Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Meant to Read in 2017

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme 

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic: 
Books I Meant to Read in 2017
(and totally plan to get to in 2018)

The Gentleman's Guide to Vice & Virtue - Mackenzi Lee
Good Boy - Sarina Bowen
Autoboyography - Christina Lauren
If There's No Tomorrow - Jennifer L. Armentrout
Archer's Voice - Mia Sheridan
Bright Side - Kim Holden
What to Say Next - Julie Buxbaum
Alex, Approximately - Jenn Bennett
The Crown's Fate - Evelyn Skye
Without Merit - Colleen Hoover

Have you read any of these?
What should go straight to the top of my TBR?
What did you not read last year that you totally will this year?


  1. I loved Autoboyography and Alex and really enjoyed Without Merit. I so want to get to What to Say Next. Good luck getting to these!

    1. Alex and Autoboyography will probably happen first. I'm so excited for those. Hopefully we'll both get to What to Say Next Soon!

  2. Great list! I also want to read What to Say Next!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  3. I think you would love A Gentleman's Guide, Tanya!

  4. so, one of my 2018 resolutions was to participate in this feature which I love and I haven't post the first yet LOL I'm hopeless! I'm so jealous of your images collage! LOVE IT! I see three books here that are in my new and de-cluttered TBR: The Gentleman's Guide to Vice & Virtue, If There's No Tomorrow and
    Without Merit. Great list. Hope you enjoy them Tanya. Now off to see if I can post my first TTT :)

    1. You totally should! And I see that you did! Yay! :)
      Wish I could take credit for the cool collage but it's just dropping images into a box at It does all the work. LOL
      I can't believe I never managed to get to The Gentleman's Guide last yar. I was so excited for it! Hopefully this is the year.

  5. Gentleman's Guide was fantastic and one of my favorite books that I read over the summer! I hope you enjoy it!

    Here is my TTT:

    1. I'm so happy to see you say that! It makes me more excited than ever to start it. :)

  6. Alex Approximately is one I've wanted to read, and for some reason just haven't yet. I think it's because sometimes I wait a little longer for contemps, but I need to get to that one. What To Say Next- I just love that cover, seems summery. :)

    1. I can't figure out why I haven't read Alex, Approximately because contemporary is my genre. Julie Buxbaum's YA's have such cute covers. :)

  7. I read The Crown's Fate last year and was kinda disappointed, I hope you enjoy it more!
    My TTT:

    1. Yeah, I keep hearing the same thing about The Crown's Fate. :( I hope I end up enjoying it more, too!

  8. The Gentleman's Guide was SO FUN. Also, Monty is the type of narrator that you cannot help but adore even when he is being an idiot/asshole. And the rest of the cast is fantastic, as well. I really-really want to read Autoboyography, too! It sounds adorable and I love the premise. Hope you'll get around to reading all these books!

    Veronika @ The Regal Critiques

    1. I can't wait to meet Monty! He sounds like one of those incorrigible "you've just gotta love him" characters. :)

  9. I want to read SOOO many of these listed!!
    If There's No Tomorrow - Jennifer L. Armentrout
    Bright Side - Kim Holden
    What to Say Next - Julie Buxbaum
    Alex, Approximately - Jenn Bennett
    The Crown's Fate - Evelyn Skye
    and Without Merit - Colleen Hoover. Such great choices Tanya!! I hope we both love them all when we get to read them <3 Good luck!!!

    1. I can't believe I didn't get to some of these last year... especially since a couple are from my favorite authors (Armentrout, Hoover). Last year was just a weird reading year for me. I'm hoping for better in 2018!

  10. Oh Archer's Voice is one of my favorites!! I listened to it on audio and it was just amazing! I hope you enjoy it!

    1. Okay, this is going to sound ridiculous but I have purposely put off reading Archer's Voice for years specifically because I know I'm going to love it. (I told you it was ridiculous.) I do this all the time with books I feel I'm going to love and that will become instant favorites. It's like, I just enjoy the anticipation or something. So weird. LOL But this is the year! I will read Archer's Voice!

  11. I swore you were talking about Autoboyography. You need to try to work that one in, because I know you would love it. I have had a copy of Archer's Voice for-ever. I am garbage! It should have be read an eternity ago. We should buddy read. I have an unread copy of Good Boy too. You know I have nothing but love for Alex, and if I had a copy of the Buxbaum book, I would read it, because her other three books were great.

    1. Oh yeah, I probably did. I think I said I was going to start it back in late Nov/early December but I never even cracked the cover. That was during the worst of my reading slump and I read absolutely *nothing* for almost a full month. Gah! We should totally read Archer's Voice but I imagine you would finish it and I would be on page 50 or something. LOL I think you read a lot more often than me - or a lot faster than me. Or both! :)

    2. We can buddy read and do a duel review. Just let me know.

    3. "We can buddy read and do a duel review. Just let me know."

      I'd be up for that, Sam!

  12. The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue is also on my list! Great picks! I hope you're able to get to them all (and you liked them!) this year :)

    My Top Ten Tuesday!

  13. SO many of these are ones I need to read but haven't! Gentleman's Guide, Autoboyography, What to Say Next, Alex Approximately, Without Merit, If There's No Tomorrow... literally all on my TBR! The only one I read was Crown's Fate, which honestly was kind of a letdown after Crown's Game, but hopefully you'll enjoy it!

    1. Yeah, I keep hearing that about The Crown's Fate. So disappointing after the awesomeness that was the first book. Maybe I'll be the one who loves it. :)

  14. I haven't read any of these but 6 of the books on your list are on mine too. Hopefully we'll both get to this list sooner than later! :)

    1. Fingers crossed that this is the year I read mostly from my backlist... including all of these! :)

  15. I haven't read ANY of these yet, but I would love to read What to Say Next--I just got an ebook of Tell Me Three Things! <3

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

    1. I just loved Tell Me Three Things. I hope you'll enjoy it, Aimee!

  16. There some really good ones, and quite a few I would love to read!

  17. Ahem - I see a few on there that I didn't get to either. I've been seeing some backlist challenges, and maybe I need to do one of those in 2018!
    Jen Ryland Reviews

    1. I was tempted to sign up for a backlist challenge (since that's my focus this year) but I decided to just forgo all challenges this year and keep it simple. :)

  18. Gentlemen's Guide is on my list of things I need to read soon. I actually own a copy, so SOON. I do want to read Autoboyography too but I don't have a copy...need to see if my library has it.


    1. Same here, Lauren. Gentleman's Guide has been sitting on my shelf for months and I still haven't read it. Hopefully soon, though!

  19. Hi! I still need to read Alex, Approximately too. It's high on my TBR :)
    My TTT

    1. And here I thought I was the only person left who hasn't read Alex, Approximately. :) Hopefully we'll both get to it soon!

  20. I read good boy, definitely really enjoyed that one! Brightside, I really hope you like that one because I really hated it!

    1. I don't know why I haven't picked up Good Boy yet. Sarina Bowen + Elle Kennedy together is like book crack.
