WWW Wednesday #63 | September 25, 2019

WWW Wednesdays is a meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words.
Just answer three questions and share what you're reading.

Is it just me or is this the longest, slowest week in creation? 
How is it only Wednesday???



Misbehaving (Sea Breeze #6) - Abbi Glines
Fix Her Up - Tessa Bailey

Can we take a moment to appreciate the epic cheesiness of this cover? :) I plan on starting Misbehaving during my lunch hour today (assuming I have time). I'm not thrilled that the female lead is Jess, the local "bad girl" but I'm interested in Jason's story so we'll see how it goes. 

I started listening to Fix Her Up this morning and got about 30 minutes into it. I'm enjoying the narration (my first time listening to Charlotte North) and I'm liking what I know so far of Georgie and Travis. Travis is obviously at a low point but it seems like there's a decent guy in there somewhere.

I stayed up till after 11 PM last night reading The Burning Shadow (something I never do). I made it to the 98% mark and fell asleep. As soon as the alarm went off at 5:15 AM I reached over, grabbed my Kindle and read the final few pages. Wow, what a wild ride that was! The second half was like a speeding train with nonstop action and plot turns that shook me. This one hasn't even released yet and I already need book three! I need more!

My re-read (well, re-listen) of The Others series continues and I finished Vision in Silver on my drive home from the office yesterday. I was reminded why this is one of my favorites from the series. I love the escalating tension between the Others and the humans (the humans just never learn and always seem to think they are at the top of the food chain... they're not) as well as the shifting dynamic between Simon and Meg. The ending of this one never fails to give me all the feels.

I'm mulling over a couple possibilities for what to read next. It all depends on what I feel like at the time but some contenders are: Fireworks by Sarina Bowen, Twice in a Blue Moon by Christina Lauren, and Bad For You by Abbi Glines.

What are you currently reading?
I wanna know! :)


  1. AH, I need to read Fireworks! I won a giveway of Fix her UP, so I'm excited to start on that one soon.

    1. Hopefully we both get to Fireworks soon. And how cool that you won a copy of Fix Her Up!

  2. I listened to Fix Her Up and really loved it. The narration was on point. You're in for a fun listen with that one!

    1. It's great hearing from someone else who went the audio route with Fix Her Up! Now I'm even more excited to get further into it. :)

  3. You are right. This HAS been a long week already. Man, you are making me want to pick up Written in Red for a reread. LOL That Tessa Bailey is EVERYWHERE. I am going to have to break down and read it soon.

    1. Allow me to give you a gentle nudge to reread Written in Red. LOL I started my latest reread/relisten a couple weeks ago and it's so much fun being back in that world.

  4. I really want to start The Burning Shadow but it's SO LONG! I'm scared of starting it. XD I hope you enjoy Twice in a Blue Moon! It looks really cute.

    1. The Burning Shadow is a little long but it was such a fast read. Especially the second half... that really flew by!

  5. Well that's high praise of The Burning Shadows if you immediately grabbed it when you woke up to finish. And I really need to start The Others series!

    1. I wanted so much to finish The Burning Shadow last night but I couldn't keep my eyes open. :)

  6. I have not read Abbi Glines yet but I think that I have at least one of her books at home. Fireworks is an amazing book and The Others is a great series. I am really curious about Fix Her Up. Enjoy!

    1. I'm excited to pick up Fireworks. I just love the True North series and was so excited to see Sarina Bowen announce a new True North book coming (in January, I think).

  7. I am so, so, so jealous that you got to read The Burning Shadow! I CAN'T wait! I'm really looking forward to reading Twice in a Blue Moon and Fix Her Up, too. Hopefully soon! Enjoy!!

    1. I was beyond thrilled to get approved for an arc of The Burning Shadow! I figured they had me mixed up with someone else. LOL It was so, so good... and not long to wait now!

  8. I've never read Anne Bishop's Others... I've seen people talking about them and loving on them (yourself included 😉) but despite this, and my love for UF, I always forget about the series when looking for something new! At some point, I will give it a go!

    I'm glad the Burning Shadow was a hit! I don't know how I feel about one of JLA's heart attack inducing endings but I'll definitely be reading this series!

    1. As far as cliffhangers go, the one in The Burning Shadow wasn't as jaw-dropping as many of her others. But I was loving all the action and twists!

  9. All those Glines covers are classic romance covers, and they suit the series, which play to every classic trope, but I loved it. Georgie was such a fabulous character. She was just a beautiful person with this huge heart, and I adored her.

    1. The covers really do fit the books so well. And I've been having fun bingeing the series. :) It's so easy to root for Georgie. She's just 100% likable.

  10. I have a short week this week, taking Friday off, but that doesn't make it go any faster!

    1. Color me jealous of your day off. A three day weekend sounds heavenly!

  11. I can't wait to read The Burning Shadow! I'm so excited to hear how much you loved it! I'm currently reading A Lie for a Lie, by Helena Hunting and one of the Kate Daniels booksby Ilona Andrews and really enjoying them.

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. I've yet to read anything by Hunting even though I own a couple of her books. Glad you're enjoying it so far!

  12. Oh how I need to grab a copy of those Origin series books, I'll have to check them out on Kindle soon. I'm desperate for a real page turner and it's rare that a second book in a series is that engaging. At the moment I'm reading a book about Greta Thunberg and her journey so far as an environmental warrior, what an incredible young lady she is.

    1. The Thunberg book sounds interesting. What an impact she's made to be so young.

  13. So glad you're liking Fix Her Up so far! And you're really pulling through with the Sea Breeze series lol you're almost at the end though.

  14. This really has been a slow week. I'm glad you're enjoying your current reads. I just started A Madness So Discreet - good so far.


    1. I remember a few years ago it seemed like that book was *everywhere.* I hope it's a good one for you!

  15. I have Fix Her Up and need to get to it. ;) I hope you enjoy it. I'm currently reading Johnny - an arc from JA Huss - and it's a twisty ride. :) But I recently finished The Will by Kristen Ashley and it was beautiful.

    1. One of the days I *will* read something by Huss and Kristen Ashley. Really! LOL

  16. I just finished Dry by Neal Shusterman and that was great. I think I'm going to start Get a Life Chloe Brown next.

    I couldn't finish Fix Her Up. Travis was not my cup of tea lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I feel like I've been seeing Get a Life Chloe Brown on a lot of TBRs but haven't seen any reviews yet. I hope it's a hit for you!

      I'm still getting to know Georgie and Travis so the jury is still out. :)

  17. I have heard so many good things about Fix Her Up, glad it's good so far! Also, talk about a glowing recommendation for the Origin series! I really need to read The Others series, it sounds like the kind of thing I'd love!

    Right now, I am reading The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee (love) and Across a Broken Shore by Amy Trueblood (equally love). I have NO idea what to read next, because these are both so good- the next ones won't be able to live up, I fear!

    1. I'm about 80% through Fix Her Up now and while I'm not 100% sold on the hero I'm still enjoying it. I think you would love The Others. I know you read tons of fantasy but I considered it the perfect introduction to urban fantasy for me.

  18. I thought it felt like a really long week too and now the weekend is just flying by :( Glad to hear you're enjoying Fix Her Up. I've heard good things about it.

    1. Yes! Totally agree, Suzanne. The wee was as slow as molasses and then the weekend was over in a flash. Not fair!

  19. I'd like to do a re-read of The Others at some point in time. The Burning Shadow must've been pretty good to keep you up late and reading early the next morning. Hope you don't have to wait too long for book 3.

    1. Well, I'm going to be waiting a seriously long time for book 3 since book 2 (the one I just finished) hasn't even released yet. LOL
