The Sunday Post #180

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

  • What a week! Busy, busy, busy and it left little time for reading.
  • On Monday I had an out-patient medical procedure so my day was tied up with that. I spent the rest of the day at home, curled up on the sofa, in recovery mode. But all is well. :)
  • The Husband and I had a meeting after work Tuesday night and by the time that was over and we grabbed some dinner it was 8:30 or 9:00 when we got home.
  • Thursday I woke up feeling under the weather, certain I was coming down with something. I stayed home and took it easy and by Friday I was mostly okay. Thank goodness whatever it was was short-lived. Who has time to get sick?
  • Friday was super-busy at the office (especially after being out on Thursday) and then we had our standing Friday night dinner date with my mom. :)
  • Yesterday was non-stop. We packed way too much into the day and when we stopped to count it up last night we realized we had made twelve stops/errands throughout the day! Two grocery stores, library, gas station, HomeGoods... and on and on. Too much for one day. It was another late one and yet again we didn't get home from dinner until 8:30 or so. 
  • I'm ready for a much more low-key day today! I have my monthly girl's breakfast with my mom and sisters this morning (we get together on the first Sunday of every month). After that I'm coming straight home and don't plan on leaving the house again all day. Me, several loads of laundry, and my book. (Fingers crossed it actually works out that way!)
  • Thanks to everyone who entered the October of Books Giveaway. And congratulations to Sam @ We Live and Breathe Books for winning her choice of book! 
  • And now for this week's 80's music fix: I just discovered Sirius has a whole channel dedicated to George Michael, one of my favorite artists of all time. I imagine it's in conjunction with the release of the movie Last Christmas (which I will definitely be seeing!). So this week I'm sharing my favorite song by George, Kissing a Fool. 

Tuesday, October 29
Top Ten Tuesday: Halloween Edition

Thursday, October 31
WWW Wednesday #67


Not a thing!


It has been a slooow week in reading, my friends. As in, very little reading was accomplished at all. I'm about 40% into The Bromance Book Club. I may not be flying through it, but that's only because of (lack of) time. Because otherwise I am totally charmed by it! Gavin is a sweetheart and his love for his wife and children is so obvious. And the guys in the group are awesome! I'm about three-quarters though Etched in Bone and yesterday had the pleasure of listening to my favorite scene in the entire series. The whole scene was just so very Meg (the main character) and it makes me smile every time.

I'd requested this one ages ago and had given up on getting an arc. And then *bam* on Friday I got the approval. Woo hoo! Katie McGarry is a longtime favorite and never, ever disappoints.


How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. I love doing all my errands and chores on one weekend day so it leaves the other day as a rest day. I hope your Sunday goes as planned and you enjoy your book!

    1. Same here, Danica! It makes for a busy day but it's worth to have the other day to kick back and relax. :)

  2. I hope you get your relaxing day today, you deserve it!!

    1. Thanks Angela - Sunday was definitely a more chill day. :)

  3. You really just need a low-key day every now and then. I've been gone this whole weekend, it was LOADS of fun, but I'm sure to take it easy the next weekend :)

    Wish you a great week!

    1. It's hard to find that balance sometimes but we definitely need the down time.

  4. I know you weren't do many ARCs, but I feel good about the Katie McG book, and well, it's Katie McG. You did more in one day, then I did a month of weekends. I am a total sloth. I try to order online to avoid having to go places. Glad your procedure went well and that you escaped whatever sickness was trying to get you.

    1. Yep, my ARC requesting has come to almost a complete stop. Plus you know I don't read a lot of YA anymore. But I will always make an exception for Katie. :) Saturdays like the last one are few and far between. I'd much rather be at home being a sloth. I love to order online and I think the Amazon Prime drivers could find their way to my house blindfolded. LOL

  5. Hope you have the relaxing day you have planned!!

  6. Wow, just reading your wrap up of the week has me feeling a little exhausted. I hope you manged to sit in and relax on your Sunday after your girl's meal. Sounds like you needed a little down time and maybe spend the day finishing The Bromance Book Club? I just finished it last night and it was such a good book, I was utterly charmed by Gavin, he was a sweetheart.

    1. When I got home from my girls breakfast on Sunday morning I was done for the day. LOL Can you believe I'm still reading Bromance? I love Gavin but it's been slow going. I just haven't felt like reading. :(

  7. I hope you're completely recovered Tanya. The Bromance Book Club is soooo good!

    1. I wish I'd waited to pick up Bromance when I was in a better reading mood. I know it would have changed my reading expereince. I'm in such a slump!

  8. Friends are recommending The Bromance Book Club to me. I may have to read it. I try to do errands around during the week while my daughter is at college or medical appointments so I can just stay home on the weekend. I still have lots of unpacking to do. I hope you will be feeling great this week and reading & relaxing with some good books.

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. There has been a ton of hype around Bromance and so many people love it. It's taking me a while to get through it but I think it's me and not the book.

  9. Damn Tanya I hope next week will be way better and less busy!!!!

  10. I want to see Last Christmas too!
    And I can definitely relate to the busy aspect of things. Saturdays are errand days for us too, and I take my mom grocery shopping and wherever else we need to go... yesterday had multiple stops.

  11. I can't wait to hear what you think of Echoes Between Us!

  12. Wow, you really have had quite the week. I am glad that your procedure went well and you are feeling better after being out sick on Thursday. We tend to try to fit all of our errands into a single day so we can stay home on the other day of the weekend but it can really be exhausting. I actually got my hands on a copy of Echoes Between Us this week as well and can't wait to read it. Have a great week!

    1. Same here, Carole. I always prefer to use one day for errands so I can relax on the other. I just don't typically have quite so many! :) Hopefully we'll both love Echoes Between Us!

  13. Sirius has a George Michael channel? Wow, that's awesome. and Last christmas- can't wait to hear that again at holiday time, that's always a good one. :)

    Holy cats, you have been busy! Hope you had a nice low key day today!

    1. I know, how cool is that? I'm sure it's just because of the Last Christmas movie that's releasing soon (based on his song Last Christmas) but I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts.

  14. Glad the procedure went well! Multiple errands in one day can wear a person out! 12 stops is pretty hectic!

    Hope you can find some time to relax soon :)

    1. Yeah 12 stops was total overkill. LOL Thankfully that's not the norm.

  15. I'm glad your procedure went well and everything is okay! I'm definitely planning on seeing the movie Last Christmas. It looks so good!! I hope you had a nice day yesterday and got some reading time in.


    1. Thanks Lauren! :) I can't wait for Last Christmas... which reminds me I need to look up when it starts.

  16. I thought I was getting sick yesterday but it seems to have passed. *fingers crossed*

    I can't seem to get into reading lately but I have my house closing soon - without a date yet - and I feel like I'm in limbo so that's probably why.

    Karen @ For What It's worth

    1. Fingers crossed that we both dodged the sickness.
      You definitely have a good excuse for no reading mojo... too much else going on!

  17. Thank goodness you didn't get sick! I was less fortunate and caught a nasty virus from my daughter and her kids. It's hard when so much needs to be done on the weekend when all you want to do it rest. Hope your Sunday was a bit more quiet.

    I just finished and loved The Bromance Book Club! Glad to hear you're enjoying it too. :)

    1. Yuck, sorry you got sick, Rachel. Hopefully you'll feeling better by now.

  18. Your week sounds crazy!
    I'm glad the outpatients procedure went well and I'm glad that you managed to shake falling ill before properly falling ill! I agree, no one had time for that!
    I hope Sunday was a nice chilled day like you planned?

    I'm definitely going to see Last Christmas. I just don't know when I'll fit it in as I don't think I have a single weekend between now and Christmas where I don't have something on!

    1. Last Christmas starts here tomorrow and I'd love to go see it then but I just don't think I'll be able to fit it in after work. Maybe this weekend.

  19. I hope that Sunday was as relaxing as you hoped it would be. And glad to hear all is well with the medical procedure. Have a great week!

  20. Replies
    1. I love when that happens with a book... just loving everything about it. :)
