Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Want to Re-Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic: 
Books I Want to Re-Read

This week's theme of favorite bookmarks didn't thrill me since a) half the books I read are on my Kindle so no bookmark needed and b) even when I do read physical books it's not like I have a favorite bookmark. So I'm doing my own thing... again.

I do not often re-read. There are so many books that I am excited to read (for the first time) that I don't often feel led to spend time reading something I've already read. But there are always exceptions. There are some books that made such an impact on me that I want to experience it again. There are stories that gave me all feels and I want more. Or characters that I want to revisit. So here are the books that I most want to re-read.

Colleen Hoover

Why I want to re-read: Maybe Someday was the first Colleen Hoover book I read. And I was hooked. I fell in love with those characters and was completed sucked in to their story. That was in 2014 and the book still has a special place in my heart. I'd love to revisit and experience it all again. 

Jane Green

Why I want to re-read: At the time I read Jemima J (2001) it had a big impact on me. It may have been classified as "chick lit" but I connected with Jemima on a deep level and understood her so well. I'm interested in re-reading and seeing if I still feel the same.

Ruth M. Arthur

Why I want to re-read: A Candle in Her Room was my favorite book as a child. I checked it out of the library over and over again. Many years ago I managed to track down a copy in a used bookstore and seeing it on my shelf always gives me a feeling on nostalgia. I'd like to re-read it and see how I view it as an adult.

Bertrice Small

Why I want to re-read: Ten or twelve years ago I went through a brief phase of reading historical romances. Or, more accurately, reading several historical romances from Bertrice Small. I was absolutely captivated by the world-building in her novels and the attention to detail. Taking place in the 15th century and spanning the globe from Renaissance Europe to the Ottoman Empire, The Kadin was fascinating. I'd love to experience the journey again.

Tracey Garvis Graves

Why I want to re-read: When I read On the Island in 2012 I was completely taken with Anna and T.J.'s story. I continued to think about them weeks and even months after finishing the book, something I don't often do. I really want to relive their story all over again.

Jolene Perry

Why I want to re-read: I picked up The Summer I Found You on a whim when I was browsing in the library. I expected a sweet YA contemporary. What I got was a story that dealt with real issues in a emotional and realistic way and two main characters that I pulled for so hard. Aidan's story, in particular, touched my heart and I would like to share in their story again.

Beth Flynn

Why I want to re-read: It wasn't until quite a while after I read Nine Minutes that I learned that the story continued. There are two more books that I'd love to read but I've forgotten so many details from Nine Minutes that I want to re-read it before moving on.

Paullina Simons

Why I want to re-read: Reading The Bronze Horseman was one of the most emotionally draining reading experiences I've ever had. Like nothing else I'd read. And though I'd never been able to say I had one favorite book, after I read The Bronze Horseman it became just that. And yet... I've never continued on with the trilogy. Maybe because I fear they can't possibly live up to TBH? Maybe because I enjoy the anticipation? Either way, I do want to read the whole series and since it's been 5 years I want to re-read The Bronze Horseman before moving on.

Krista & Becca Ritchie

Why I want to re-read: Krista and Becca Ritchie's Addicted series is my all-time favorite contemporary series. Over the span of 10 books those characters began to feel like living, breathing people and I was completely invested in their lives. I am beyond ready to continue on with the spin-off series but before I do I want to re-read the final Addicted book, Some Kind of Perfect. Ideally I would re-read the entire series, but that is an insane time commitment.

Christina Lauren

Why I want to re-read: Autoboyography is the first book I read from Christina Lauren and it was love at first sight. (I mean, just look at that cover.) It was also love at first page. I adored Tanner and Sebastian and fell head over heels in love with their story. I would love to relive it all over again.

Do you re-read books?
Do you have a favorite that you go back to again and again?


  1. I've only read 2 on this list and they are ones I would read over and over again too! {Autoboyography & Maybe Someday}

    1. Those are two of my all-time favorites, Michelle. So much love for those books!

  2. Autoboyography owns a space on my favorites shelf. I am feeling the feels just thinking about it. I have some of these on my TBR. If they are good enough for reread, I should really take a look.

    1. Just thinking about it makes me want to pick it up immediately and read it again. Tanner + Sebastian = ♥

  3. I haven't read any of these, but I hope you manage to fit some re-reads in and that you enjoy these books all over again. Great list!

  4. I really like the cover for Autoboyography.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  5. Great list, Tanya! I don't often re-read as well but there are a few solid faves (comfort reads) that I do go back to every now and again--although I admit to never reading them all the way through most of the time! 😅 I haven't read most of these although some are on my TBR! I'd love to re-read Autoboyography though!

    My TTT post

    1. I've only read Autoboyography once so I'm excited to read it again and ensure that I love it just as much. :)

  6. I reread Maybe Someday last year. I expect I'll probably reread The Bronze Horseman at some point. That book is just WOW. I really need to read these other books you listed!!

    1. P.S. While I know another blogger that loved the whole series, I didn't love the other books. But The Bronze Horseman will always hold a special place in my heart!

    2. I've heard a couple people say the same thing about the following books in The Bronze Horseman series, but I'm still anxious to experience them for myself. After I re-read TBH. :)

  7. I enjoy rereading books, too. Hope you find the time for all of these titles soon.

    My TTT.

  8. I actually reread Nine Minutes earlier this year. I did the whole series because I loved it so much. I got in audio from my library. It was a great way to reread. You definitely want to continue the series! So good! And there are spin off novels, too!

    1. Oh wow, I didn't even know about the spin-offs. I definitely want to reread Nine Minutes soon so I can get to the others.

  9. I loved Nine Minutes and Jemima J was excellent! I really loved the message that Jane Green conveyed in that book. You remind me that I haven't read her books for a long time now!

    1. I've sadly fallen out of love with Jane Green over the years. There were 3-4 books in a row that felt like the same story over and over, just recycled with new names and details. And then there was one that I completely disliked. So, even though I loved so many of her early books, I've kind of given up on her. :(

  10. I like to re-read some series every once in a while. You have some really good sounding reads, I can see why you would want to re-read them.

  11. I just picked up a copy of On the Island so I'm glad to hear you loved it!

  12. I don't re-read as often as I would like but one I definitely love to re-read every so often is To Kill a Mockingbird.

    1. Oh wow, what a good one to revisit. It's been many years since I read that one.

  13. I re-read books a lot. I find that I don't really remember details of a story until I have read it at least twice. I have only read one of the books that you listed here though. I guess I have some work to do.

    1. I love that you re-read books so often. I need to make more time for it.

  14. There are a very few books that I feel the need to re- read, but when they come along they're like little treasures. :) And I totally get nostalgia for some favorite childhood reads!

    1. I'd love to devote a few weeks or a month just to re-reading childhood favorites. That would be quite a walk down memory lane.

  15. Like you I don't do many re-reads, but Patricia Brigss' Mercy Thompson and Alpha & Omega was a series I relived through audio. I also have re-read Kristen Ashley's Mountain Men series because I just love it! I want to do a re-read of Kate Daniels soon.

    1. I keep thinking about trying one by Kristen Ashley because I have a friend her *loves* her and read everything she writes. But little snippets and excerpts I've read over the years make me hesitant. I feel like her writing style might not be for me.

  16. Go you for choosing a far more fun theme for this weeks TTT. And what a mix of books to want to revisit. I remember really enjoying Maybe Someday first time I read it but I'm hesitant to reread because I worry it won't give me the same feelings the second time around. And I now feel like I should read Autoboyography for the first time seeing it on here if you're excited about the idea of reading through it again.

    1. Autoboyography was so, so good. It twisted my heart up, the hurt and confusion these boys felt, but there was also great humor and Tanner had a wonderful family. I loved it!

  17. I rarely reread. But now you have me wanting to look for A Candle in Her Room!

    1. It might be tough to find (I think it was released in the 60's) but it certainly made an impact on me as a child.

  18. I definitely re-read books. I just finished re-reading a bunch of Julie Garwood historicals. So good!

    1. I've never read anything by Garwood, but revisiting old favorites is such a great experience.

  19. I reread some books. Since I started getting ARCs there are a lot of books that I won't reread, but some of my favorites I end up wanting to revisit again and again.

    1. Putting this list together made me want to re-read even more! :)

  20. There are so, so many books that I want to re-read, and I try to make time for at least one every month. I re-read the entire ACOTAR series just a month or so after I read through it the first time. ;) Like you, I don't have too many bookmarks, because I just dog-ear my books, or grab something nearby if it's a library book. I did manage to find a few for my TTT though. Five, I think? <3

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. Also, Autoboyography was my first Christina Lauren book too! I really enjoyed it and bought a copy for my shelves as soon as I finished listening to the audio. :)

    2. I think I've read ACOTAR and ACOMAF both twice but ACOWAR only once. So much love for that series. ♥

      I have such a soft spot for Autoboyography. That one really got to me.

  21. Jurassic Park is one that I go to time and time again :)

    1. I've heard great things about the book but I've only seen the movie.

  22. I don't reread nearly as often as I used to - probably because book blogging has opened my eyes to so many books that my TBR overflows. However, I do reread a few books fairly regularly. I read Pride and Prejudice every year. I like to reread Harry Potter and also Twlight. I have a book from my childhood that I need to track down, much like your A Candle in Her Room, and reread it to see how it impacts me as an adult. Mine was by AVI and it was the first book I stayed up all night reading and finished in one night. I only remember bits and pieces though, so I would like to try it again.

    1. I do struggle with making time to reread because I'm constantly thinking, "How can I spend time on a reread when there are so many books I still want to read on my TBR?" But I remind myself that I read for enjoyment - and if rereading a favorite is bringing me joy? Mission accomplished. :) You know, I don't think I've ever reread Twilight. I'm curious how I would view it now.

  23. I both loved and loathed Jemima J. I'm still mad all these years later he didn't recognise her!

    Maybe Someday is one I'm terrified to read. I've read enough to know what happens and I don't know if I can read it for myself. I'll get so mad even at those who don't deserve me being mad at them... Then I'll probably love the bittersweet elements and then I'll die in a cyclone of emotions. I don't like emotional cyclones much.

    1. I know. That aspect was tough. :(

      I know some people have issues with Maybe Someday but I seriously loved it. I was fully on board for the angst. LOL

  24. A Candle In Her Room looks really good. The Jolene Perry novel does too -- I've read a couple of her others and they haven't quite clicked, but I like her writing style so much that I'm sure it's only a matter of time until the right plot hits. And I endorse your On The Island reread hopes, mainly because I paged through it a few weeks ago for the first time in 7 years (IDK why I can't commit to a proper reread, but skimming is close, right?) and I got hit with the same rush of Feelings as before, so I'm betting you will not be disappointed.

    1. Between your comments about On the Island, and me seeing it mentioned on someone's blog just this morning, I feel like the universe is speaking to me. Definitely time for a reread! :)
