Scott
On my shelf since October 2016

Have you read any of these books?


  1. The oldest book is from 2016, and that is only...well, eight years, eight short little years. You are not doing so badly...unless, perhaps, there are other older books, hidden away, in the back of the shelves...

  2. I just bought Wolfsong to start that Klune series. It looks so good!

    1. I hope you'll love Wolfsong! It became an instant favorite for me.

  3. I’m curious about Ravensong, too.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.


  4. I'm the same way! I'm trying to at least be better about my preorders since I must have been so excited that I ordered it before it was available! The Great Alone is one of the few KH books I haven't read, but I've heard good things!

    1. Angela - Same here with Kristin Hannah book. I think there are only 2 or 3 of hers that I have not read yet.

  5. What the Wind Knows... Now that's been on my backlist ARC list for what feels like a very long time. 😭 I'm so determined that 2024 will finally be the year I read it! I love The Great Alone and Ravensong. I hope you enjoy all of these whenever you get around to them, Tanya!

    1. Dini - Fingers crossed that we both get to What the Wind Knows this year!

  6. OMG A Court of Silver Flames? On here? Please read it! It's SO good!

    I'm curious about Ravensong too, but I have to read Wolfsong first.

    Mile High is on my shelf as well, but since February so that's okay right? LOL.

    My TTT:

    1. Laurie - I did read Ravensong and it was wonderful! Almost as perfect as Wolfsong. :)

  7. I've read (and loved) several of these! I know you will love The Great Alone, What the Wind Knows and The Court of Silver Flames. I really think you need to start with Full Tilt and Mile High, though. I can see you loving those the most.

    1. Deanna - I'll probably pick up Mile High first. I'll save Full Tilt for when I want my heart shredded. LOL

  8. I’m so curious about The Great Alone.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.


  9. I hope you love them all! I enjoyed the beginning of The Great Alone, but the ending was too melodramatic for me.

    1. Aj - That's interesting about The Great Alone. I'll have to see if I feel the same.

  10. I haven't read any of these, but I have heard good things about The Great Alone.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Pam - I love Kristin Hannah but I'm going to have to be in the right mood for The Great Alone.

  11. I have an entire library of shame... two bookcases' worth. And that's just the physical books. I haven't read any of the books on your list, although of course I have seen or heard of some of them. And tbh, I'm afraid to look up the ones I don't recognize, for fear of adding yet more books to my TBR list.

    1. Lark - Same! The ones on the bookshelf are bad enough, but then adding all the unread books on the Kindle... it's a lot!

  12. I have a tall stack of books that I own but haven't read yet, too. It's a bookish shame that many of us share, I think. :D

    1. Lark - You're so right. I think we'll always have stacks of unread books. :)

  13. I bought the Story of Us and still have not read it. We should get on that. I liked the Full Tilt books.

    1. Sam - I think I have The Story of Us in paperback and Kindle... and it's still unread. *facepalm*

  14. READER HALL OF SHAME BAWAHAHAHA that is the best title ever!!! You should be shamed for Mile High---just saying I just know you will love that one. I really feel the shame with you on the Amy Harmon, her books are so good and I really need to get through her backlist.

    1. Renee - I know, I know! LOL I totally need to get on Mile High.

  15. I just came across a review Ravensong and it looks SO GOOD. I hope you have good luck with it too! <3 I've also given up on Sarah J Maas, but I'm curious if you'll end up finishing the ACOTAR books 😂

    aimee @ aimee can read

    1. Aimee - I've loved the ACOTAR series up until now. But I've never been a fan of Nesta and with ACOSF being Nesta's book... yeah, I've been putting it off.

  16. My list would be too long to post hahaha. I just read my first Lisa Jewell book and loved it. So naturally, I Found You is on my TBR too!

  17. I'm really interested in reading Wolfsong.
    I also have A Court of Silver Flames on my TBR.

    1. Alicia - I hope you'll find time for Wolfsong soon. It instantly became a favorite of mine.

  18. Call it coincidence but I just finished Ravensong last weekend!

    1. Sophie - Ravensong was such a great addition to the series! Now on to Heartsong.

  19. I've read that Lisa Jewell book! It was the first one I read by her and I really liked it. I've had my eye on the Kristin Hannah. I feel like unread books multiply when I'm not looking at them. Great list!

    1. Katherine - It's hard to stay up with so many author's releases, isn't it?!

  20. THE GREAT ALONE is a really good one. Depressing, but good. I also need to read WHAT THE WIND KNOWS. I have a copy on my shelf just sitting there gathering dust...I hope you enjoy all these when you get to them!

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. Susan - I'm really going to have to be in the right mindset for The Great Alone.

  21. I've read two books by Jewel, Watching You and I Found You. I enjoyed I Found You quite a bit more than Watching You. Hope you like it too if you get around to it!

    1. Rachel - I just love Lisa Jewell and have been reading her for 20+ years - since back when she started with chick lit. I love how she has slowly veered into mystery/thrillers.

  22. I read I Found You a long time ago, and liked it fine. What The Wind Knows has been on my TBR for a while, and has great reviews. Maybe you'll get to that one before I do :)

    1. Lucy - As much as I love Amy Harmon, I have definitely fallen behind on her last few releases.

  23. I've read and loved Ravensong, Mile High and A Court of Silver Flames. Hope you'll love all of these when you get the chance to read them!

  24. I haven't read any of these but hope you get a chance to pick them up soon. I have my own towering pile of to read books on my shelf.

  25. Ow yes!! My TBR is crazy long. I did read Mile High a few weeks ago, loved it! And I have A Court of Silver Flames on my TBR as well! I hope you get to these soon ;)

  26. Oh jeeze - I can't even let myself think of the books I'm missing. I was overwhelmed back when I was reading 200+ books a year. Now I'm managing like 1 a month lol
