WWW Wednesday #62 | September 18, 2019

WWW Wednesdays is a meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words.
Just answer three questions and share what you're reading.



The Burning Shadow (Origin #2) - Jennifer L. Armentrout
Vision in Silver (The Others #3) - Anne Bishop
I was planning on starting Fix Her Up this week but then I started thinking about The Burning Shadow, just idling there on my Kindle, and I couldn't take it anymore. If you've been around here for any length of time you know of my deep and abiding love for Armentrout's Lux series. :) While this spin-off series will never top the original, it's still incredibly good and I love being back in the Luxen world. And there was a Daemon Black cameo a couple chapters back so there was that.♥

Last month I deiced to do (yet another) re-read of The Others series. Every so often I just need a visit with all those characters I love. I just started book #3, Vision in Silver, on Monday and it's so much fun to be back with Meg Corbyn, Simon, Vlad and all the others... er, Others. I would read more urban fantasy if I were guaranteed they would all be this good.

Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy are my romance Dynamic Duo. So odds were that I was going to love Top Secret... and I did. I loved Keaton and Luke and pulled so hard for them. Heidi's Guide to Four Letter Words wasn't a favorite - the humor was just too silly and not my style - but Heidi grew on me and Brent was pretty much boyfriend perfection. The best part was Andi Arndt's narration. She is just so good


I really do plan on starting Fix Her Up next. Really. Don't know if it will be the Kindle version or audio but it's going to happen.

What are you currently reading?
I wanna know! :)


  1. I haven't really reread too much this year, I should change that!

    1. I don't re-read very often at all, but there are some favorites that I just love to re-visit again and again. :)

  2. I guess that you had JLA ARC Tanya! Happy reading!

    1. Thank goodness I had the ARC! :) It's been burning a whole in my Kindle and I couldn't resist it any longer. LOL

  3. I'm so happy to hear you loved Top Secret! That writing duo can do no wrong in my book. I have also read Fix Her Up. It was so fun and way sexier than I was expecting! Enjoy it!

    1. Totally agree, Deanna! Sarina and Elle together make magic! :) I'm excited for Fix Her Up!

  4. The Burning shadow looks good. Maybe I'll read Armentrout one of these days. :)

  5. Way to read those book wasting away on your kindle. You're a better woman than I am . Fingers crossed you enjoy Fix Her Up, because I loved Georgie.

    1. They made the arc available super early for The Burning Shadow. So it's been on my Kindle for probably 2 months already. Release day is still a month away but I couldn't take it anymore. LOL

  6. I am dying to read The Burning Shadow! I loved the first book :) I'm so excited that it comes out next month.

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. I am so excited to be back in the Lux world! And of course with Luc and all his snarky goodness. LOL

  7. I love when I have a book that I am so excited about that I have to read it right away. It doesn't happen often but it is wonderful when it does. I hope you enjoy your current reads :)

    1. I agree, Carole. Doesn't happy often but it's such a good feeling when it does. :)

  8. I really want to read Fix Her Up! Hopefully soon.

  9. I still need to read The Darkest Star! It's a blogger shame thing for I got an arc last year then got sick while reading it, put it aside and never finished... :(
    I've promised myself that I'll read it this autumn and then move straight onto book 2!
    I do like Luc. :)

    1. I'm getting grouchy every time I have to put The Burning Shadow aside. I just want Luc, Luc, and more Luc. LOL Stupid things like work keep getting in the way. The Darkest Star was a lot of fun and I'm enjoying The Burning Shadow even more.

  10. I'm re-reading The Risk by Elle Kennedy and reading Angel in a Devil's Arms by Julie Anne Long.

    YES! I re-read The Others series via audio often, too. Usually after the first snowstorm. The first book is SO fitting for that.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Oooh, reading the firs Others book in a snowstorm sounds so perfect! Totally fitting. Now if only I had that option here in Florida... LOL

      I *really* need to finish the Off Campus series so I can move on to the spin-off series!

  11. Sometimes you just need to go where the reading flow takes you :-)

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  12. Anne Bishop is on my authors to read list. I'm currently reading The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware.

    1. I've heard awesome things about The Turn of the Key! Ware has become so popular in the last couple years.

  13. I love The Others! The audios are so fantastic and a great way to do a re-read. If you want another Urban Fantasy series that is soooo good I'd recommend Mercy Thompson! I LOVE that series and the spinoff so much. Kate Daniels is another favorite. The writing in both series' is fantastic! A cut above.

    Hope you enjoy Fix Her Up. I had a library copy and it expired. I'm interested in hearing what you think.

    1. I never get tired of revisiting The Others series. The stories are exciting but it's really the characters that I love. :) Thanks for the tip about Mercy Thompson. I'm going to GoodReads in just a sec to check it out.

  14. I can NOT wait to get my hands on The Burning Shadow! I loved The Darkest Star (and the whole Lux series of course). I'm also really excited to get my hands on her next Harbinger book!!

    1. I am loving The Burning Shadow and get annoyed every time I have to set it aside. I want all Luc all the time. LOL And a big YES for the next Harbinger book! Any chance we can beg her to write faster? :)

  15. I need to read that JLA book too. I didn't request an ARC but I really enjoyed the first book in the series and look forward to continuing the series.

    1. It was such a great follow up to The Darkest Star, Suzanne. No second book syndrome to be found! :)
