The Sunday Post #91

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

  • It's cold, it's warm. It's cold, it's warm. Is this winter crazy or what?

  • I've been reading The Cruel Prince for the last week. While I'm enjoying it, it was moving a little slow. Not sure if it's the lingering reading slump or just a slightly slow start to the book, but I decided to switch to the audio version and it's making all the difference! Holly Black has created such a rich world of Faerie and I'm totally hooked on the story.

  • Our Jacksonville Jaguars beat the Steelers last week and are now in the AFC Championship! Crazy to think we're one game away from the Superbowl!! We're facing the Patriots today and I'll be cheering on the Jags from home. It's exciting how it seems like the whole city is so behind the team. I saw this video this week and thought it was funny. :)

Wednesday, January 17
Top 5 Wednesday:
Forgettable Books

Thursday, January 18
Throwback Thursday Review:
Ten Tiny Breaths by K.A. Tucker

Still reading The Cruel Prince...

 The Cruel Prince - Holly Black

Forget Me Not - Willow Winters
Currently free on Amazon!

The Cruel Prince - Holly Black

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Congratulations on the Jaguars win! Didn't know you were a sports fan. I don't see you reading fantasy often, so I'm really surprised to see you reading The Cruel Prince. Have a great week!

    1. I'm actually not much of a sports fan at all! But this is the local team and they've been doing phenomenally well this season. It's exciting to cheer them on. :) Yeah, fantasy isn't my usual genre but once in a while one really catches my eye!

  2. I've been hearing so many awesome things about The Cruel Prince! I personally can't get into audiobooks, but it's weirdly cool that it's the opposite for you. XD Hope you enjoy it until the end. Can't wait to hear what you think. ;)

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

    1. The Cruel Prince started off the tiniest bit slow for me but oh my goodness has it ever kicked into high gear! There is so much happening that I practically bounce out of my seat when I'm listening. LOL The audio version is totally working for me with this one.

  3. Go Jags!!!! I mean I would root for anyone against the Pats but love a good underdog story. I was thinking about picking up Cruel Prince but if I do I might totally pick up the audio. Have a great week!

    1. LOL Yeah, I'm hearing that a lot... anyone but the Pats. In this case, I so agree! I'd love to see the Jags make it to the Superbowl for the first time ever! The audio version of The Cruel Prince is definitely working for me... loving it now!

  4. Hmmm, maybe Brady and his stitches will hamper the Pats and your Jags will get the W. People are raving about Cruel Prince, but I am not the biggest fantasy reader. Last time I was struggling with my books, I just picked up a contemporary romance and it set me back on track.

    1. It's about 10 minutes to game time and the coverage is seeming like Brady's hand isn't going to be a problem. Drats! LOL Like you, I very rarely reach for fantasy. Just not my genre. But once in a great while one catches my eye - and The Cruel Prince definitely did. I'm totally enjoying the audio version!

  5. Going to be rooting for Jags and Viks today, I don't want to see the Pats in another superbowl, especially after NFL posted advertisement for Pats vs Vikings superbowel, tired of Brady

    1. You and me both, Lily! It seems like a lot people are tired of the Pats dominating. And I am so not a fan of Brady. Such a prima donna. Ugh. I so hope my Jags can pull this one off! And I'll be rooting for the Vikings, too. :)

  6. After weeks of freezing temps, it's 71 degrees today! I'm surprised that I haven't become sick yet!

    Glad the audiobook version of that book is better. There are some books that I prefer to listen to than physically read. :)

    Hope you have a great week Tanya! ~Aleen

    1. Wow, 71 is quite a switch! Hope it lasts a little while. :)

      Same here, Aleen. For whatever reason, sometimes the audio version is just a better fit.

  7. Oooh! I really want to read the Cruel Prince! I've been hearing nothing but good things about it!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  8. The weather is so wacky this winter! It was in the 20's the other morning and today it was almost 80 and I'm wearing a sleeveless shirt.

    I'm dying to read The Cruel Prince but it's good to know it may be a little slow at first.

    For What It's Worth

    1. Oh my gosh, that's a huge difference in temp!

      Yeah, it did start a little slow but holy cow has it ever picked up! All kinds of things happening now! :)

  9. I am hating this yo-yo weather! It warmed up here but that's very relative- it's nowhere near as warm as I'd like. Ugh winter.

    The Cruel Prince does look like a fun book, sorry to hear it's a bit slow. I do want to try Holly Black at some point and see her take on Faerie.

    1. I've only read one previously by Holly Black - The Coldest Girl in Coldtown. The concept of The Cruel Prince caught my interest and I'm so glad I gave it a try. I'm really enjoying it!

  10. This weather has been so weird, I do agree! It felt really nice today though, so it was a good change of pace before more rain/snow. haha


    1. I love how you get a random day of nice weather and then it's back to rain/snow. At least mine isn't quite as extreme. LOL

  11. I'm glad that switching to audio is making such a difference for The Cruel Prince! :) Yes, this weather is crazy. We had temps in the low 40s yesterday and today it's snowed all day. But I'm not complaining about the snow! Nope. I'm off to watch the recorded version of the Jags game. *fingers crossed* Have a great week, Tanya!

    1. Oh yeah, the switch to audio was a big help. Enjoy that snow! I'm trying to remember the last time I saw snow... maybe 4-5 years ago on a trip to NC? And then it was just a few little flurries. *sigh*

      The Jags game... what a heartbreaker. *cries*

  12. I'm glad switching to the audiobook made a difference! I've been really looking forward to reading The Cruel Prince! I love books about Faeries. The Iron Fey series and the Wicked Lovely series are two of my favorites!

    Do You Dog-ear?

    1. Yep, the switch to audio made all the difference! I haven't read too many books about the Fae but Holly Black has created such a rich world in this one. Love it!

  13. Our weather has been weird too. It's summer but we've had a few cool days and a fair bit of rain. Very strange!

    It's great that switching to the audiobook made a different reading experience :) It's pretty cool we have different options isn't it?!

    Have a wonderful week!

    1. Crazy weather everywhere, apparently!

      I love having so many reading options! Physical books, ebooks, audio books... something for every reader and every mood. :)

  14. I'm intrigued by the Cruel Prince! Our weather went crazy this week from a storm that blew trees down to snow and then back to grey. I hope you have a fabulous week.

    1. I don’t often reach for fantasy but The Cruel Prince really caught my eye. I’m at about the 70% mark and as of now I definitely recommend it!

  15. I was sad to see the Jaguars loss last night. They played a good game though! I'm curious about The Cruel Prince. I've heard some great things about Holly Black. Have a great week!

    1. You and me both. That was a real heartbreaker of a game. :( BUt they played well and it was a phenomenal season. I’ve only read one other by Holly Black (The Coldest Girl in Coldtown - loved it) and while I don’t often read fantasy, The Cruel Prince really grabbed my attention. Loving it so far! :)

  16. It's just been cold and snowy here :D but I hear it truly is some weird up and down weather over there in the US!

    1. I'm a bit jealous of your cold and snowy since it was over 70 degrees here today. I want some more winter weather! :)

  17. Ok I have been seeing The Cruel Prince everywhere! I will have to check out the audio for sure! Sorry your Jaguars lost (but, I'm a patriots fan, so...not THAT sorry! :) )
    Have a great week!

    1. I'm usually wary of the super hyped books, but in this case The Cruel Prince seems to be living up to it. And I'm loving the audio version.

      I was getting annoyed with the whole David & Goliath comparisons for Sunday's game, but in this case... Goliath won. *sigh* Better luck next year. And sorry to say, I'll be rooting for the Eagles come Superbowl Sunday. LOL

  18. don't get mad a me BUT I have to do some little harmless sport teasing and gloating...
    how about that come back??
    isn't beautiful tom Brady just the prince of comes backs??? LOVE HIM TO PIECES!!
    talking about princes...
    I cannot wait for your review of Cruel Prince
    love ya! xoxo

    1. OMG, are you trying to make me lose my lunch?! LOL
      Yeah, yeah, it was a heck of a comeback... but I refuse to compliment Brady. Blech! (Hee hee) All I can hope now is that the Eagles beat the pants off the Pats. LOL (All in good fun, I swear!!)

      Oh, and I just finished The Cruel Prince this morning! Review coming soon(ish)!
