WWW Wednesday #135 | April 10, 2024


WWW Wednesdays is hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words.
Just share your answers to three questions:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you'll read next?

How's your week going?
Is it me or does it already feel like it should be Friday? 😎
I think it's because I'm a little run ragged. A lot of the things that
The Husband usually takes care of at home have fallen to me while 
he's on crutches. I certainly don't mind picking up the slack, but it does
makes for some long (tiring) days. 

What are you currently reading?


Kindle: Whiskey & Sin by Emily Rath
Audio: Goodbye Paradise by Sarina Bowen

Currently reading: Do you ever encounter those rare books that as soon as you read the
first couple pages you just know? You get that feeling that it's going to be one of those
special books that click with you and become an instant favorite. Well, that's me with 
Whiskey & Sin. I only just started it yesterday and didn't get a chance to read much, but 
I'm already predicting this is going to be amazing.
Current progress: 7%

Currently listening: After reading a super angsty/intense book (Older by Jennifer 
Hartmann), I needed something to soothe my soul. Enter Goodbye Paradise. This is such 
a comfort read for me. I adore these characters and their story. This has to be my fifth or 
sixth re-read and it never gets old.
Current progress: 30%

What did you recently finish reading?

Kindle (eARC): Older by Jennifer Hartmann

Recently read: Older - Super angsty but an incredible story of two people whose love
story overcomes all the odds4.5 stars

What do you think you'll read next?

never know what I'm going to read next but Mind Games is a strong possibility.

What are you reading today?


  1. Wow! Fifth or sixth re-read. Glad that book continues to soothe your soul

    1. Thanks Sam. I love returning to these two characters any time I need a little comfort or a brain break. :)

  2. It does feel like it should be Friday!! I just finished K.A. Tucker's Until It Fades...another hockey-player romance that was really good. :D

  3. Ah, comfort reading is the best. For me it's always The Goblin Emperor (Katherine Addison). Have fun!

    1. Nicky - Thanks for sharing your comfort read! It's fun to see what comfort read means to others. :)

  4. It does seem like it should be Friday already! Hopefully you'll get some rest soon.

    1. Thanks Lucy. Hopefully this weekend will be less eventful! :)

  5. I understand why Goodbye Paradise would be a comfort read for you. Such a great book!

    1. Deanna - Both Josh and Caleb are such sweethearts. I love reading their story.

  6. I hope Friday will be here soon and you'll be able to get some rest quickly!
    I love a good comfort re-read :)

    1. Lindsey - Same here! Sometimes a comfort re-read is the perfect palate (brain) cleanser. :)

  7. I love finding those comfort reads that we can rely on again and again!

    1. Same here, Angela! I love having favorites that I can pick up again and again.

  8. If I recall, that Bowen series is angsty too but wouldn't be if it's a re-read and you know the outcome is ok lol

    1. Karen - I guess angsty is subjective. Compared to what I normally read, I never considered any of Bowen's books particularly angsty. lol

  9. I love when you find a book and it becomes a comfort read.

    1. Same here, Alicia. It's such a good feeling to have those special reads you can return to again and again.

  10. TGIF, Tanya!! It'd be hard to do all your normal chores and some that your husband usually takes care of. I hope he's on the mend. No fun for either one of you! I'm going to look into Whiskey & Sin. Did you finish it? I'm looking forward to Mind Games as well!

    1. Rachel - TGIF indeed! :) I'm about 40% through Whiskey & Sin and still loving it. These characters are giving me life.

  11. Oh no! I hope your hubby is back on his feet soon - for the both of you.

  12. I have seen Older everywhere and I want to read it now Tanya!

    1. Sophie - Older was not nearly as dark as some of Hartmann's other books, but it was still plenty angsty.

  13. I'm a bit overwhelmed with books that published last week! I was on a vacation celebrating my birthday, so I wasn't on top of reading, posting, or commenting. Lots of catching up for now haha

    1. Ethan - Happy belated birthday! A birthday getaway sounds perfect... even though coming always means lots of catch-up.

  14. I'm still recovering from being out of town so I haven't been super productive and I'm still not entirely sure what day it is. Mind Games is coming up soon on my reading list and I can't wait!

    1. Katherine - Fingers crossed we will both love Mind Games!

  15. You are the second blogger in the last 5 minutes that posted about Mind Games by Nora Roberts. Hope your husband has a quick recovery and you get a bit of a break.

    1. Hena - Thank you! The Husband is doing much, much better and life has returned to normal. :)
