The Sunday Post #172

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

  • This past week was filled with Hurricane Dorian. Watching the updates, tracking its path, shopping for supplies and protecting the house and yard. My sister lives at the beach and had to evacuate so she was at our house for several days. Thankfully Dorian stayed off the coast of Florida and did not make landfall. We had some strong winds and rain on Wednesday but overall were very, very lucky.
  • Between all the stress of the hurricane (the watching, the waiting) and then Thursday and Friday at the office were exhausting, I was absolutely DONE by the end of the week. Mentally drained. Isn't it crazy how our mental state can have such an effect on our physical well-being? I was definitely feeling it: run down, body aches, and just basically feeling the need to retreat. I declared it a self-care weekend and never stepped foot outside the house yesterday. I stayed in comfy clothes, read, took two naps... and it helped. Hopefully today will bring more of the same and I can fully shake off last week and start the new week refreshed.
  • How was YOUR week? Were any of you along the east coast impacted by Dorian? Did you (my U.S. friends, anyway) enjoy a short work week after Labor Day?
  • Now for something fun to further boost my mood. And what better way to do that than with some Abba music from the closing credits of Mamma Mia? :) Turn up your speakers and enjoy... I know I am!


It happened! I finished The Flatshare! *applause, applause*
It took two weeks (gah!) but I finished it. I don't know if it was me (there have been plenty of distractions over the last two weeks), the book, or a combination of both, but I can't remember the last time it took me weeks to finish a book (especially one that was only 325 pages). This one will be hard to review because I feel like had I read it at another time I might have enjoyed it more.

I thought about taking a little break after The Flatshare but I really did feel like reading something. I decided to dive back into the Sea Breeze series. These books are like brain candy (very little thought required LOL) and just what I wanted right now.


I first heard this one mentioned on an Audible podcast and found it interesting that one of my favorite narrators (Andi Arndt) was branching out and actually co-writing with Tara Sivec. So color me surprised when I was offered the audiobook for review! I'm really looking forward to this one and it sounds like a lot of fun.

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. I am so happy Dorian didn't hit you guys! I'm glad you took the day to just lounge at your house and take a me-day. Those are very needed. Just remember to keep yourself hydrated with water!
    I want to listen to that Sivec and Andi's book!!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. I had a whole weekend of "me time" - and it was wonderful! :)

  2. Glad Dorian didn't cause damage.

  3. We don't have hurricanes in The Netherlands, I can't even imagine how stressful it would be....

    I'm glad you all got out unharmed...

    1. Thanks Esther. I've always lived in Florida so hurricanes are nothing new... but Dorian was a scary one!

  4. Worrying about Dorian would've sapped my energy too! I'm happy to hear you and your family didn't have any serious damage.

    I'm so relieved when I finish a book that seems to take me forever to read, and books where you didn't really love it but didn't hate it are the most difficult for me to review. I mean, what can you really say? "it was okay" now moving on... lol!

    1. Thanks Rachel... we were very lucky.

      Yes! That's it exactly. Those middle of the road books... what to say about them? I can't wax poetic about it, I can't go on a rant about how bad it was. It's like, it was fine. Next! :)

  5. Glad Dorian missed you! I have family in Myrtle Beach and they had to head inland (they live right on the shore).
    Why do short weeks always feel so LONG! It was only a 4 day work week, but it felt like 40 days!

    1. I hope your family in Myrtle Beach didn't come back to any damage, Samantha.

  6. I am so glad that the hurricane missed you but I can imagine how stressful it had to be. I try to have stay at home weekends quite often. I think it really helps to have a couple of quiet days to just relax. I listened to Heidi's Guide last week and thought that it was a lot of fun. I hope you enjoy it as well.

    1. Quiet weekends aren't just enjoyable... I'm starting to think they're absolutely necessary.

  7. Sorry you had all the stress of the hurricane, but I'm glad it turned out okay!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  8. Ah, that sounds so stressful! I'm glad everyone is safe and I hope you have a better week <3

    1. Thanks Molly! I'm looking forward to a much more low-key week.

  9. Preparing for a hurricane sounds sooo exhausting, no wonder you're drained!

    (Amber Elise @ Du Livre)

    1. Ugh, it really is. Hopefully the rest of hurricane season will be less eventful.

  10. Glad to hear Dorian passed you by but the stress of it all sounds horrendous! No wonder you needed time to recharge.
    I love the end scene of Mamma Mia. I love the end song for Mamma Mia: Here we go again too. I'm an oddball in that I enjoyed the second movie more, lol.

    I hope this week is much calmer and better for you!

    1. You might be the first person I know who likes the second movie better! I thought it was okay but didn't have the charm of the first. And Cher showing up at the end... so cringey. LOL

  11. Well Tanya yes it always puzzle me that the barin has such influence on the body! Now you might be the first one not praising the Flatshare! I hope next week will be less stressful for you xoxo

    1. I know, right? Everyone else LOVES The Flatshare. And I might have too at another time. I probably should have set it aside and tried again later.

  12. I'm happy to hear the hurricane passed you and your family by! Living on the West Coast all my life, I've never had to experience hurricane season, I think it would stress me out so much!

    1. I'm hopeful the rest of the hurricane season is a quiet one!

  13. Glad to hear you're safe after the hurricane! I totally would have taken a self-care weekend, too.

    1. Thanks Angela. :) And the low-key/self-care weekend was exactly what I needed.

  14. I remember the waiting for the storms, when I lived in Jax. It was unbearable. I am happy it did not hit you, though. The one thing about Glines' books is that I know what I am going to get, and that's why I pick them up. They always seem to hit the spot, when I need them to

    1. My fingers are crossed that the rest of the hurricane season is a quiet one. I'm done after Dorian.

      I feel the same about Abbi Glines. Like you said, you know what you're going to get. And sometimes that's just what I want.

  15. I'm happy to read you and your family are okay. I can't even imagine how hard it is to think your home might be hit by something like Dorian. We don't have that kind of extreme weather here!
    Love that random quote!
    Have a great week and happy reading!

    1. We got very lucky with Dorian. Hopefully the rest of the season is a quite one!

  16. I am SO glad that you didn't have any trouble with Dorian. It's got to be terrifying to be so close to these storms! I definitely think you deserved the down time, and I hope you feel better now!

    1. Thanks Shannon. The weekend of being a hermit did me a world of good. I'm getting better about taking that time when I need it.

  17. Totally understandable that you would be tired out- the uncertainty of the storm and everything else. Glad it didn't hit anywhere close to you. I feel for everybody in the path of that thing. Glad you're having a relaxing weekend to recharge a bit. :)

    And I love Abba! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Greg. The quiet weekend was just what I needed.
      That... and a little Abba. :)

  18. The watching and waiting is the WORST! I was also super drained this week. So glad you were okay though! I hope you enjoy your new reads!

    1. So right, Tracy. The good thing about hurricanes is the advance notice... days and days to prepare. The worst thing is the advance notice... days and days to stress!

  19. I'm so glad that Dorian missed you. It's scary stuff. And yes, mental health definitely affects physical health and vice versa. I'm glad you had a nice self-care day and I hope you are feeling a bit better!!!


    1. Thanks Lauren! The weekend of down-time was just what I needed!

  20. Sorry that your week was brutal. I hope this week is much better.

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  21. I wish we could take mental health days! I think you should be allowed a certain number, like sick days, because you're totally right. Our mental health impacts our physical health. Fighting with someone leaves me emotionally drained, which makes me feel physically exhausted, and that's just a simple example. Stress builds, days are hard, and sometimes we need a mental break. I'm glad everyone is okay after the hurricane. Hopefully your self-care weekend was successful! <3

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. Yes, yes, yes to everything you said, Lindsi. The emotional/mental toll often translates to a physical toll. The self-care weekend did wonders. I was a little hermit and never stepped foot outside the outside. It was fabulous. :)

  22. I have a friend that lived in the Bahamas and lost everything. She left with just her dogs and whatever cash she had on her. A wealthy guy is flying people out on his private plane. I guess she and her husband also had all their retirement $$$ tied up in property there. It's so sad.

    I think people discount how much mental health can affect you physically. It's not a judgement or a sign of weakness but you can get sick from so much stress. For me, my body just shuts down.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Oh my gosh, Karen, that's awful. I'm so sorry to hear about your friends. :(

      I've gotten better over the last few years about recognizing the physical signs and trying to react quicker when I need down time. Before it was just a "keep going" mentality which only made it worse.

  23. I'm glad that Dorian stayed off the coast and didn't impact you aside from the mental wear and tear waiting to see what it would do. Seeing it stall like it did over the Bahamas was scary.

    1. Same here! It could have been so much worse. I've never seen a storm stall like this one did over the Bahamas. So awful.

  24. I hope everyone stayed safe and the damage was minimal. How is your sister doing, has she returned home? I've seen a little on our news here in Australia but there's massive firestorms here at the moment so that's taking precedence. It's been a horrible week for me so far, been struck down with a nasty cold and just ache from all the coughing. Hope everyone is well Tanya and have a wonderful week of reading!

    1. Yep, my sister went home last Wednesday (she stayed with us Mon-Wed last week) and thankfully she had no major damage, either. So lucky! Those firestorms sound scary!

      Sorry you've been sick! It's crazy how a "simple cold" can really knock you down. I hope you feel better soon!

  25. I was thinking about you re: the hurricane so I'm glad it didn't reach land!! Obviously, I hope this week and next week treat you better. Take care of yourself!!!!

    1. Thanks Jessica! Last week was so much better... and this one is off to a pretty good start. That weekend of downtime did me some serious good!

  26. We had Friday off because of Dorian but it was almost no impact here. It was a short week and with a 3 day weekend twice in a row. There's a whole adrenaline going with a storm like that and the uncertainty. When it's over, you can drop like a rock. I am so glad to hear you took a self-care weekend. Great idea! Heidi's Guide to Four Letter Words is an absolute wow.

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. I think most of us in the U.S. really got lucky with Dorian. The way it stayed off the coast for so long saved a lot of us from major damage.

      Heidi's Guide was cute and had so many laugh out loud moments. :)

  27. That's good news that Dorian didn't make a landfall in your area. Strong winds and heavy rain are still scary though- for me anyway. We experience those kinds of things here often and it always results to flood and other damages. Anyway, I'm just glad you and your family are safe. I'm still rooting for you getting through the Sea Breeze series lol.

    1. The coastal areas had a bit of flooding but thankfully I'm far enough inland that I wasn't impacted. I'm moving right along with the Sea Breeze series! :)

  28. You finished The Flatshare!!!!! I'll be interested to see your thoughts, even if you didn't love it, just because you read it over such a long period of time. Glad to hear Dorian didn't end up making landfall near you and even though you had some rough weather at least you all made it through safe.

    1. Yes, *finally* finished The Flatshare! LOL And I think you've already seen my mini-review of it that I posted last Friday. While I didn't love it, I did really enjoy it! :)
