Top Ten Tuesday: New-To-Me Authors I Want to Read 2.0

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic: 
New-to-Me Authors I Want to Read 2.0

This week's TTT topic is actually something about favorite snacks or drinks or some such. I just wasn't feeling it so I'm going rogue. I did a similar post back in January and I've read exactly two of the authors I mentioned then (ahem), but there are still more waiting in the wings. Here are some of the authors I still want to try and the books that most interest me.

Karina Halle | Meghan Quinn | Giana Darling | R.S. Grey | Melanie Harlow

Mariana Zapata | T.M. Frazier | Rebecca Yarros | Staci Hart | Tessa Bailey

Have you read any of these authors?


  1. I'm not familiar with any of these books, but I hope you like them.

    My TTT.

  2. I'm pretty sure I own a book by Karina Halle, so I need to read that. LOL


    1. I wish I could ignore all the latest and greatest and just read all good ones sitting on my Kindle. But the new pretties are so distracting. :)

  3. Scoring Wilder is so good!!!!! And Fix Her Up!! You need FHU asap!!!! As for Staci Hart, I love her Red Lipstick Coalition series so much. I still need to read A Thousand Letters.

    1. I have Fix Her Up from the library so that should be happening SOON! :)

  4. The only one of these authors I haven't read is the one who wrote Welcome to the Dark Side. I can safely say you are in for a lot of fun with all of the rest of them!

    1. Woo hoo! I love hearing that, Deanna!!! That makes me even more excited for all of these! :)

  5. I wasn’t feeling this week’s topic, either. I hope these authors become your new favorites!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks Aj! I've seen several people alter this week's topic... it was just a weird one to me. :)

  6. You haven't read Tessa Bailey yet?? I don't know why but that surprises me lol

    She's hot or miss for me but she has such variety and always has a lot of humor in her books.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Nope, just never have got around to Tessa Bailey somehow. That will be changing very soon, though. :)

  7. Fix Her Up finally made it to me from my library, so we will see if I end up liking it

  8. Great list! I've been seeing really good things about Fix Her Up lately. =)

    1. Same here, Jess! Fingers are crossed that it lives up to the hype!

  9. I have read Mariana (love that one), Karina Halle (hit or miss), Meghan Quinn 'funny), RS Grey (one) and TM Frazier (dark)

    1. I hear so many good things about Zapata's books (the queen of slow burn) but her books are sooo long and would take me a chunk of time since I'm not a fast reader. And I have to be in the mood for dark romance to Frazier will have to wait. :)

  10. I'm not familiar with any of these but I hope you get a chance to try some (or all) of them soon! I have a fairly lengthy list of authors I wanna try too!

    1. If only we had time to read all the books and authors we wanted to!

  11. I have read books from 6 of these authors. All Grey's books have been winners for me and almost all of Halle's too. I only read Fix Her Up by Bailey, but I really enjoyed it, and plan on continuing the series. Quinn can be a lot of fun, but falls into that category with Hunting - hit or miss for me. I just don't click with Zapata. Her books need some serious editing, and the extra fat worked my last nerve. A 500+ page contemporary romance? That's excessive.

    1. I'm kind of on the fence about Quinn because I'm so picky about humor in my romance. I enjoy good banter and funny lines, but I don't like silly slapstick kind of humor. So, depending on her style, Quinn may not be for me. Hopefully I can try her out via Overdrive or Hoopla.

  12. I haven't read any of these authors, but Fix Her Up sounds so cute!

    1. I've seen a lot of positive reviews for Fix Her Up so I'm hopeful!

  13. I have not read any of these authors yet either. I do want to read Tessa Bailey though. Great topic!

    1. I'm looking forward to trying Tessa Bailey for the first time.

  14. I haven't read any of these yet, but Fix Her Up is one I'd like to try. I keep hearing good things about it.

    1. There's been a lot of buzz about Fix Her Up! Hopefully it lives up to the hype. :)

  15. Great list, Tanya! I've discovered Zapata, Quinn and Grey this year too and I've really liked what I've read from them so far, so I'm looking forward to reading more. I love that their books are all on Kindle Unlimited because that means I get to read so many more of their books than I would otherwise 😂 I'll be sure to check out these other authors too coz they also look great!

    1. I'm excited to see that you've already read and enjoyed Zapata and Quinn and Grey. That's another point in their favor! :)

  16. I've heard of a few of these but haven't read them yet myself. I'm most interested in what you'll think of Fix Her Up. That cover gives me massive Fixer Upper vibes and looking forward to your thoughts Tanya. Happy reading!

    1. I've heard so much great feedback about Fix Her Up so I'm excited to start it.

  17. I haven't read any of these, but I do want to read Karina Halle! Specifically, Donners of the Dead, which has been on my TBR for aaggggesss and that I really need to get to soon. Hope you enjoy these authors when you get to them!

    1. Donners of the Dead is totally new to me... I'll have to check that one out!

  18. Quite a few of these are on my'need to read authors' list.

    TM Frazier's King is one I want to read but I've heard it's a bit grim and I've heard people fangirl so I keep swinging back and forth on that one.

    Staci Hart, I started reading one of her books a while ago and while it was good I wasn't loving it but it was totally me not her if that makes sense? I was in a UF mood and was forcing myself to read contemporary... It always ends in disaster. I'll give her another try at some point.

    Karina Halle, I like but she can be hit or miss. The Pact series I've had on my kindle for ages but must admit isn't one I've read yet...

    As for From Lukov With Love... Well. You know how I feel about that one, lol. Zapata's style really isn't for everyone but she works for me and FLWL will always be one of my absolute favourites. :)

    1. I'm saving T.M. Frazier for when I'm in the mood for something dark.

      I feel like I see mixed things for Karina Halle. So I haven't been rushing to try anything by her.

      Zapata's books are so chunky and I'm not a particularly fast reader so those always seem a little intimidating to me. But I have high hopes that I will love them!

  19. These are all new to me authors but I've heard really great things about Fix Her Up!

    1. I'm hoping Fix Her Up lives up to all the great reviews I've read!

  20. I've read Tessa Bailey and RS Grey and they are amazing authors!

    1. I plan on reading my first by Tessa Bailey soon and I can't wait!

  21. YES! 7/10 actually - Karina Halle, R.S. Grey (I love her books), Melanie Harlow, Mariana Zapata (queen of slow-burn romance), Rebecca Yaros, Staci Hart and Tessa Bailey (I'm eager to read more of her books)

    1. Wow, you've read a lot of these authors! I think I'm most excited for Rebecca Yarros and Mariana Zapata.

  22. Awesome list! I hope you're able to read from these authors soon! :)

  23. I've never read any of these authors either, but I have a few of them on my radar as well, including Tessa Bailey and RS Gray

    1. I'm listening to the one from Tessa Bailey now and really enjoying it.
